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  1. dbair1967

    Girl dies from asthma attack, friends leave her body at trailer park

    Police: Friends dump woman's body after she dies from apparent asthma attack By Ross Cavitt PICKENS COUNTY, Ga. — Marty Gaddis, 38, faces charges that include concealing a death, abandonment of a body, tampering with evidence as well as drug and reckless-conduct charges. Investigators...
  2. dbair1967

    Colorado man arrested for beating, killing raccoons

    Colorado man arrested after raccoon beating death allegedly to avenge cat’s killing Published August 28, 2013 A Boulder man has been arrested after police said he beat two raccoons with a nail-studded board Monday evening as revenge for raccoons that killed his cat years ago...
  3. dbair1967

    Two British teen girls acid bruned "beyond imagination" by Muslims

    Two British teen girls acid burned "beyond imagination" by Muslims Acid attack leaves British teens volunteering on Zanzibar burned 'beyond imagination' Barcroft Media via Landov Kirstie Trup, 18, was "inconsolable" following an acid attack, her father told The Times newspaper. By Henry...
  4. dbair1967

    Graffiti tagger accidentally hangs himself

    :lol Probably one of SP's crew: Sacramento high-rise death linked to graffiti SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — A man who was found dead hanging by a rope off an 18-story Sacramento high-rise appears to have been a graffiti tagger, Sacramento police said Monday. Fire Battalion Chief Marc Bentovoja...
  5. dbair1967

    Lego forced to yank "Star Wars" toy due to anti-Muslim backlash

    What a joke: Report: Lego To Stop Production Of ‘Star Wars’ Set Due To Anti-Muslim Backlash April 1, 2013 12:38 PM ENFIELD, Conn. (CBS Connecticut) — Lego will reportedly cease production of a popular “Star Wars” toy set after Muslim communities complained about the product. The...
  6. dbair1967

    April 1st

  7. dbair1967

    Naked man jumps off house, poops all over, rampages inside

    Naked Man Poops, Goes On Rampage Inside SW Florida Home January 24, 2013 1:07 PM MIAMI (CBSMiami) – A southwest Florida man was arrested after he reportedly jumped off the roof of a couple’s North Ft. Myers home, knocked one person over and then went on a rampage inside the residence. Oh...
  8. dbair1967

    Different Strokes Star Dad has died

    'Diff'rent Strokes' dad Conrad Bain dies at age 89; co-star Todd Bridges calls him 'father figure' Published January 16, 2013 Conrad Bain, the actor who played the father figure on the sitcom "Diff'rent Strokes," has died, a friend of the Bain family confirmed to FOX411...
  9. dbair1967

    Man hit by subway after taking dump between cars

    Man Hit by Subway After Defecating Between Cars Another man was injured at the same station in a separate incident By Shimon Prokupecz, Jonathan Dienst and Tracie Strahan | Wednesday, Jan 16, 2013 | Updated 9:05 AM EST Police say a 31-year-old man defecating between cars on the uptown 6...
  10. dbair1967

    Happy New Year Universors

    And dont drink and drive.
  11. dbair1967

    lol Obama video
  12. dbair1967

    Dem voter fraud- what a surprise

    Feds to probe possible voter fraud in Florida Residents receiving false letters questioning citizenship, officials say Author: Shaun Chaiyabhat, Reporter, Published On: Oct 22 2012 04:20:49 PM EDT Updated On: Oct 23 2012 09:00:23 AM EDT Voters sent fake letter...
  13. dbair1967

    Walmart big $$$ funding for Obama

    I need to start spending more time at Target now. Wal-Mart heir funding Obama big time October 22, 2012 | 10:54 am Timothy P. Carney Senior political columnist The Washington Examiner E@TPCarney Can we stop pretending that Barack Obama’s candidacy is some grass-roots uprising? Obama’s...
  14. dbair1967

    Debate III tonight

    Romney- "ok President liar, please explain why you still cant decide what actually happened in Libya" Commy- "Its Bush's fault" Moderator- "excellent answer Mr President, now lets move on"
  15. dbair1967

    Birds of a commy feather flock together

    Chavez, Castro, Putin: Four more years! Gerard Direct by: Ilana Freedman Tuesday, October 2, 2012 Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez, right, and Russia’s Prime Minister Vladimir Putin find time for a chat during a welcoming ceremony at Miraflores Presidential Palace in Caracas, April 2...
  16. dbair1967

    Another Obama green energy failure

    Electric Car Crash Obama's green energy industrial policy turns up in Chapter 11.. Mitt Romney quipped in the first Presidential debate that the problem with the Obama Administration's green energy investing isn't that it tried to pick winners and losers, but that "you pick the losers." He...
  17. dbair1967

    These are class Americans

    New Threats to Riot if Obama Loses Election Buzz explodes across web Paul Joseph Watson October 15, 2012 Despite the issue receiving national media attention, Obama supporters continue to threaten to riot if Mitt Romney wins the presidential election, raising the...
  18. dbair1967

    Steve Wynn "afraid of Obama"

    CEO Wynn: ‘I’m Afraid of the President' By Christopher Goins October 12, 2012 ( – Steven Wynn, CEO of Wynn Resorts, said on Monday that he was sitting on his thumbs with over a billion dollars tied up because he was unsure what government program the Obama administration would...
  19. dbair1967

    LOL at Obama (Libya)

    Now out there saying they never blamed the stupid youtube video for the terror attack (which wasnt a terror attack according to him and his dumbasses in his administration) in Libya Absolutely hilarious. This is by far the most incompetent & corrupt administration ever, and it isnt even close...
  20. dbair1967

    Winning- Romney up big with independents

    Battleground Poll: Romney Up 16 with Independents, Up 13 In Enthusiasm by John Nolte 8 Oct 2012, 6:10 AM PDT377 In 2008, President Barack Obama won the independent vote over John McCain by a margin of eight points, 52-44. This morning, a new Battleground Poll has Mitt Romney massacring...
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