
Super Moderator
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The key word here is "accidents".

Stark contract to a soaring rate of intentional gun violence.

So who is going to be the arbiter of where we draw the line? Sorry, I don't want some limp dicks in Washington to decide what rights they'll take from me today. The death of 20 children and the adults is horrific. But it draws everyone's attention because it's so visual and now our focus is on the weapon(s) as opposed to the nut job who committed the crime. That's the issue here. Kids overdose at an alarming rate and there's a movement in this country to legalize drugs. That makes absolutely no sense to me. Gun control is just the liberal cause of the day.
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I think gun control is a great idea. Because if I ever wanted to murder a whole bunch of people, the fact that having a gun is illegal might disuade me from doing so.


Pro Bowler
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^ Assault rifles should be banned. I'm sorry, only the military needs those.

And people need to stop sitting back and watching while dozens of people around them get slaughtered for fuck's sake.


Pro Bowler
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Yeah i don't get the argument against whether control works. If you look at crime statistics from nations with strict gun control its obvious that it does.

In addition, those countries citizens have yet to be enslaved by the military because they had theirguns taken away and were unable to defend themselves, which is what the well armed militia lunatics seem so terrified of. If the government comes knocking they won't have their 12 gauge to defend themselves against the automatic rifles or whatever.

There's no good reason for anyone to have a gun. And i think eventually we'll realize that any superficial benefit is far outweighed by the risk.
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I got to be honest, I haven't paid this story any attention. I don't have the heart for it. My son is 5, and I spent this past Friday at his school helping with his class Christmas party. To think that there was some dickbag shooting up kids that age at that very time disturbs the fuck out of me. So I'm just going to put this story on ignore.


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Yeah i don't get the argument against whether control works. If you look at crime statistics from nations with strict gun control its obvious that it does.

In addition, those countries citizens have yet to be enslaved by the military because they had theirguns taken away and were unable to defend themselves, which is what the well armed militia lunatics seem so terrified of. If the government comes knocking they won't have their 12 gauge to defend themselves against the automatic rifles or whatever.

There's no good reason for anyone to have a gun. And i think eventually we'll realize that any superficial benefit is far outweighed by the risk.

Show proof or stop with the outlandish statements


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Yeah i don't get the argument against whether control works. If you look at crime statistics from nations with strict gun control its obvious that it does.

In addition, those countries citizens have yet to be enslaved by the military because they had theirguns taken away and were unable to defend themselves, which is what the well armed militia lunatics seem so terrified of. If the government comes knocking they won't have their 12 gauge to defend themselves against the automatic rifles or whatever.

There's no good reason for anyone to have a gun. And i think eventually we'll realize that any superficial benefit is far outweighed by the risk.

No good reason for anyone to have a gun. lol

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Show proof or stop with the outlandish statements

Proof that it works in other countries? Have you not read this thread. I've cited Australia, China, Germany, England and Japan already.

There are only 23 "developed" nations and the US has more gun violence than the other 22 nations combined. That's clearly not an anomaly. The most troublesome aspect is that it's only getting worse and worse.



Pro Bowler
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I'll never forget seeing Demolition Man in 1994 where guns were only in museums. I think we'll eventually get to that point. I'm all for confiscating guns here and shipping them to the Middle East. I would gladly give up mine for that.


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What happens in England if the people finally are like "F that old bitch, I hate the way this country is being run" and want to do something to try to seriously change things? What are their options? This is a serious question. What do they do?

And don't give me that "gotta change things one vote at a time" bullshit. I'm talking a mass reason for change where a vote ain't helping. Kinda like in our country.


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What happens in England if the people finally are like "F that old bitch, I hate the way this country is being run" and want to do something to try to seriously change things? What are their options? This is a serious question. What do they do?

And don't give me that "gotta change things one vote at a time" bullshit. I'm talking a mass reason for change where a vote ain't helping. Kinda like in our country.

They'd do what the Syrian and Libyan rebels did: ask for US help.


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They'd do what the Syrian and Libyan rebels did: ask for US help.

We will be there soon enough if we allow comprehensive gun control to happen. We will not be able to defend ourselves, so we would have to look to other countries to please please please please come help us since we can't help ourselves.


Pro Bowler
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We don't have a lot of oil here with dictators who want to change how oil is traded from the dollar to gold dinar. That's why Iraq and Libya were bombed. There's no reason anyone would want to invade us or stir up conflict other than they hate us, and I'm sure quite a few people do. We stirred up conflict in Libya and supplied the rebels with weapons and training then finished things off with airstrikes when it was obvious they would lose. We're doing the same thing in Syria so Israel and Iran will be able to fight one on one without Syria intervening.
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Uhh y'all realize that the queen of England doesn't actually make political decisions there I hope.

Also, you can have all the assault rifles that you want. If our government decides to take over your home, it won't even result in a gun battle. You and all your guns will get droned down.

It's also interesting how there has never been some version of Keifer Sutherland there to stop these massacres, despite the NRA's insistence that Americans should be armed to protect themselves in society. It's just a scare tactic to sell more guns for profit.

300 million guns out there, and all of these massacres have gone off without a hitch. Time to try a different approach.


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Uhh y'all realize that the queen of England doesn't actually make political decisions there I hope.

Dude, it was just an analogy. I used old bitch as a reference point in the analogy to reference the govt in England.

Of course she's not the actual govt.
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