
High Plains Drifter
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Or maybe it was because Friday was the first day after the RNC ended?
On the heels of Trump's acceptance of his nomination. I covered that initially. It actually helps quash this, everyone's talking about Trump still.

Because they actually came out the very next morning, at like 10:30 am.
This story "broke" at 5pm eastern time, like it was timed to do. It hasn't grown any legs at all yet, as it isn't meant to.


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You are literally out of your mind, or don't know what Assange is about, if you don't think this was and is intended to "grow legs".


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This isn't going to fall through the cracks and disappear over the weekend.


High Plains Drifter
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You are literally out of your mind, or don't know what Assange is about, if you don't think this was and is intended to "grow legs".
This isn't going to fall through the cracks and disappear over the weekend.
We shall see.

If it grows legs now, it doesn't really hurt Hillary. Only way it hurts Hillary is if Bernie throws a big fit, maybe even goes to court. He's too good of a soldier to do that. BUT, had this been released 2 weeks ago, not only does he not endorse Hillary, he changes the entire conversation in the (D) party in his direction. Superdelegates bailing, all that. And the calculation of the Assanges of the world is, if Bernie gets the (D) nomination Trump wins the WH.

"Worse" thing that comes from this, is Wasserman-Shultz resigns as head of the DNC soon after the convention.


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I thought one of the things in the emails was that Hillary (through aides, of course) threatened Bernie that if he didn't endorse her, they'd vote down every one of the planks he'd fought so hard for.

Anyway, I also thought the Russians were the ones feeding all this to Wikileaks. They threatened it weeks ago when the DOJ was dragging its feet on the Hillary server investigation. And by all accounts they want Trump to win.

Another element: They've said there is more to come. What we got was probably just an appetizer.


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Trump would lose by 15 points to Sanders.

Nobody in their right mind who wants Trump, also wants him running against Sanders. That's my opinion.

There will be a moment on the DNC floor like there was 4 years ago when they purposely left out God and Jerusalem out of their platform.

Sanders may may swallow a big pill and leave his followers with no leader, but that doesn't mean his followers will turn out in November.

The RNC convention went really well, this leak, IMO, was released now to try and throw a wrench in DNC convention, starting with the meetings. Bernie has a massive decision on his hands now. Either show his followers that he stands with them, or show them that he'll stand against the very corruption he railed against all this time.

My guess is he's going to go with a "yeah, but Trump" argument. Not sure that's enough.


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Another element: They've said there is more to come. What we got was probably just an appetizer.

I would guess this is 100% right. I doubt very much this was the "smoking gun". I think more releases will follow. There has to be some alarming corruption in those emails somewhere. Maybe Hillary(through a staffer maybe) speaking out of both sides of her mouth about LBGTQ rights, or even Blacks and Mexicans.


as as aside, did you watch much of the RNC convention? Are you still never trump? I'm genuinely curious as I haven't read a lot about the reaction of people who were against him beforehand. Independents seemed to be swayed, but they aren't proving to be as hard to bring along as conservatives are.


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Wait, what?

No way. Why do you say that?

Maybe not 15 points, I'm using some hyperbole there, but I think it would be a walk in the park for him.

I think way more Hillary supporters would turn out for him than Sanders supporters will turn out for her. It's the same way Obama got elected. I happen to think Sanders could produce something closer to the Obama voter model than she can.


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I'm not a Never Trumper. Never was. I like a lot of what he says, especially on taxes, being pro-business, and some aspects of immigration.

I don't like what he has to say about free trade and the wall and some other things. But most of all I just wish he didn't go so wheels off every once in a while like he does. Not sure he has the personality to put up with all the attacks and the sheer level of stress he'll experience. In that regard, I wish he were 10 years younger.

I also sort of wonder how badly he truly wants to be president. That story about him supposedly letting Kasich know if he were veep he could decide policy doesn't surprise me.

So I think he's very flawed, but I'd never want Hillary over him.


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Basically the only voter demographic he would spend 3 months trying to sure up is the African Americans.

Am I crazy?


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I'm not a Never Trumper. Never was. I like a lot of what he says, especially on taxes, being pro-business, and some aspects of immigration.

I don't like what he has to say about free trade and the wall and some other things. But most of all I just wish he didn't go so wheels off every once in a while like he does. Not sure he has the personality to put up with all the attacks and the sheer level of stress he'll experience. In that regard, I wish he were 10 years younger.

I also sort of wonder how badly he truly wants to be president. That story about him supposedly letting Kasich know if he were veep he could decide policy doesn't surprise me.

So I think he's very flawed, but I'd never want Hillary over him.

Kasich was idiotic if he passed that up. He could have set himself up for a nice run at the WH himself, kept Hillary out, done the country a lot of good and instead chose to act childish like the other establishment Reps who didnt go to the convention. Times are a changing and the old guard will be phased out.


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I'm not a Never Trumper. Never was. I like a lot of what he says, especially on taxes, being pro-business, and some aspects of immigration.

I don't like what he has to say about free trade and the wall and some other things. But most of all I just wish he didn't go so wheels off every once in a while like he does. Not sure he has the personality to put up with all the attacks and the sheer level of stress he'll experience. In that regard, I wish he were 10 years younger.

I also sort of wonder how badly he truly wants to be president. That story about him supposedly letting Kasich know if he were veep he could decide policy doesn't surprise me.

So I think he's very flawed, but I'd never want Hillary over him.

Oh shit, sorry, my mistake.

I've been with him from day one. I don't pretend there aren't warts, there are. And some of the things you dislike about him are things I like about him.

I respect Peplaw a great deal, and I think he has valid arguments against Trump. He won't like what I'm about to say, but my main concern is the SCOTUS appointees.

He could be right on his position(s) on Trump. The problem is, we know, without a single doubt, Hillary will tip the scales for 20-30 years in that regard


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I think you guys underestimate how much society has shifted towards an attitude of entitlement.


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You're not that far off, sheik. Most of my posts on here have been against Trump -- Pep and I have agreed on most of that stuff. I didn't vote for him in the primary, either. But I'd go for him over Hillary (or the avowed socialist, for that matter) 100 times out of 100.

Also, I don't think Bernie would beat Trump. I've come to believe that all the support online for him is a function of the youth of his supporters. Older people just aren't online, or if they are they're exchanging recipes and not on reddit. But they're voting.

We may and probably will be screwed in the future as our kids are brainwashed into socialism, but I don't think we're there yet.


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I think you guys underestimate how much society has shifted towards an attitude of entitlement.

While true I dont think Bernie could have won. Its why the Dims chose Hillary with all of her baggage over him. A Bernie nomination would have gifted the Reps the presidency.


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I could be wrong, and that's fine. I just don't have faith in liberal democrats.

We'll never know because Sanders never even tried to bring up the reasons for her negatives and drive them home. He's too decent of a person I think.

Same reason I don't think he'll raise much of an issue about these leaked back stabbings.
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