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Nate silver says 285 electoral votes for Trump. That's his latest prediction.

I bet he exceeds 300 pretty easy when all is daid and done.

He's going to win PA and probably Ohio too. He'll win a number of the other swing states and I bet he steals a few traditional democrat states in the end too.

She'll only win the most ultra ****** areas of the country.


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Yep, Dooms is still beating that drum.

Dooms, do you anything about Assange and his opinions about Hillary? This has caused a great deal of shit already. You have DWS losing her post, other high ranking officials losing theirs as well. Bernie protesters promising to actively campaign against Clinton over this.

This stuff was timed perfectly. This isn't the last of the leaks either, you have to believe there are extremely damning leaks on the way. The only way the left and media can spin this is to say "yeah cuz Russia wants Trump!".


High Plains Drifter
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media can spin this is to say "yeah cuz Russia wants Trump!".
Yeah that rings hollow since Russia isn't the one releasing the emails, or even controlling them. Assange is.
Dooms, do you anything about Assange and his opinions about Hillary?
Yeah, I know she is massively more preferable to him, than Trump is. This is why he didn't release this stuff 3 weeks ago - you would have Bernie as the Dem nominee if he had. And there's no way Bernie can win the WH and Assange knows that.
This has caused a great deal of shit already. You have DWS losing her post, other high ranking officials losing theirs as well. Bernie protesters promising to actively campaign against Clinton over this.
All of which, i said would happen. But what's NOT happening? Hillary will still be the nominee. That's the point.
This isn't the last of the leaks either, you have to believe there are extremely damning leaks on the way.
Last night Assange said there is more - proving he's been sitting on them - but there is NO way he is trying to help Trump, or in any way wants Trump elected President. Surely, you're not saying that or thinking that.

Assange controls this data, and is spoonfeeding it out on his own timing, to achieve the result he prefers. NOT to help Trump.


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He doesn't like Hillary. Thinks she's a war-hark.

I'm not sure he cares much for Trump either.

The question the media is asking is not who released them, but who is behind the hack. They blame Russia for giving over the info.


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Assange is absolutely doing this to hurt Hillary. If not, he would throw it all out on the table now and get it over with. Instead, he'll keep feeding the media a steady diet of this shit over the next few months to keep the negative narrative on Hillary.

Wether or not he prefers Trump is irrelevant at this point. If he's hurting Hillary, he's helping Trump.


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The question the media is asking is not who released them, but who is behind the hack. They blame Russia for giving over the info.

Yeah andf of course they think Trump is in cahoots with the Russians and their spin is "Putin wants Trump to win"

But it was Hillary and her shitass Clinton Foundation that banked something like 140+ mils for the uranium deal she got ok'd. It was also her great "Russian reset" deal. And of course she set up the least secure email servers ever, making it easy for the Russians to steal any and all secrets they wanted. if anything, the Russians love her and want someone as corrupt, careless and stupid as she is running us, not someone like Trump.


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I'm not a Never Trumper. Never was. I like a lot of what he says, especially on taxes, being pro-business, and some aspects of immigration.

I don't like what he has to say about free trade and the wall and some other things. But most of all I just wish he didn't go so wheels off every once in a while like he does. Not sure he has the personality to put up with all the attacks and the sheer level of stress he'll experience. In that regard, I wish he were 10 years younger.

I also sort of wonder how badly he truly wants to be president. That story about him supposedly letting Kasich know if he were veep he could decide policy doesn't surprise me.

So I think he's very flawed, but I'd never want Hillary over him.

This is exactly how I feel about this whole mess.


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I'll personally fly to the Ecuador Embassy and suck Assange's dick if he leaks emails between the Clinton's and Lorretta Lynch proving the FBI investigation was corrupt.

Balls in your court, Assange.



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So, wait... Assange despises Hillary, yet released potentially dooming info at a time where he knew if would get less pub, because, what... he doesn't really hate Hillary and wanted the shit to stay on the D/L, but at the same time wanted to release the info because he wanted it out there? My fucking head is spinning.


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It's not hard to follow Assange's intentions. I know you know that.

There was no better time to release them, IMO. Unless of course they had the dirt in April and sat on it, but if they had it after the primary was sewn up, which if I remember right was early to mid May, there was no need to let the Democrat convention go off without a hitch.

I mean, look at what has transpired. Just in time to get Wasserman-Shultz fired, and enough time for Bernie supports to catch a bus and hitchhike to Philly.

I don't see a timing issue here. I'm sure Hillary would have loved for the stuff to be a month or two old.


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And best of all? ? ?

Shultz is already employed by Hillary again. You cannot write the script any better.


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That came off really bad, I shouldn't assume you agree with me on how Assange went about this.
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It's kind of like what they did with the Priests who diddled the little kids, just relocate them and ignore the corrupt aspect of the whole situation.
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So, wait... Assange despises Hillary, yet released potentially dooming info at a time where he knew if would get less pub, because, what... he doesn't really hate Hillary and wanted the shit to stay on the D/L, but at the same time wanted to release the info because he wanted it out there? My fucking head is spinning.


Sometimes you got to remember that Doomsday once thought that a 6 win team could win the division, provided those 6 wins were the divisional games. So... you know...


Super Moderator
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So the FBI is investigating the DNC e-mail hack and they've already pointed the finger at the Russians but they couldn't get the goods on Hillary after a year long investigation. They suck. Political hacks.


High Plains Drifter
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Sometimes you got to remember that Doomsday once thought that a 6 win team could win the division, provided those 6 wins were the divisional games. So... you know...
Are you a victim of lead paint eating as a child? Have Down's Syndrome or some shit? Or do you simply just not comprehend anything you read? It was FOUR games, numbskull - and it actually could happen. Do the fucking math.
So the FBI is investigating the DNC e-mail hack and they've already pointed the finger at the Russians but they couldn't get the goods on Hillary after a year long investigation. They suck. Political hacks.
Ohhhh yeah they suddenly gone be super sleuths on this one, know that. (Their conclusion will be manufactured, not a shred of proof offered, but they WILL point this at Trump.)
So, wait... Assange despises Hillary, yet released potentially dooming info at a time where he knew if would get less pub, because, what... he doesn't really hate Hillary and wanted the shit to stay on the D/L, but at the same time wanted to release the info because he wanted it out there?
Not what I am saying at all.
Unless of course they had the dirt in April and sat on it
They did.

One last time. Assange timed the release of this information so as not to damage Hillary's nomination, because even the most committed hard leftists know Bernie would LOSE in the General, and Hillary probably defeats Trump.

No matter how much Assange despises Hillary, she is still a (D) and therefore extremely highly favorable over any (R).

Had Assange released this 3 weeks ago before Bernie caved and while he was being pressured to cave, we got a whole different outcome. We probably wind up with Bernie as the Dem Nom. (This is THEIR thinking not mine. This is what I believe THEIR calculation was.)

At any rate, if it is true there is more to come, then it is VERIFIED they sit on this stuff and release it only to have the impact and effect they desire.

How is the italics above, a stretch in any way?
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