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  1. VTA

    Bull Pizzle

    :lol Link
  2. VTA

    How not to conduct war.

    Yeah, the greatest military, cutting edge weaponry; all worthless in the hands of politicians pretending war can be conducted as civil operations, limited by law. In place of killing enemy combatants, engage in the exceedingly short-sighted policy of putting these shit-heads in jails that will...
  3. VTA

    The Anti-Christ Speaks against the free market, Part II

    Link Has the wonderful pontiff done the same for the cause of the persecuted masses he claims to be the head of? Of course not. In his ramblings about wealth distribution, while writing his Evangelii Gaudium, he managed to 'appeal' to Mid East savages to exercise tolerance. Instead of...
  4. VTA

    How bad are things in the Ukraine?

    Jews ordered to register in east Ukraine :wtf Link
  5. VTA

    This is pretty pathetic.

    A guy exercises his right and loses his job at a company he co-founded. Our foundational rights being eroded by perverts. Link
  6. VTA

    Try to Sign up for Gub'ment Healthcare, get sent to a porn hotline...

    :lol Awesome. So the idea is that the government can provide something as important and complicated as healthcare, but a functional website is beyond it's capacity… Benny Hill couldn't govern any worse than this. Link
  7. VTA

    Kobe thinks for himself; gets insulted for it...

    Someone apparently is mistaken in thinking that the worst parts of American culture are somehow universally applied. Link
  8. VTA

    Phelps dies

    I guess he's finding out what God does in fact hate. Link Link
  9. VTA

    Miles gone too

    Not so big a deal as Ware. Who's next?
  10. VTA


    :lol Link
  11. VTA

    Bible saves mans life.

    I remember something like this happening over 20 years ago, when a guy was knifed in the chest and it stuck in his bible. Link
  12. VTA

    Suicide School Gone Wrong...

  13. VTA

    Speaking of drones...

    An excellent use of our tax dollars and resources. Drone Surveillance Footage Sends Man to Jail Link
  14. VTA

    Why bathe?

    Just smoke some shit and take it easy. Eventually Ms. Right will come along. Link
  15. VTA

    How much for the DCU?

  16. VTA

    Danny gets his man...

    Poor bastard... Jay Gruden was the Redskins’ head coach choice from the get-go, or so it appears. Link
  17. VTA

    Be careful what you allow to become commonplace

    All the people lining up for their flu shots, creating a normal environment of having utter strangers inject you with foreign shit you know nothing about eventually becomes problem. Eventually those who don't want them will be branded as conspiracy theorists, a danger to others, etc... A...
  18. VTA

    Who is Garrett shoving away?

    LOL Link
  19. VTA

    It's not about equality - Redux

    They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie - 2 Thessalonians 2:10-11 How's that for manifested prophecy? When people will give assent to forcing others to participate in gay marriage...
  20. VTA

    Al right Laz, you were right.

    :lol Jerry is the overall problem, but that play calling is all on Red. What a fucking jerk, frankly I hope Jerry keeps him. He deserves him.
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