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  1. VTA

    When imbeciles run the show.

    Dumb and getting dumber… Bribes don't infuse an economy for a people with little to no interest in creating anything. Our own stimulus idiocy should have been the lesson. But soft-speaking a bribe wasn't going to matter.; Obama already surrendered our nation when he made his recent imbecilic...
  2. VTA

    Apple taken to task by Big Brutha...

    I'm no fan of Apple as a company and the ass clowns could still turn a sweet profit while keeping jobs local instead of outsourcing slave labor. But I'm even less of a fan of 'committees' gathering together like wolves to shake down every and anybody to squeeze out the last penny. Maybe we're...
  3. VTA

    I've always hated Google...

    Shitty Verizon too? breitbart
  4. VTA

    Kai 'The Hatchet Hitchhiker' (WHO?) Is Accused Of Murder

    :WTF Irishmen (or Scotchmen?) gone wild. Link
  5. VTA


    I know this clown doesn't have a prayer, but I love the unfortunate connection. breitbart
  6. VTA

    Good old Bloomberg, he's not like other politicians...

    Not even other politicians are safe from his prying fingers. Link
  7. VTA

    Your money, your interests.

    A fine way to put our tax dollars to good use... Link
  8. VTA

    Where is Mikey Weinstein?

    The Military Religious Freedom founder doesn't mind an Imam speaking at the services of downed Navy Seals? Whether or not he 'damned' them - which he has no power to do -, why invite him to blab on in Arabic over our dead soldiers? And how long will our men and women fighting, continue to fight...
  9. VTA


    Link - oops; lolbreitbartlol
  10. VTA

    Rand Paul on Big Hil...

    RAND PAUL: Benghazi Should Disqualify Hillary Clinton From Ever Holding Public Office Again Link RAND PAUL: HILLARY'S BENGHAZI STORY UNRAVELING Link
  11. VTA

    So not to hijack the Arias thread...

    Probably not as telling as the priority the nonsense is given. Who the hell is Jodi Arias? I know who the President is, I know show his flunky SOS was in Sept of '12... lolbreitbartlol - the only bastards to give this precedence
  12. VTA

    The letter of the law…

    While we were on the subject of those jerks in Boston, I'd said the law is misused for people who don't deserve it. Obviously it's my viewpoint that that's the case, but for what purpose is the law in the end? Why keep someone like this around, allow him a bargaining tool in his defense and then...
  13. VTA

    3D Guns
  14. VTA

    It's about more than just rights

    And who you bang in the privacy of your own home. It's amazing how many clowns have hopped this bandwagon in the hopes they'll seem progressive or tolerant. His comments...
  15. VTA

    For the guitarists...

    Pretty cool way to get rid of pedals and cords.
  16. VTA

    You guys are in trouble.

    What with all the meme and avatar fun to be had with the mentally inept. A new avenue of lawsuits has been opened... I'd post the pic, but given the circumstances, eh... maybe not. Link
  17. VTA

    The problem with Bloomberg

    In the other thread the question was asked what the problem with him is, and implied by another that if you don't live in NYC, your opinion might not be valid. The Mayor of New York - with the most restrictive gun laws, yet has it's own problems with guns - has no business 'targeting' people...
  18. VTA

    The Nutty Professor

    Florida professor who denied Sandy Hook shooting claims Boston bombings a drill lolfoxnewslol
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