
Pro Bowler
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Enjoy the Bear spray while you can, its only a matter of time until there's a mass bear spraying event and it will cancel this shit too because laws written on paper stop crimes, not guns or bear spray
^^ that was a joke Dooms^^

I didn't claim it was a good one


High Plains Drifter
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A mass bear spray event?
It being made illegal to use on humans for self defense or any reason. Like how they did pepper spray. Dude does a home invasion, you end it with pepper spray, you wind up in jail same as the perps.


Pro Bowler
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It being made illegal to use on humans for self defense or any reason. Like how they did pepper spray. Dude does a home invasion, you end it with pepper spray, you wind up in jail same as the perps.


I was making a joke about a mass bear spray event which I'll bet never happens so I have no idea what you're going on about


High Plains Drifter
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Beside that, I've been watching Johnny Carson every weeknight for about the last month. You have some really stiff competition in the humor department.


Pro Bowler
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Beside that, I've been watching Johnny Carson every weeknight for about the last month. You have some really stiff competition in the humor department.

I know where I stand in the pantheon of comedians; I'm worse than the bottom of the barrel, I'm the sludge underneath


High Plains Drifter
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I know where I stand in the pantheon of comedians; I'm worse than the bottom of the barrel, I'm the sludge underneath
But seriously, you got the "wow" for the picture in my mind of a bunch of bears spraying each other with cans of bear spray.


Pro Bowler
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CA's gun laws are what the Dems want the rest of the country to look like. This isn't just conjecture, this is their declaration. Cuntala has declared it herself.

I have continuously had my gun rights slowly (and sometimes not so slowly) ripped from me over the years. It's a kin to beating a dead horse. They just keep picking and picking and slowly taking my gun rights away a little bit at a time so that I hardly even notice it anymore. If you want a laugh, take a look at what a CA legal AR is.

Take a look at the stock and paddle type grips that CA requires now. It's a fucking joke. The gun does exactly what it would do without the retarded stock and daffy duck paddle grip. It is still a semi auto rifle that goes bang each time you pull the trigger. This law did fuckall to make the AR platform less lethal or less effective. It serves absolutely no purpose other than to make some shit for brains politician sleep better at night wrongfully thinking that they did something to make a difference!

Not one of the Dems proposed gun control laws does a single thing to take guns out of the hands of criminals. Nor does it do anything to keep them from obtaining them in the first place. All they do is take guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens. The problem with the Dems thinking is that (for some damn reason) they believe that criminals will obey a gun law that they put in place. Criminals (by definition) do NOT obey the law. They don't go out and buy a gun at a gun shop, pay the registration fee, have a background check completed, then wait for the local waiting period to obtain a gun. The last fucking thing a criminal wants is to have his name attached to a firearm that he plans to use in a crime. Therefore, no amount of gun control laws will do a damn thing to stop criminals from illegally obtaining, and using illegal guns during the commission of their crimes.

I smell a Clinton style Federal Assault weapons ban coming before Biden dies and Cuntala takes over.
I live in NJ, same thing, except our legal ARs don't need the paddle grips. But we have to have fixed stocks and no suppressors to go with the 10 round magazine. This is the amazing thing to me. Every state that has banned assault weapons defines the weapons differently. NY does not allow pistol grips of any kind so the manufacturers designed a weird stock that kind of looks like an AR without the grip. Right now getting an AR style rifle legal in NJ is almost impossible the demand is so high. Only a few manufacturers make them.

Gun control laws are stupid. NJ makes me apply for a handgun purchase permit every time I wish to buy a new handgun. I go through a background check to get the permit, then when I buy the gun I go through another background check! EVERY time I buy a handgun. Plus, the permit expires after 90 days. If the handgun I want is not available and my permit expires I have to go through the process all over again. The process takes 30 days! The law is they have to approve or reject my permit application in 30 days but some towns take 6 months to approve the permits. Coincidentally, I am waiting for a handgun purchase permit as we speak. My others were approved in exactly 30 days, but this one is on 32 days and no word from the state on the status of the permit. I am pretty sure they are dragging these permits applications out until the senile old curmudgeon in the White House signs his executive orders.

It's BS. It is not about the guns. It is about the right to self-defense. This is a god given right. Why do I need a gun? Because if an intruder comes at me with a knife I am not taking any chances in a knife fight. If he comes at me with a gun, I want a bigger gun with a larger capacity. Or, I want to be a better shot. The idea that if I am attacked a cop can save me is preposterous. Unfortunately, in NJ you have to demonstrate need to obtain a carry permit. It is almost impossible to obtain for the average citizen.


Pro Bowler
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I live in NJ, same thing, except our legal ARs don't need the paddle grips. But we have to have fixed stocks and no suppressors to go with the 10 round magazine. This is the amazing thing to me. Every state that has banned assault weapons defines the weapons differently. NY does not allow pistol grips of any kind so the manufacturers designed a weird stock that kind of looks like an AR without the grip. Right now getting an AR style rifle legal in NJ is almost impossible the demand is so high. Only a few manufacturers make them.

Gun control laws are stupid. NJ makes me apply for a handgun purchase permit every time I wish to buy a new handgun. I go through a background check to get the permit, then when I buy the gun I go through another background check! EVERY time I buy a handgun. Plus, the permit expires after 90 days. If the handgun I want is not available and my permit expires I have to go through the process all over again. The process takes 30 days! The law is they have to approve or reject my permit application in 30 days but some towns take 6 months to approve the permits. Coincidentally, I am waiting for a handgun purchase permit as we speak. My others were approved in exactly 30 days, but this one is on 32 days and no word from the state on the status of the permit. I am pretty sure they are dragging these permits applications out until the senile old curmudgeon in the White House signs his executive orders.

It's BS. It is not about the guns. It is about the right to self-defense. This is a god given right. Why do I need a gun? Because if an intruder comes at me with a knife I am not taking any chances in a knife fight. If he comes at me with a gun, I want a bigger gun with a larger capacity. Or, I want to be a better shot. The idea that if I am attacked a cop can save me is preposterous. Unfortunately, in NJ you have to demonstrate need to obtain a carry permit. It is almost impossible to obtain for the average citizen.

It’s the same way here in CA. I have my carry permit because of work. But it’s an open carry permit and not a concealed carry permit. Which is nearly impossible to obtain in L.A. unless you are a celebrity or can get the mayor to sign off on it as a favor


Pro Bowler
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Well let’s see what kind of bat shit crazy executive orders to ban guns Mr Magoo signs today. Anyone know what time they are supposed to be announced today? There are supposed to be at least 4-6 he will be signing today


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Well let’s see what kind of bat shit crazy executive orders to ban guns Mr Magoo signs today. Anyone know what time they are supposed to be announced today? There are supposed to be at least 4-6 he will be signing today
None of them will be legal so what does it matter? It is all for show. According to the Democrats we have an epidemic of gun violence and a pandemic of racism.


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I keep hearing that crazy Trump supporters are running out and buying guns for the first time because of the pandemic, as if we think Coronavirus is like a zombie apocalypse. Liberals love to make stuff up from the nutty ideas that float around in their unoccupied minds.

I bought my very first gun ever in my life in 2020, not because of the pandemic. COVID had nothing to do with my decision. What convinced me to buy my very first gun was the rioting, looting and arson that went unchecked for an entire summer. When I saw Democrats in congress, or running for president, not only defend, but encourage the violence we saw all over the country my wife and I talked about it and concluded we needed to do something to protect our property and our lives. We saw tweets from BLM and Antifa indicating they would be coming to the suburbs after they finished burning the cities. We saw the videos of leftist thugs beating people mercilessly while the likes of Kamala Harris were telling them to keep up the pressure. They took over a large chunk of a major city and declared it a new country, an actual act of insurrection, and authorities did absolutely nothing. I bought a gun because I felt my life might be threatened in the future, along with my right to defend myself, not by a virus, but by mobs that were acting on behalf of Democrats. For the first time in my life I felt that my political ideology put me at risk from some of my fellow Americans.

I bought a gun because BLM and Antifa threatened my way of life. I bought lots of ammo because I don't see the government taking this threat seriously.

I just bought a second gun. Again, not because I think the pandemic if going to result in a dystopian future. I bought it because Biden and congress are threatening my right to defend myself. The media doesn't want to admit the real reason people are buying guns because that would require blaming their masters, the Democrat party. It's the same reason they won't blame Biden and Democrats for the crisis at the border - or even admit it is a crisis.

What is the definition of terrorism? Terrorism is "the calculated use of violence to create a general climate of fear in a population and thereby to bring about a particular political objective." Now tell me, how was the summer of violence, backed by Democrats, encouraged by Democrats, and executed by BLM and Antifa not terrorism by the textbook definition?


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I keep hearing that crazy Trump supporters are running out and buying guns for the first time because of the pandemic, as if we think Coronavirus is like a zombie apocalypse. Liberals love to make stuff up from the nutty ideas that float around in their unoccupied minds.

I bought my very first gun ever in my life in 2020, not because of the pandemic. COVID had nothing to do with my decision. What convinced me to buy my very first gun was the rioting, looting and arson that went unchecked for an entire summer. When I saw Democrats in congress, or running for president, not only defend, but encourage the violence we saw all over the country my wife and I talked about it and concluded we needed to do something to protect our property and our lives. We saw tweets from BLM and Antifa indicating they would be coming to the suburbs after they finished burning the cities. We saw the videos of leftist thugs beating people mercilessly while the likes of Kamala Harris were telling them to keep up the pressure. They took over a large chunk of a major city and declared it a new country, an actual act of insurrection, and authorities did absolutely nothing. I bought a gun because I felt my life might be threatened in the future, along with my right to defend myself, not by a virus, but by mobs that were acting on behalf of Democrats. For the first time in my life I felt that my political ideology put me at risk from some of my fellow Americans.

I bought a gun because BLM and Antifa threatened my way of life. I bought lots of ammo because I don't see the government taking this threat seriously.

I just bought a second gun. Again, not because I think the pandemic if going to result in a dystopian future. I bought it because Biden and congress are threatening my right to defend myself. The media doesn't want to admit the real reason people are buying guns because that would require blaming their masters, the Democrat party. It's the same reason they won't blame Biden and Democrats for the crisis at the border - or even admit it is a crisis.

What is the definition of terrorism? Terrorism is "the calculated use of violence to create a general climate of fear in a population and thereby to bring about a particular political objective." Now tell me, how was the summer of violence, backed by Democrats, encouraged by Democrats, and executed by BLM and Antifa not terrorism by the textbook definition?

Whatever your reason, protection, sporting, congrats & welcome to gun ownership in this country. It is a right that needs all the support we can afford it.

Just a side note , gun ownership is kinda like the old potato chip commercial. Betcha can’t stop at just one. ( or 2)

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