
Reaction score
Also, you can have all the assault rifles that you want. If our government decides to take over your home, it won't even result in a gun battle. You and all your guns will get droned down.

We have them outnumbered by a shit ton. That's the whole point behind us being able to bear arms.


Draft Pick
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We will be there soon enough if we allow comprehensive gun control to happen. We will not be able to defend ourselves, so we would have to look to other countries to please please please please come help us since we can't help ourselves.

We have them outnumbered by a shit ton. That's the whole point behind us being able to bear arms.

I'm not sure what you are trying to say. Do you honestly believe that gun ownership is an actual deterrent to the US Government doing whatever it is you think they'd do if people didn't have guns?

First and foremost, from a practical standpoint having greater numbers doesn't account for shit if the opponent has greater weapons. Imagine a couple Abrams tanks all of a sudden dropping out of the sky at Gettysburg. That's pretty much what it would be like.

Secondly, the entire situation hinges on the assumption that they would even want to change anything and I'm not sure why they'd even want to do that. Risk their utopian system where idiots elect them to positions they're too corrupt to deserve in the first place and positions that pay them nicely while allowing them to game the system as they rake in money hand over fist by selling their support and rarely, if ever, having to be held responsible for all the poor decisions they make?

Who the fuck would want to change that?

There's plenty of good arguments for gun ownership. Maintaining some false sense of power sure as fuck isn't one of them. If it came down to it, they'd either kill every person opposed to them or concede so they didn't have to do so.
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I didn't really understand his points either.

I will say, it's no coincidence that the people who strictly want to continue to misinterpret an amendment written post-war 200+ years ago, are the same who ignorantly follow a storybook of fables written 2000+ years ago.

Nonetheless, this goes beyond politics at this point. Just take a step back and try to figure out how best to prevent these recurrent massacres.

The NRA machine has had 30+ years to tweak it their way, and things are only getting worse now. No doubt they've attempted to make changes and support leglislation to make minimize senseless tragedies, but it's clearly not working when the nation leads the rest of the world in gun violence 20 times over. They also have zero credibility when their own members come out and admit that it's simply capitalism, and they don't really believe any of the bullshit that spews from their mouths.

It's time to try a different approach. The data--particularly in Japan and Australia--shows that this can be rapidly fixed. It's not guesswork or theories.
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I will say, it's no coincidence that the people who strictly want to continue to misinterpret an amendment written post-war 200+ years ago, are the same who ignorantly follow a storybook of fables written 2000+ years ago.


~Berman head swing~



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Proof that it works in other countries? Have you not read this thread. I've cited Australia, China, Germany, England and Japan already.

There are only 23 "developed" nations and the US has more gun violence than the other 22 nations combined. That's clearly not an anomaly. The most troublesome aspect is that it's only getting worse and worse.


I've looked through the thread, I see some article on Australia and how a tightened law on certain types of weapons may have helped, but I still think the bigger problem is people that WANT to do something like this WILL find a way to get what they want. If its not with guns, they might choose to start making homemade bombs, or homemade chemical weapons.

The problem I have with the "get guns off the market!" crowd is that the guns dont make the people commit crimes. The people commit the crimes.

Maybe some gun control laws will help a little (ie, I totally support getting automatic weapons/assualt rifles out of the public marketplace) but until we make our punishment system fit the crimes committed people are going to continue to do these kinds of things.


Pro Bowler
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What happens in England if the people finally are like "F that old bitch, I hate the way this country is being run" and want to do something to try to seriously change things? What are their options? This is a serious question. What do they do?

And don't give me that "gotta change things one vote at a time" bullshit. I'm talking a mass reason for change where a vote ain't helping. Kinda like in our country.
I'm sure it would be so helpful if they went up against some of the most advanced militaries in the world with guns they bought at outdoor world.


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The point was if we give up the automatic weapons as well we just swing the pendulum even further into the govt's favor. And, I'm not talking about the govt wanting to change things, I'm talking about the people wanting to change things.


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Headline on MSN under breaking news right now, Indiana man with 47 guns arrested after making threats against elementary school.
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Maybe some gun control laws will help a little (ie, I totally support getting automatic weapons/assualt rifles out of the public marketplace) but until we make our punishment system fit the crimes committed people are going to continue to do these kinds of things.

David, you do realize that most of the shooters have been committing suicide right?

You wanna tear and feather their corpses?

Bob Sacamano

Reaction score
Unfortunately no, there isnt.

Just like outlawing drugs doesnt prevent addicts from getting them, no types of gun control laws will prevent people who WANT a gun from getting it some way or another. The sad fact is bad people will find a way to get guns and use them if they want to.

Again, you cannot eliminate a blackmarket for anything, so you can't use that as an excuse to throw up your hands on the issue of gun control. These mass-shootings aren't being carried out by people with Saturday Night Specials. They were using guns that were legally bought. Guns that contained massive firepower. Guns that shouldn't be in the hands of regular joes who like all people, have problems that they are unable to deal with, without the use of violence against other people.
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Bob Sacamano

Reaction score
I've looked through the thread, I see some article on Australia and how a tightened law on certain types of weapons may have helped, but I still think the bigger problem is people that WANT to do something like this WILL find a way to get what they want. If its not with guns, they might choose to start making homemade bombs, or homemade chemical weapons.

The problem I have with the "get guns off the market!" crowd is that the guns dont make the people commit crimes. The people commit the crimes.

Maybe some gun control laws will help a little (ie, I totally support getting automatic weapons/assualt rifles out of the public marketplace) but until we make our punishment system fit the crimes committed people are going to continue to do these kinds of things.

So you're saying it's more humane to have your kids slaughtered by a glock 9mm as opposed to a pipe bomb?


Reaction score
Again, you cannot eliminate a blackmarket for anything, so you can't use that as an excuse to throw up your hands on the issue of gun control. These mass-shootings aren't being carried out by people with Saturday Night Specials. They were using guns that were legally bought. Guns that contained massive firepower. Guns that shouldn't be in the hands of regular joes who like all people, have problems that they are unable to deal with, without the use of violence against other people.

And as I asked yesterdya, didnt the gun/s this guy used belong to his mom?

How would stricter gun control laws have made a difference yesterday?
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