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Millions of children have been prescribed mind altering drugs because the government mandated education system said they need them. Turns out those drugs aren't so good for them.

Bingo. Psychotropic drugs are a common thread among these people, because an energetic kid who wouldn’t sit still long enough for impatient parents/teachers were diagnosed as having mental problems, only to be prescribed these awful drugs to shut them up. The consequences are not too surprising.


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Why have other developed countries "fixed" it then? ... At least at a rate FAR below the rate we see in the US.

How many of those countries have a constitution guaranteeing it's citizens the right to own a firearm?

id also be interested in the murder rates per capita of those countries as a whole. Not just gun murders.
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Our constitution prohibited alcohol at one point. It wasn't written in stone. There's plenty of stats that show something serious needs to change because the current way isn't working. Probably making it harder to get a gun than a driver's license is a good start.


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Our constitution prohibited alcohol at one point. It wasn't written in stone. There's plenty of stats that show something serious needs to change because the current way isn't working. Probably making it harder to get a gun than a driver's license is a good start.


But what happened with prohibition? You had people breaking those laws, people who break laws are criminals. Criminals will still find a way to get around laws and do terrible shit.

That's why this argument over gun control is so fucked up. If there was a way to wave a magic wand and make all guns disappear from the face of the earth, that would be awesome. There's just no amount of gun control policy that will wipe out all the horrible shit that goes on with gun violence.

I really wish this wasn't a political topic. I think more strict gun laws are needed, but I'd also like to see more places like schools and churches protected by guns. There's a double edged sword there too. What if the guy with a gun at school who's supposed to be protecting it has a bad week and decides to blow some kids away? It's just a fucked up situation that isn't easily fixed no matter what you do.

My my daughter will be going to school in a little over a year, I've never been for home schooling, I think those kids turn out kind of quirky, but I'm strongly considering home school for her.


High Plains Drifter
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Why have other developed countries "fixed" it then?
As I showed before, countries where guns are banned or highly restricted still have a higher homicide rate per capita than the US. This counts all methods of course. Again I am talking about the problem of homicide, not just homicide with a firearm as the tool of choice for it.

Obviously banning guns does not reduce homicide rates. IF homicide is really what you care about.


High Plains Drifter
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Probably making it harder to get a gun than a driver's license is a good start.
Meanwhile like all other gun restrictions and laws, there's a important flaw - criminals and nutters tend to fucking ignore your restrictions and laws.

Wait, they don't tend to, they just do.

Only law abiding people are therefore affected.


Pro Bowler
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There is no gun regulation that ever has removed guns from the hands of the criminal. It only serves to remove guns from the hands of law abiding citizens


High Plains Drifter
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If there was a way to wave a magic wand and make all guns disappear from the face of the earth, that would be awesome.
But, there would still be murder. There would still be mass murder. Just different tools used.


Pro Bowler
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What DD said about guns being a tool is spot on. That's all it is. Guns are not evil, nor do they have good nor bad intentions. They are inanimate objects.

Unfortunately they are most often the tool of choice for mass murder because they are impersonal and effective.

The criminal can keep their distance, aim and pull the trigger. Whereas the use of bare hands, a knife, a club or what have you requires the killer to get up close and personal with the victim which is more difficult both physically and emotionally for the assailant.


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Maybe so. That's why I said I'd be interested in seeing what the per capita murder numbers are compared to these other countries.


High Plains Drifter
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What DD said about guns being a tool is spot on. That's all it is. Guns are not evil, nor do they have good nor bad intentions. They are inanimate objects.
A firearm is a tool for putting a lead slug on a target. It does not choose the target and also implies no intent. The choice of the target and the intent is solely the act of the user of the tool.

The anti-gun cabal tries to anthropomorphize firearms. Meanwhile murders happen using knives, axes, hammers, automobiles....


High Plains Drifter
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The annoying thing is, after these "mass shootings" all we get are howls for more of the same stuff that hasn't worked at all... And never has a specific law been created in the wake of events such as these, that could have or would have prevented the event, had such law been in effect at the time of the event!
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As I showed before, countries where guns are banned or highly restricted still have a higher homicide rate per capita than the US. This counts all methods of course. Again I am talking about the problem of homicide, not just homicide with a firearm as the tool of choice for it.

Obviously banning guns does not reduce homicide rates. IF homicide is really what you care about.
I specifically said developed countries for a reason. The homicide rate in The Congo or Ethiopia has jack and shit to do with the gun debate. The infographic you posted doesn't even support your position... the map identifies countries by gun ownership rates. It doesn't identify which countries have banned or restricted the ownership of guns. It identifies countries with high homicide rates only... and includes countries that aren't industrialized, are steeped in poverty, and have less effective and more corrupt judicial systems.
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The criminal can keep their distance, aim and pull the trigger. Whereas the use of bare hands, a knife, a club or what have you requires the killer to get up close and personal with the victim which is more difficult both physically and emotionally for the assailant.
These are just some of the reasons why you don't get "mass murders" with bare hands, knives, clubs, forks, or whatever the fuck else.


High Plains Drifter
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I specifically said developed countries for a reason. The homicide rate in The Congo or Ethiopia has jack and shit to do with the gun debate. The infographic you posted doesn't even support your position... the map identifies countries by gun ownership rates. It doesn't identify which countries have banned or restricted the ownership of guns. It identifies countries with high homicide rates only... and includes countries that aren't industrialized, are steeped in poverty, and have less effective and more corrupt judicial systems.
Because it is about homicide, not just homicide by gun. But yes I understand your point.

But the overall point it makes is, people are going to find ways to murder, maim and tools to use to do it in a "mass" way, "mass" if we count let's say, at least 4 victims in one incident?

The fact is that where we in the US have the most strict gun laws is where we have the most gun-involved homicides.

The fact is that every single gun law passed hasn't dons jack shit to help this problem.

The fact is that every time there is a well publicized shooting incident, idiots come out of the woodwork proposing more of the same shit that hasn't worked.

My earlier post was way too long I fear, because clearly you didn't read MY proposal to try to help this issue. Please do so using your lawyer mind, I would be interested to hear your take on my idea.

Post #26. The proposal starts 7 paragraphs from the end of the post.
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