
Pro Bowler
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How are you doing out in Cali amigo? Everyone safe, house not on fire?

We are safe! It was sketchy as hell the first night. My neighbors roof blew off, my other neighbors tree blew over and blocked our driveway so we couldn’t get out.

But we lucked out with minor damage. All from the winds. The fire didn’t make it all the way down to us thankfully.

The evacuation order got as close as 3.5 miles to our north. So we were packed and ready to go just in case.

Today was the first day that you couldn’t really smell smoke.

It’s still not out, but it’s not threatening anymore. Hopefully it stays that way. We still have high winds till Wednesday which could kick it all of again. If we make it past Wednesday we should be ok.

Thanks for asking Yim!


Pro Bowler
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We are safe! It was sketchy as hell the first night. My neighbors roof blew off, my other neighbors tree blew over and blocked our driveway so we couldn’t get out.

But we lucked out with minor damage. All from the winds. The fire didn’t make it all the way down to us thankfully.

The evacuation order got as close as 3.5 miles to our north. So we were packed and ready to go just in case.

Today was the first day that you couldn’t really smell smoke.

It’s still not out, but it’s not threatening anymore. Hopefully it stays that way. We still have high winds till Wednesday which could kick it all of again. If we make it past Wednesday we should be ok.

Thanks for asking Yim!
Glad to hear brother, I dont think I am alone in saying we were worried about you.

When things settle down, I'd love to hear your take on what could have been done to keep this from happening, minimizing it or whether it was largely unavoidably

That Bass lady seems exceptionally clueless and that saying a lot for Democrats


Pro Bowler
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This has been a clusterfuck of epic proportions.

There have been so many things that were done wrong.

A massive reservoir in pacific palisades (the major burn area) was pulled off line for renovations a couple months ago even after this event was forecasted/predicted. But they shut it down anyway. That alone could have kept this fire from getting out of control.

The fire hydrants in Pacific Palisades ran out of water/water pressure. Still no answers as to why. This left firefighters without the ability to effectively fight the fires.

Arsonists were arrested with blowtorch in hand, admitting to lighting fires, but were released for lack of evidence.

This is all just one fire. There were 7 major fires.

My fire was the Eaton fire. This is the one that had evacuation orders 3.5 miles to the north of me. We were packed and ready to go.

These fires were the worst in the history of LA county. We have never had wind events like this before. This was a 1 in 100 year weather event. We are talking category 2 hurricane (100mph plus)

But we knew it was coming and we didn’t prepare for it.

We did however hire a dyke LAFD chief who valued hiring for diversity over experience and ability.

That sure helped save the 150,000 people from losing their homes.

They estimated 26 billion dollars in property loss within the first 24 hours. Who knows where that number will end up.

They are also expecting a $1 trillion (yes trillion with a T) dollar deficit in the insurance industry because of this.

A buddy stayed home to protect his home. Looters kicked in his door to loot his house that they thought was empty. He shot one of them. The cops showed up and arrested him. That was 5 days ago. He’s still in jail.

It only gets worse from there. I’ll share more later.


Pro Bowler
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Just as a matter of perspective

If you watched the sold out Rams vs Vikings playoff game in AZ tonight, that stadium holds 63,000 ppl.

Well over 150,000 ppl in Los Angeles have lost their homes in these fires so far.

More than twice the amount of the amount of ppl that filled that stadium tonight for the playoff game are now homeless.


The Elite :-P
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Mixed Martial Arts Middle Finger GIF by UFC

fuck you sad jerry!


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Pretty sure I read somewhere in the last few days that he actually has a new contract offer from CO (and has had it for some time) but has yet to sign it.



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This seems like a preview for a Jones initiated propaganda piece.

I've never heard anything about Prescott having a terrible relationship with McCarthy, or McCarthy being the "driving force" behind getting rid of Cooper. Also had not ever heard anything about a paranoia McCarthy had over Dan Quinn.

I guess when you fail to do the right things for the right reasons, you have to resort to dumbshit like this. All Jones had to do was fire McCarthy the day after the GB debacle and almost NOBODY would/could argue it wasn't warranted. He'd also have had his pick of guys like Belichick, Harbaugh and Vrabel. Instead the drunken fool chose to "run it back" with the same ol same ol and had a disastrous season. Then he had another chance to simply move on the day after this awful season was over, and instead pulled his pud for over a week, giving the impression that he wanted McCarthy back.

Edit- Don't really know why its saying "not found", it's clearly uploaded there on X.

Blogging The Boys reposted
Andre’ Jackson

will elaborate on MM soon •McCarthy’s awful relationship with Dak •Mike being the driving force pushing Amari Cooper out and how much that upset the players in the locker room •His paranoia about Dan Quinn being on staff for 3 yrs



Pro Bowler
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Pretty sure I read somewhere in the last few days that he actually has a new contract offer from CO (and has had it for some time) but has yet to sign it.

The writings on the wall, its obvious…Deion is going to coach both teams and then they’ll bring back this commercial:

Pizza Hut never tasted so good and will rise again!


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Looks like Jerry and Spawn are busy at work assembling the next Puppet's, err next Head Coach's awesome staff.



High Plains Drifter
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I believe the only way Deion happens is if we trade up to get Shaduer as QB1. We restructure Dak's deal writing him a nice big check, he agrees to the trade we pay him to play for Tennessee like Denver is doing with Russ and eat two years of dead cap money while paying Shaduer much less. They sign Dak to a minimum deal like Pissburg did with Russ and there ya go.

Biggest trade since the Walker deal or biggest screw up bust in the history of professional sports. Visual aid below.



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First, Quack would never accept the trade (he has the no trade clause again) and it would have a massive impact on the cap and roster for this year.

Second, on no planet is spawn of Deion worth the #1 overall pick. He isnt even worth a 1st rd pick.

Lastly, I just can't see Deion having much (if any) success as a NFL HC.


Pro Bowler
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I believe the only way Deion happens is if we trade up to get Shaduer as QB1. We restructure Dak's deal writing him a nice big check, he agrees to the trade we pay him to play for Tennessee like Denver is doing with Russ and eat two years of dead cap money while paying Shaduer much less. They sign Dak to a minimum deal like Pissburg did with Russ and there ya go.

Biggest trade since the Walker deal or biggest screw up bust in the history of professional sports. Visual aid below.

View attachment 16711



High Plains Drifter
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First, Quack would never accept the trade (he has the no trade clause again) and it would have a massive impact on the cap and roster for this year.

Second, on no planet is spawn of Deion worth the #1 overall pick. He isnt even worth a 1st rd pick.

Lastly, I just can't see Deion having much (if any) success as a NFL HC.
No reason for Dak to pass on the deal. He still gets his big bag. You'd eat two years of dead cap money like Denver is but the restructure floods you with cap space just like it did for Denver. It's working for them.

I agree with your final two points.

What I believe is actually going on is much more simple - Jerruh is satisfying the Rooney Rule while Deion helps his contract negotiations with CU. He has one year left but they're working on an extension.
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