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I never understood this. Many years ago people in Greece believed in Zeus, people in Norway believed in Odin, people in Egypt believed in Ra, and so on and so on. Years later, "society" has decided that's just nonsense and everyone should believe in the One True God. They dismissed generations of people's beliefs but demand that you recognize their belief system.

It's all fantasy. I apppreciate anyone who truly tries to live a quality life based on the principles in the Bible because they are trying to be a good person, help others, etc. but I won't be shoving my beliefs down your throat, so please don't try to push yours on me. Most importantly, keep your religion out of my government. What you do in your church and in your homes, as long as you aren't hurting anyone, is none of my business, I don't want to see it at my work, my kids' schools, and in the laws that govern our nation.

Nothing at all wrong with this post.


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Agreed. Your head is much deeper in your ass than mine is. One day soon, you might find it. It's not likely, but keep hope alive, hippie.

If my head is in my ass what am I looking for my head with?

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I never intended to debate the validity of the rapture. That was your mistake - I think it's just as stupid as the rest of the bible. What I want to do is get you to see that your "right way" of looking at the bible is just one of thousands. There is no right way, because it's all completely made up. It's one huge circular logic pit of despair. Pretending you know the right way to go about analyzing it is just ridiculous. You appear unable to comprehend how theology works at all. If you did you would be alot humbler about insisting that your POV is correct when there are hundreds of different POVs on nearly every biblical subject - all with differing amounts of validity. Why is that? Again, because it is all made up. It's a mental exercise in Interpretive Literature.

Remember being in school, and you'd all read a poem, and the teacher would ask each individual to interpret the deeper meaning of the passage? Everyone would have different opinions. Eventually, maybe you could come to a consensus as a class. Did that make you "right"? Had you stumbled upon the writer's intent? Maybe, maybe not. What you did was make your best guess, and then everyone compromised and eventually agreed. If a small minority dissent - no big deal.

That's theology in a nutshell. Only the majority throughout history has either killed or banished the minority dissenters, as they continue to pretend they are doing anything but reading fiction and legend and assigning a deeper (entirely human) meaning to it. There is no "right" answer or way to do it. Pull back the curtain, Dorothy.

As for your life story - cool story bro. Really not at all relevant to the discussion.

So what is the specific POV that you are referring to that I feel I am right and everyone else is wrong? Is there something that you have on your mind that you would like to share with the class? otherwise you are just making a general statement about a myth that hasn't been discussed. Talk to me, I'm a good listener.


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So what is the specific POV that you are referring to that I feel I am right and everyone else is wrong? Is there something that you have on your mind that you would like to share with the class? otherwise you are just making a general statement about a myth that hasn't been discussed. Talk to me, I'm a good listener.

If you were you wouldn't have to ask that first question. Go back to this page and start over;



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Hostile's religion is perhaps the goofiest one out there.


We rarely talked about religion, yet it consumed us. When Sean replaced his temple garments — the sacred underwear he’d promised to wear day and night — with boxers, I couldn’t take it anymore. It was too much betrayal. I called up a neighbor with a husband like mine and cried. But instead of empathy, she offered questions that stunned me into silence. Was Sean addicted to pornography? Watching R-rated movies? What sin had brought him to this terrible place?
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So what is the specific POV that you are referring to that I feel I am right and everyone else is wrong? Is there something that you have on your mind that you would like to share with the class? otherwise you are just making a general statement about a myth that hasn't been discussed. Talk to me, I'm a good listener.

I do like that you are willing to question modern teachings of the bible. I think you need to keep going, because if you keep going you will find more things to question. What’s your view on the sovereignty of god?

BTW, many people of all religions claim to have life changing experiences because of their beliefs.
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I apppreciate anyone who truly tries to live a quality life based on the principles in the Bible because they are trying to be a good person, help others, etc. but I won't be shoving my beliefs down your throat, so please don't try to push yours on me. Most importantly, keep your religion out of my government.

I couldn't agree with you more. One of the things that I claim to be right about (because I am a terrible human being that only sees one POV and understands nothing about theology) is that the American church somehow got very confused about what their role is. Instead of living in a way that Jesus asked them they tried to change culture through politics. Now Christianity is a political debate rather than offer of something good. This draw the church into politics and watered down the message of Christ. Christianity is done one on one, in your neighborhoods, AT WORK and meeting the needs of the people where they are in their life. The last thing I want is to see politics and religion joined at the hip (too late). The message of Christianity is pretty clear:

the great commission (Matthew 28:19-20 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”)

and the great commandment (Matthew 22:37-40 37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”)

What you do in your church and in your homes, as long as you aren't hurting anyone, is none of my business, I don't want to see it at my work, my kids' schools,

I see what you are saying but the individual believer will never stop living a life for Christ and offering it to people. It should be done in love though. At that point a person could just chose to reject it, separate themselves from that person or whatever.
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I couldn't agree with you more. One of the things that I claim to be right about (because I am a terrible human being that only sees one POV and understands nothing about theology)
You're not a terrible human being you're just poorly informed.

is that the American church somehow got very confused about what their role is. Instead of living in a way that Jesus asked them they tried to change culture through politics. Now Christianity is a political debate rather than offer of something good. This draw the church into politics and watered down the message of Christ. Christianity is done one on one, in your neighborhoods, AT WORK and meeting the needs of the people where they are in their life. The last thing I want is to see politics and religion joined at the hip (too late). The message of Christianity is pretty clear:

the great commission (Matthew 28:19-20 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”)

This isn't really an American invention. Christians have been doing that ever since they graduated from "Jewish sect that has to lay low or else the Romans will kill them" to "Official Religion of the Roman Empire". Suddenly the great commission was a mandate to convert everyone by any means necessary.


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I have no problem with someone trying to sell me on their religion ONCE. I will listen to your suggestions, tell you my opinion, and that will be the end of it. I don't want to deal with the constant pushing, dismissal of my opinion in other subjects not related to Church, Religion, or faith because I am not a "believer". It would be the same as me saying that since you believe in a fairy tale nothing else you say in life matters. I don't want my kids to be forced to hear your religious views. I don't want to be enforced by laws that were only passed because some people believe something is the will of God.

My grandmother is a Presbyterian, my mother is an ordained minisiter (and a con artist), and my daughter sees herself as a Christian. They have all learned to keep religion out of our converstaions and we will all get along swimmingly.
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You're not a terrible human being you're just poorly informed.

Hey there buddy, it's me again...your generalizations are neato but is there something specific that you don't like or does it just get on your nerves that I'm here?

This isn't really an American invention. Christians have been doing that ever since they graduated from "Jewish sect that has to lay low or else the Romans will kill them" to "Official Religion of the Roman Empire". Suddenly the great commission was a mandate to convert everyone by any means necessary.

You could have just said that you agree with me because you do. ~high five~
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I have no problem with someone trying to sell me on their religion ONCE. I will listen to your suggestions, tell you my opinion, and that will be the end of it. I don't want to deal with the constant pushing, dismissal of my opinion in other subjects not related to Church, Religion, or faith because I am not a "believer". It would be the same as me saying that since you believe in a fairy tale nothing else you say in life matters. I don't want my kids to be forced to hear your religious views. I don't want to be enforced by laws that were only passed because some people believe something is the will of God.

I have my personal take with how the gospel should be shared. I think it's different with different people according to their personality and calling. One thing I think is fair to say it that if the gospel of Jesus is being professed then we can try to do our best to follow the example of how He did that. The gospel is sure to offend unbelievers. It's annoying and pisses lots of people off.

My grandmother is a Presbyterian, my mother is an ordained minisiter (and a con artist), and my daughter sees herself as a Christian. They have all learned to keep religion out of our converstaions and we will all get along swimmingly.

I don't make it a habit of chasing people around and beating them over the head. Still though, if you believe that you are truly offering something that is life giving you would have to be a selfish turd to not offer it to others.

Penn, who is not a believer says it best:



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I have no problem with someone trying to sell me on their religion ONCE. I will listen to your suggestions, tell you my opinion, and that will be the end of it. I don't want to deal with the constant pushing, dismissal of my opinion in other subjects not related to Church, Religion, or faith because I am not a "believer". It would be the same as me saying that since you believe in a fairy tale nothing else you say in life matters. I don't want my kids to be forced to hear your religious views. I don't want to be enforced by laws that were only passed because some people believe something is the will of God.

My grandmother is a Presbyterian, my mother is an ordained minisiter (and a con artist), and my daughter sees herself as a Christian. They have all learned to keep religion out of our converstaions and we will all get along swimmingly.

the best part would be if they'd all just shut up. Get this - if they do - the rocks will start preaching.
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the best part would be if they'd all just shut up. Get this - if they do - the rocks will start preaching.

Noooow we are finally getting somewhere....

I little honesty goes a long way.

Let it out, let it out.
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