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  1. dbair1967

    RIP George H.W. Bush

    George H.W. Bush, 41st president of the United States, dies at 94
  2. dbair1967

    The ultimate WTF- Kate Steinle killer NOT GUILTY

    I just saw this on one of the news wires. Piece of garbage illegal alien found not guilty of ALL CHARGES except possession of a gun, which he used to kill that poor girl. I swear I wish that fucking state would just sink into the abyss of the Pacific. The people that live there should be...
  3. dbair1967

    Cell phone signal boosters

    Do these tings work? I get awful reception inside my condo and it now appears I'm staying here for awhile, so looking for options other than going back to a landline (which I haven't had in close to 10 years now) Are there any affordable one's that do a good job? I saw some that are priced in...
  4. dbair1967

    Bill O'Reilly done at FOX News

    He gone. I used to love watching him, but haven't paid much attention to him in recent years.
  5. dbair1967

    AT&T Uverse or Comcast Xfinity?

    Been moving for the past few days and am having major issues with DirecTV. After having them forever I may have to make a change. My two options if DTV doesn't work out (long story) are AT&T Uverse and Comcast. I've never had either one and know nothing about them, other than that neither of...
  6. dbair1967

    UN demands US pay blacks reparations

    JFC. Just get these fuckers out of our country. Am so sick of this organization that's sole purpose is being as anti-American as possible. Wish they'd go build their HQ in the mid east somewhere, then see it blown up by the terrorists they love to support. U.S. owes black people reparations...
  7. dbair1967

    More mysterious deaths within DNC

    I know Hoof, its just a coincidence just like all the other mysterious deaths from people with ties to the Clintons. Clinton Body Count or Left-Wing Conspiracy? Three With Ties to DNC Mysteriously Die - Rachel Alexander Posted: Aug 09, 2016 12:01 AM Clinton Body Count or Left-Wing...
  8. dbair1967

    Another ISIS attack in France

    Took nuns hostage then beheaded an 84 yr old priest. Arch Bishop there says the priest AND the terrorists (who were shot and killed by terror police) are "victims" Religion of peace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lets bring mooselum refugees here in droves! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. dbair1967

    Terror attack in Munich Germany

    Reportedly multiple shooters, multiple dead and injured and shooters still on the loose. They reportedly issued a "mass terror attack warning" there.
  10. dbair1967

    Britain votes to exit EU

    Obama and Clinton FAIL again. Hope this vote is hint of what's to come here. We need to take our country back too.
  11. dbair1967

    Brazil building "erotic" theme park

    Guess we know where BB and WG are headed for vacay next. Mid and CMD, I'm not sure if they are tolerant to your needs as a couple, so you might need to call first. Brazil Ponders an Erotic Theme Park, With No Sex Allowed By SIMON ROMERO MAY 3, 2016 Continue reading the main story...
  12. dbair1967

    Curt Schilling fired by left wing losers ESPN

    All the more reason to just absolutely HATE fucking ESPN. Bunch of left wing fucktards. ESPN fires analyst and former Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling Published April 20, 2016 ESPN announced that it has fired network analyst and former Boston Red Sox star pitcher Curt Schilling following...
  13. dbair1967

    Allah strikes again!

    Woman says "Allah told me to do it" "But but but....Its a Religion of peace!!!!!!!!!" 'Allah ordered' child beheading, nanny says at Moscow court - Yahoo News Moscow (AFP) - A nanny accused of decapitating a young girl in her care then walking through the street brandishing the head, on...
  14. dbair1967

    RIP Glenn Frey

    Died today at age 67. RIP
  15. dbair1967

    Gun thread

    Not really about the politics, was just curious if anyone else in here enjoys shooting or collecting guns? I've recently started going to the gun range and shooting and enjoy it. While I had been around guns since I was kid, I had never bought my own gun until a month ago. Also went ahead and...
  16. dbair1967

    7 reasons you should buy a gun, post San Bernadino

    You should buy a gun. You should learn how to use it. You should buy sufficient ammunition. You should get a license to carry, if you can. You should do all of that now. You should do it not just because President Obama and his administration are hell-bent on implementing some form of...
  17. dbair1967

    More gun violence stats, Libs wont like

    The facts shoot holes in Obama's claim that US is only host to mass killings John Lott By John R. Lott ·Published December 03, 2015 · On Tuesday, President Obama stunned Americans and French alike with his false claims about gun violence in America. "I say this every time...
  18. dbair1967

    problem posting

    I can post new threads/posts, but for some reason I cant reply via quote Anybody have any idea what is wrong?
  19. dbair1967

    More PC tech help needed

    Hey guys, one of the games my kid plays will no longer launch. Every time he clicks start it says "please log on with administrator privileges and try again" He's logged on under me (I am the admin) but it still gives him this message. He uninstalled it and put it back on, but the same message...
  20. dbair1967

    Obama being a dumbass again

    Took the opportunity to lecture to us about how bad the USA is when it comes to guns again. Of course he never once mentioned that the person that did yesterdays horrible crime was a fucked up in the head hate monger who targeted Christians, but that doesn't matter to them (Obama and his...
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