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Police said that 22-year-old Elisjsha Dicken had no prior police training and no military background and that he learned to shoot from his grandfather, CNN reported.

Dicken was at the mall Sunday with his girlfriend when the shooter emerged from the bathroom and opened fire on unsuspecting shoppers. What happened next in terms of his performance in neutralizing the shooter was simply amazing.

Dicken, using a 9mm Glock pistol, fired off 10 rounds, hitting the shooter eight times in the span of only 15 seconds and from a distance of about 40 yards away.

Greenwood Police Chief James Ison revealed in a statement Tuesday afternoon that he had made an error in previously saying that Dicken had neutralized the shooter in two minutes and that he wanted to correct the record, WRTV Indianapolis reported.

The Wall Street Journal’s Editorial Board noted that it appears that Dicken was lawfully carrying his pistol under the state’s new law that allows people to carry handguns without a permit.

“We could not find that he had a permit,” Ison said. “He was carrying legally under the constitutional carry law.”

The Daily Wire previously reported that more Americans trust a Good Samaritan armed with a gun to stop a mass shooting than police officers or federal agents, according to a Convention of States Action and Trafalgar Group survey of Americans.

The new survey found that more Americans believe that their best protection in a mass shooting situation is a nearby armed civilian, rather than police officers or federal agents. Respondents chose armed citizens as the best protection by 41.8% to 25.1% for local police and 10.3% for federal agents. About a fifth of people chose none of the above — 22.8%.


High Plains Drifter
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Police said that 22-year-old Elisjsha Dicken had no prior police training and no military background and that he learned to shoot from his grandfather, CNN reported
"Ya caint stomp us out, ya caint make us run, cuz we're dem ole boys raised on granddaddy's guns..."

-- A Country Boy can Survive
Hank Williams Jr.


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NBC's take:

Perhaps good Samaritans stopping mass shooters is rare because not many people carry weapons today. In many states, until this recent Supreme Court case, getting a carry permit was near impossible. Even now, in many states the requirements to obtain a carry permit are arduous.

And who is that douche reporting on Baltimore gun violence? Nicely edited to fill a narrative too. The fact is, the FBI claims 80% of violent crimes reported to them is gang related. How about we address the gangs and a lot of gun violence will disappear.


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A new timeline from Greenwood Police show it only took 15 seconds for the Greenwood mall shooting to come to an end.

Police reviewed surveillance video that showed the moments the suspect left the food court bathroom to the time Eli Dicken pulled out his gun, aimed and took out the threat.

Autopsy results also revealed the suspect was hit eight times from about 40 yards away. Police say Dicken fired 10 rounds.

8 hits in 10 shots from 40 yards is really good shooting with a 9mm Glock. This kid has obviously trained quite a bit to shoot like that. I would bet most people are nowhere near that good.


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I like my Springfield 9mm but have to admit I'm wanting to add a .40 or .45 to my options.

I have a Springfield Armory XD 9mm which I like. I also have a Sig 965XL. The Sig is a little small for my hands but it is a good gun. My problem is my old man eyesight. It makes target shooting really difficult but optics help a lot.


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I have a Springfield Armory XD 9mm which I like. I also have a Sig 965XL. The Sig is a little small for my hands but it is a good gun. My problem is my old man eyesight. It makes target shooting really difficult but optics help a lot.
Is it the XD Mod version? If so we have the same gun.


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Is it the XD Mod version? If so we have the same gun.
No. I like the Mod versions better actually. But when I decided to buy another handgun I went with the Sig Sauer P365XL. It is more compact if I decide to get my carry permit.

I bought the Streamlight TLR-8A for my XD and I love it. Perfect fit on the 4' barrel version. Easy to zero the laser, it does not lose zero after firing hundreds of rounds at the range either. With the laser my far sightedness is less of a problem. But when I practice I still use the iron sights and bifocal eye protection. It took some getting used to but it works. My Sig has a Holosun optical sight. With that I do not need to put on my glasses or wear bifocals.


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During these hearings Nadler got into a debate with a Republican on the committee over the Supreme Court decision that guns in common use were protected by the 2nd amendment. The Republican got Nadler to admit ARs and AKs were in common use. In fact, Nadler said that the fact they are commonly used is why they needed to be banned. This sets up the case that will surely challenge this new law if enacted. Challengers will argue the Supreme Court just ruled on the legality of common use fire arms. They will use Nadler's own words to show that Democrat knew they were violating the Supreme Court decision.

In reality, the new law basically bans cosmetic features rather than anything that actually effects the lethality of a modern rifle. The idea that a folding or telescopic site changes the killing power of the weapon is absurd.


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I am a fan of Ann Coulter because she informs while giving her opinion. She researches her topics and backs her opinions with facts. Personality aside, we need more people who read and think.

In this column Ann reminds her readers that "weapons of war" were once muskets, which liberals claim are the only guns allowed by the constitution. It is a dumb argument, but liberals never shy away from dumb arguments.


Defense Wins Championships
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Also interesting note, almost every country listed on this are countries where hordes of people come from that are crossing our border illegally to live here.

Bingo! You win!

This is exactly right.

And let me repeat, the FBI says that 80% of violent crimes reported to them are gang related.


Super Moderator
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An Oldie, but a Goodie from 2020:

That's a disgraceful display by both parties. But mostly the uniformed officers. Only one of the comments got it right...basically, if an ATF agent in the performance of his duty is tazed and cuffed, what chance do average citizens have?

In any event, I'm not pimping the agent but rather the situation. This agent is now suing the PD and he'll be a millionaire. And this does nothing to improve the image of the Columbus police department who have been accused of aggressive tactics and police misconduct.
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