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The next time an Anti says guns should be banned for everyone just ask them what they plan to do when an armed person breaks into their house with the intent to do he and his family harm? When he breaks in with the intention of raping his wife at gun point?

When the criminal is armed and you are not what is your plan to stop the attack? Are you as a husband going to jump in front of your wife and take the bullet for her? Good for you! Now that you are dead he is free to do what he pleases with your family

Meanwhile the psycho who bought his firearm illegally still went out and shot up the local school full of children and there were no armed security personnel to stop him

Tell me again how taking away everyone's guns is a good idea?

All of this does not matter to the deluded; our society is perpetually one more legislation away from Utopia according to them.


Pro Bowler
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Anyone who is Anti gun has never needed one

And that's a fact


Pro Bowler
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All of this does not matter to the deluded; our society is perpetually one more legislation away from Utopia according to them.

Very true

"Man I'm sure glad I didn't have a gun when that guy shot me"
Said no one Ever!


Pro Bowler
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Sorry if I seem a little passionate about the topic but I live in California unfortunately and this state has slowly been taking my gun rights away little by little for my entire life

Eventually the state will succeed and that is the day I move to Texas or Louisiana. I plan to retire in one of those states anyway so it's not a problem for me


High Plains Drifter
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I've generally been a proponent of the 2nd amendment. But at some point, you have to wonder why our country sees this happen every month or so, and other countries with stricter gun laws don't. I know guns don't kill people, people kill people, yada yada. But some of these other countries don't have people killing other people at nearly the rate that we do.

I'm not decided on anything... but it's time to have a serious discussion in my opinion.
Can't have any serious discussion with nutters though, is the problem.

So I'm saying to Rezident Obama:

When your private wet dreams of mass shootings again come true, you can always be relied upon to demagogue it, pander and call for yet more gun restrictions and decry our 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms. All of this in kneejerk fashion, without knowing that:

  • The guns used were purchased LEGALLY - gee, Oregon and the Federal Government's restrictive gun laws didn't work.
  • Shooting once again took place in a "gun-free zone" where even the security guard wasn't armed, much less any of the victims or intended victims.
  • Shooter wasn't some 'right-wing nutjob' in fact, he was much more of your own stripe.

So without knowing any of the facts you act all upset and angry, feigning moral outrage and call for still more of what didn't work! Chided us all and in fact blamed us, because as I paraphrase your comments from yesterday, we've "collectively made a political decision to allow these shootings every few months."

Your comments actually angered me, which is pretty hard to do. You seriously fucking think that nutters and criminals would take heed or pay any attention at all, to gun laws? THIS shooter ignored the fact that his target college was a "gun-free zone." Seems like that didn't work either, right?

Well of course you don't believe more gun laws would work, in fact you don't care about that at all.

The problem is YOU lack the courage and the political will to propose what you really want - which is confiscation of all firearms and the banning nationally, of same. YOU are willing instead, to accept, expect and even WISH for, more mass shootings so you and your cronies on the far left can accomplish your actual goal, covertly and in increments and over generations. Because you're too cowardly to come out and just say what the goal is, what you really believe will fix this issue.

And in fact, you already know this won't fix it either. Because somehow we still have shootings in Australia, where firearm ownership IS banned, and everywhere else you use as a political model for the entire gun issue.

So, no surprise Obama - you are a fucking liar as well as a coward.

I could now trot out all the sayings and slogans, such as 'guns don't kill people, people kill people' but of course anything containing any common sense at all falls on deaf ears. What we're left with is, you and your ilk calling for yet more strict gun laws than already exist and don't work, while you well know because you're not this stupid, that nutters and criminals will IGNORE these and all these more restrictive laws and regulations do is infringe on law abiding citizens. You know, the people you said "bitterly cling to their guns and bibles?" Yeah, those people.

Total and mass infringement of our 2nd Amendment rights is after all, what you really wish you could do. But you're too much of a coward, to actually propose anything overt in that area.

It is YOU puke, and those of your ilk on the anti-gun far left, who have "collectively made a political decision to allow these shootings every few months." Because you vociferously resist any and all common sense attempts to address this problem, and embrace and promote idiocy such as "gun-free zones." And continue to call for, more of the things that clearly, demonstrably do not work.

It is YOU puke, and those of your ilk on the anti-gun far left, who have "become numb to this" as you said, because there's never been a proposal not even one, to address gun violence in the inner cities and urban areas which collectively claim 100 times more victims in a month - in a month - than all of the well publicized mass shootings in the last 10 years combined, have.

YOU have "made a political decision" not to politicize that, not to demagogue that, for reasons only you and your cabal know.

Let me tell you a proposal you can make that I would get behind and support, Mr. Rezident:

Institute a national "buy-back" program not a lot unlike your "cash for clunkers" program which removed any chance for struggling young people to be able to purchase used cars for any reasonable sum. Here's your model, Mr. Rezident.

Get millions of illicit guns off the streets and out of the hands pf perpetrators and would-be perpetrators, illicit sellers and would-be buyers, by offering money for turning guns in - and with a no identification, no questions asked policy. Pay cash or money order on the spot for firearms turned in, working or not. Set prices for them - start at something like $500 for small arms like the "Saturday night special" and go up from there.

The ATF could set this up relatively easily in every major city in the US. Get this funded with 5 billion dollars to start. Every city should have "gun disposal centers" where people can voluntarily and without legal consequence, drop off firearms for cash.

This policy can be reviewed and re-instituted every two years, with audits used to gauge effectiveness and fight any fraud or waste in the program.

My friends on the right are no doubt saying, "yeah right, just throw money at the problem" and I'm saying, "yeah you're right - use the funding power of Congress to artificially inflate the cost of street firearms, just like we did on used cars with cash for clunkers."

Get the guns off the streets and make them difficult to obtain illegally or illicitly. Make them expensive and much more valuable monetarily, than they currently are. Put the restrictions and the difficulty on the criminals, not the law abiding citizens.

That's not just "throwing money at the problem" that's common sense. I know, anathema to you and your ilk, Obama.


High Plains Drifter
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But I would think a good start would be to look at what they are doing in the other countries that don't see mass shootings and the gun violence that we do...
What laws are different in the countries on that list?
None of them have a Bill of Rights or a Second Amendment - pesky little things like that which get in the way of totalitarianism and firearm banning and confiscation.


High Plains Drifter
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I haven’t been following this latest mass shooting. Seems like there is one new one every week. When you look at the gun violence in this country, it’s alarming. People do need guns to fight oppressive governments, but i also understand that when a person is mentally unstable or going through some type of emotional distress, having a gun handy makes it easier to hurt yourself or others. You just have to pull the trigger. I think with all the gun stats, the way America is currently doing things is not working.
I'll nutshell it for you then.

The reason why the shooter chose that College is because one of the brave Americans who stopped the France Train attack went to that school. It was payback.

All of the firearms involved and the ones he had at his apartment were purchased legally, all gun laws federal and state, followed. Except for that pesky "gun free zone" part.

The reason why he asked each victim about their religious beliefs before he shot these Christians in the head was because its against Islam to kill another Muslim.

The reason why it took so long for the shooters name to come out was because Obama and the Media had to clean up as much as they could before releasing the name. Then create a better story that fits the agenda. Had this been some redneck, there would have been no delay at all and no whitewashing.

The reason why you don't know that his mother is Black was because it just harder to spin and doesn't fit so neatly in to the picture they are trying to paint about the shooter.

There ya go.


Pro Bowler
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The only thing that a gun free zone does is let the criminal know where it is safe for him to commit the crime

Plain and simple


High Plains Drifter
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When the topic is homicide, by all means not just firearms - countries with more gun ownership have far fewer homicides. Infographic - the correlation between world wide homicide per capita and gun ownership is actually the opposite of what's generally thought. This according to the UN:

Banning guns doesn't stop murder. It's actually the opposite. Furthermore, the cities in America with by far the most gun-related deaths, are also the ones with the most restrictive gun laws.

Infographic 2 - gun violence rate historically, actually increases when stricter gun laws are enacted, and decreases when restrictions are lessened:

Won't we ever learn? How much more "research" do we need?


Pro Bowler
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Politicians don't need logic, science, or actual facts to take our rights away

Just public sentiment
Oftentimes they don't even need that


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Obama in 2008:

“I just want to be absolutely clear. Alright, So I don’t want any misunderstanding when you all go home and you are talking to your buddies and you say, ah ‘He wants to take your guns away.’ You’ve heard it here, I’m on television so everybody knows it. I believe in the Second Amendment. I believe in people’s lawful right to bear arms. I will not take your shotgun away. I will not take your rifle away. I won’t take your handgun away.”

all of his commitments come with an expiration date


High Plains Drifter
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Obummer said:
I just want to be absolutely clear.
I lampooned this back in 2009. Click to play audio:

Nobody's stopping you from being clear, you fucking dolt. Nobody except you. So there's no need to ask to let be clear. Just BE fucking clear.

God, I hate this fuck.


Quality Starter
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I don't have a dog in the fight -- I'm not a gun guy, don't own one and probably never would (except maybe a shotgun to go bird hunting) -- but this morning I almost posted something similar to what mid said. I suspect our violent culture has a lot to do with it. Pretty sure euro kids aren't exposed to nearly as much violence on TV, movies, and video games at such a young age as ours are. I don't know the solution, but that can't be good for a young mind.

And they were talking about the notoriety aspect on the radio this morning. It's too bad they can't do like streakers at ball games and refuse to show or even mention them on TV, because there surely would be more copycats if those idiots got more attention. Not sure how to keep such things from people in the internet age, though.
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TE you seem like someone under the age of 70 but you listen to A LOT of radio, so I am not completely sure.


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Obama in 2008:

“I just want to be absolutely clear. Alright, So I don’t want any misunderstanding when you all go home and you are talking to your buddies and you say, ah ‘He wants to take your guns away.’ You’ve heard it here, I’m on television so everybody knows it. I believe in the Second Amendment. I believe in people’s lawful right to bear arms. I will not take your shotgun away. I will not take your rifle away. I won’t take your handgun away.”

all of his commitments come with an expiration date

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Why would that dinosaur wonder about that when neither guns nor cars existed when they did?
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