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How is that not true?


This can be a real eye opener!

This tells the story of why George Bush was so bad at

the end of his second term ...

Don't just skim over this, it's not very long, read it

slowly and let it sink in. If in doubt, check it out!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The day the Democrats took over was not January 22, 2009,

it was actually January 3, 2007, as the day the Democrats

took over the House of Representatives and the Senate, at

the very start of the 110th Congress. The Democrat Party

controlled a majority in both chambers for the first time

since the end of the 103rd Congress in 1995.

For those who are now listening to the liberal progressives

propagating the fallacy that everything is "Bush's Fault",

just think about these facts:

January 3, 2007 was the day the Democrats took over the

Senate and the Congress.

At that time…

The DOW Jones closed at 12,621.77
The GDP for the previous quarter was 3.5%
The Unemployment rate was 4.6%

George Bush's Eeconomic policies SET A RECORD of


Remember the day...

January 3, 2007 was the day that Rep. Barney Frank took

over as Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee,

and Chris Dodd took over the Senate Banking Committee.

Question: The economic crisis that happened 15 months

later was created in what part of our economy?


Bush asked Congress 17 TIMES to stop Fannie & Freddie

from pursuing their reckless mortgage lending practices,

starting in 2001 because it was financially risky for the

US economy.

And who took the THIRD largest campaign contribution

pay-off from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac?

Barack Hussein Obama (No surprise there…!)

And who was the Assistant Director of Fannie Mae? None

other than Herb Moses, who just happened to be Chairman

Barney Frank’s gay lover & roommate… (Conflict of interest

here? We’ll let you decide for yourself!)

And who fought relentlessly against structural reform of

Fannie and Freddie?

OBAMA and the Democrat Congress.

So when someone tries once again to blame George Bush,

think about that not-so-coincidental fact!



Budgets do not come from the White House. They come

from Congress and the party that controlled Congress

since January 2007 is the Democrat Party.

Furthermore, the Democrats controlled the budget

process for 2008 and 2009, as well as 2010 and 2011.

In that first year, they had to contend with George

Bush, which caused them to compromise on spending,

when Bush (somewhat belatedly) got tough on

spending increases.

For 2009 however, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid bypassed

George Bush entirely, passing their cowardly “continuing

resolutions” to keep government running until Barack

Obama could take office. At that time, they passed a

massive omnibus spending bill to complete the 2009


And where was Barack Obama during this time? He was

a member of that very Congress that passed all of these

massive spending bills, and he signed the omnibus bill

as President to complete 2009.

If the Democrats inherited any deficit, it was the 2007

deficit, the last of the Republican budgets. That deficit

was the lowest in five years, and the fourth straight

decline in deficit spending. After that, Democrats in

Congress took control of spending, and that includes

Barack Obama, who voted for the budgets.

And while on the subject of “budgets”, the Democrat-

controlled US Senate, under the failed leadership of

Harry Reid, and supported by Obama, has failed to allow

a budget to be brought to the floor for more than


If Obama inherited anything, he inherited it from


In a nutshell, what Obama is saying is I inherited a

deficit that I voted for and then I voted to expand

that deficit four-fold since January of 2009.


Pro Bowler
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Unemployment higher, median income lower, gas prices doubled, 6 trillion more federal debt...

Unemployment was skyrocketing when Obama took office and peaked about a year into his term largely due to things that occurred before he was in office. Since then it has fallen steadily. Gas prices haven't doubled, the debt is/was necessary for economic recovery, basically the only thing you said that was true is that household income has fallen, and that only slightly. The fact is it has been stagnant or falling for a decade, but I guess that's Obama's fault too.

During his term the stock market has rallied, I believe the DOW has nearly doubled. Thanks 401k's. Don't ask don't tell was removed. The war in Iraq was ended. There have been 3 years of economic growth. Corporate profits are higher than they've ever been, although idk whether that's a good thing or a bad thing. Bin Laden has been taken out. We have a healthcare act that is helping thousands of Americans in a great way.

I mean good lord we aren't doing great by any means but the turnaround and progress he's made in 4 years has been nothing short of amazing, especially when you consider for the past two years he's been dealing with a do-nothing congress who has passed less legislature than any congress in history for the sole purpose of trying to prevent him being re-elected.

Wake up people.
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Unemployment was skyrocketing when Obama took office and peaked about a year into his term largely due to things that occurred before he was in office. Since then it has fallen steadily. Gas prices haven't doubled, the debt is/was necessary for economic recovery, basically the only thing you said that was true is that household income has fallen, and that only slightly. The fact is it has been stagnant or falling for a decade, but I guess that's Obama's fault too.
You said how is it that we aren't better off than 4 years ago. Those are some of the ways to measure that we aren't better off than 4 years ago.

You can buy the dems agenda and excuses hook, line and sinker if you so choose. But you can't refute those FACTS.

Unemployment is higher than 4 years ago. FACT.

Gas prices were averaged at $1.80 around the country four years ago. The current national average is $3.82. FACT.

Federal debt has increased $6 trillion. FACT.

The median income has fallen $4,000 in 4 years. FACT.

During his term the stock market has rallied, I believe the DOW has nearly doubled.
Now who's lying? It's gone up 60% his time in office, not doubled... and that's from an artificial starting point of nearly 8,000 right after the tank. When Bush took office the DJIA was approx. 10,500. It decreased by 1% in his first term. Halfway through his second term the dems took over congress. In October 2008, a month before Obama's election, the DJIA was 10,800. By the time Obama took office it was down just below 8,000. FACTS.

I mean good lord we aren't doing great by any means but the turnaround and progress he's made in 4 years has been nothing short of amazing, especially when you consider for the past two years he's been dealing with a do-nothing congress who has passed less legislature than any congress in history for the sole purpose of trying to prevent him being re-elected.

Wake up people.
Put on your Obama underoos this morning I see.


Pro Bowler
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Your facts were already addressed, you chose to ignore it and just write FACT in caps. Well I'm convinced.

Here's a chart of gas FACTs.

Looks like gas peaked when Obama took office. Obviously his fault. It also bottomed out during his term. That must have been his success! Give me a fucking break.

Here's another fun chart.


The stock market was falling when he took office, it hit bottom and has been rallying ever since. From sub-7000 to 13k now. i.e. nearly doubled.


During his term the stock market has rallied, I believe the DOW has nearly doubled. Thanks 401k's. Don't ask don't tell was removed. The war in Iraq was ended. There have been 3 years of economic growth. Corporate profits are higher than they've ever been, although idk whether that's a good thing or a bad thing. Bin Laden has been taken out. We have a healthcare act that is helping thousands of Americans in a great way.

Keep pretending like things aren't getting better so you can delude yourself into voting for someone who will take us backwards.


Quality Starter
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Oh dear.

Is pep law stating that gas was 1.80 in 08 or am I misunderstanding......cause umm....?
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Your facts were already addressed, you chose to ignore it and just write FACT in caps. Well I'm convinced.
If by "addressed," you mean "excused," then ok.

Here's a chart of gas FACTs.

Looks like gas peaked when Obama took office. Obviously his fault. It also bottomed out during his term. That must have been his success! Give me a fucking break.
You need help reading charts.

Here's another fun chart.


The stock market was falling when he took office, it hit bottom and has been rallying ever since. From sub-7000 to 13k now. i.e. nearly doubled.

Yes, nearly doubled from the artificial low that occurred due to the dem controlled congress and his election. Brilliant.


Keep pretending like things aren't getting better so you can delude yourself into voting for someone who will take us backwards.
Take out the artificial stock market rally you're slurping him off for, and all your FACTS are just feel-good stories. They're not indicative of whether most Americans are really better off than they were 4 years ago. DADT didn't affect most Americans in their day to day lives, and Bin Laden was in hiding for 10 years. And healthcare? I can't imagine drawing any conclusions off of that, unless you're just being a dbair style Obama-homer. It's hardly even had a chance to take effect yet, much less to see the results of it.


Pro Bowler
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lol republican FACTs

Take out the artificial stock market rally you're slurping him off for, and all your FACTS are just feel-good stories. They're not indicative of whether most Americans are really better off than they were 4 years ago. DADT didn't affect most Americans in their day to day lives, and Bin Laden was in hiding for 10 years. And healthcare? I can't imagine drawing any conclusions off of that, unless you're just being a dbair style Obama-homer. It's hardly even had a chance to take effect yet, much less to see the results of it.

Ignore all the things that have improved for Americans and it looks like nothing's improved for Americans. Good call.


Quality Starter
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It was $1.80 when Obama was sworn in.


There were gas stations selling gas for a 1.80 for unleaded in America?

Maybe I am really dumb, i just do not remember that anywhere and I drive cross country once if not twice every year.

Not saying your not correct but I just do not remember that. I also fail to see how the president is responsible for gas prices?


Quality Starter
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Just saying. I am 35 I don't even remember 1.80 gas prices at the pump. That sounds kind of insane.

The national avg price of gas on December 3, 2007 was 3.06

There is the five year low you are talking about which is abnormal.


Supply and demand.

Interesting how it's the presidents fault in 09.
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Conservatives fail to grasp one optimistic key point:

If Mama Bair was a liberal, then David would have surely been aborted.

That's politics we can all agree with no matter what side.
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FFS guys go look at the chart punk linked to. It shows on January 21, 2009 the national average was $1.86.
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Interesting how it's the presidents fault in 09.
This is what I hate about politics, and why I don't post in here much. People can't just discuss facts, they have to do whatever they can to prop up their particular candidate and tear down whatever facts don't jibe with their opinion. I didn't say any of this was the president's fault. I can't prove that any of it is his fault obviously.

The question was are we better off now than when he took office. If you look at the facts then and now, the answer has to be no. I don't particularly care whose fault it is. And I don't think voting for Romney will magically change all that. If you want to say it's not his fault, fine. But don't pretend that we were better off when he took office. Just say it's not his fault and leave it at that. When you go sticking your head in the sand that there's a problem in this country, you lose all credibility with me.


Quality Starter
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Pep gas was 3.06 under bush in 07

Your implication was that it was 1.80 or below until obama took office.

It's a pretty cute trick.

Sorry if I have lost all credibility with you.
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