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  1. VTA

    Maybe a little too reliant on technology?

    :wtf Link
  2. VTA

    The Pussification continues...

    Or another step closer toward abolishing free speech, either way... Link
  3. VTA


    Yes, in a time like now, when our country is surely most hated, with China rising and ass-kissing Pootie Poot doesn't work, let's do away with our upperhand and greatest deterrent to nation - nation warfare, because they're all like, overthereistan and can't really swim. And stuff. The floor...
  4. VTA

    Tsarnaev named as a victim of gun violence at gathering of Bloomberg's shenanigans.

    :lol Up in New Hamprshire causing crap and aside from naming a terrorist shot by a cop, charged with carrying a gun, things get out of hand. Localpaperprobablynotlaughworthy lolbrietbartlol
  5. VTA

    Putin said “I can kill someone with this,” took Kraft’s Super Bowl ring

    Link Pozhal' sta tovarisch! Link
  6. VTA

    The problems with technology (and bribes) in the hands of the incompetent.

    John Kerry: Hi Egyptian friends! Here is an additional $1.3 Billion. Egyptian Friends: I’m very fond of battles. With the enemies, of course – with America and Israel, but this battle must be waged with maximum judiciousness and calm. Even though this is a secret meeting, we must all take an...
  7. VTA

    Government Spooks Drunk On Power

    :lol Good speech, but his 2:08 remark will only be the focal point...!
  8. VTA

    More Russian Dash Cam Fun...
  9. VTA

    And I voted for...

    Doesn't matter. If anyone thinks their partisan choice affords them any advantage they're as dumb as rotten log. Both sides have the same goal in mind, that being the absolute authority over you. The smiling clown in the well-tailored suit doesn't really care about you, or the faceless...
  10. VTA

    New Jersey gun laws don't curb violence in Camden

    I've been to Camden once - once - and that was enough. I agree with the sentiment, but there shouldn't be a drawing of a parallel with what happened in Newtown. Newtown wasn't the product of what makes Camden a shit-hole. But at least the people of Camden are looking at the right places to stem...
  11. VTA

    Obama administration defends massive phone record collection

    Apparently the great majority of terrorists are Americans... Link Everyone say's Obama blames everything on Bush, and they're right. But they say it as though it's not fair or accurate. Who else set up the climate, policies and agencies which he now uses to spy on and institute more laws...
  12. VTA


  13. VTA

    What is this imbecile doing?

    *Correct forum High Five!* Link
  14. VTA

    Guantanamo guard converts to Islam, demands release of detainees

    When God sent Israel to fight their enemies, he told them to spare none. This is why. Link
  15. VTA

    Why the additive?

    Isn't a vagina pleasure in and of itself? Why rub some awful chemical on your schlong and not expect problems? Link
  16. VTA

    Oh Coca Cola you've done it now.

    :Dunce Link
  17. VTA

    Thank Go- I mean mankind for these awesome welfare programs.

    So well rounded; we should use this model for everything, including our healthcare. Link
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