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  1. dbair1967

    US Olympic teams uni's outsourced to China, by Obama contributor

    U.S. Olympic Uniforms: Made in China by Democratic Donor’s company Email Us BY: Washington Free Beacon Staff - July 13, 2012 1:01 pm Lawmakers were livid to discover that the United States’ Olympic team uniforms were made in China. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.) even suggested...
  2. dbair1967

    Condi Rice- possible VP for Romney

    Condi Rice on Romney's ticket would spark big change in 2012 By Sabrina Schaeffer Published July 13, 2012 Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney has moved former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to the top of his possible VP roster according to reports that first...
  3. dbair1967

    Perry says no for Texas to Obamacare Perry: Texas won't expand Medicaid By Paige Winfield Cunningham July 9, 2012, 11:36AM Texas Gov. Rick Perry said Monday his state won't expand Medicaid or set up an insurance exchange...
  4. dbair1967

    Poll- 83% of physicians consider quitting over Obamacare Report: 83 percent of doctors have considered quitting over Obamacare Published: 2:20 PM 07/09/2012 By Sally Nelson Archive | Email Sally Nelson Eighty-three percent of American...
  5. dbair1967

    January 3rd, 2007

    (Note, I have not fact checked this, it was emailed to me) Do You Remember January 3, 2007( 5 years ago )? Excellent history lesson on the economy for all to understand...will be hard for some to swallow, but then the truth sometimes hurts! We still have a chance to fix it, but if we blow...
  6. dbair1967

    Pawlenty the fav for VP?

    Tim Pawlenty's stock soars in Romney-world Pawlenty and Mitt Romney have developed an easy bond. | AP Photo By MIKE ALLEN and JIM VANDEHEI | 6/20/12 4:38 AM EDT Tim Pawlenty has jumped to the top of the vice presidential shortlist of several Mitt Romney advisers after emerging as the most...
  7. dbair1967

    Illinois man flees home naked after finding spider in bed

    Bob? Illinois man flees home naked after finding spider in bed Published June 13, 2012 A southern Illinois man awakened to find a spider in his bed, and in a panic, ran through a glass door outside his home, police told The man's identity was not released, but...
  8. dbair1967

    Obama's 3rd Party History June 7, 2012 4:00 A.M. Obama’s Third-Party History New documents shed new light on his ties to a leftist party in the 1990s. By Stanley Kurtz On the evening of January 11, 1996, while Mitt Romney was in...
  9. dbair1967

    Wisconsin today

    Hope voters do the right thing and shove this recall garbage right up the union's asses.
  10. dbair1967

    Its official- Green Lantern is a homo

    DC Comics Green Lantern relaunched as gay superhero By DAREH GREGORIAN Last Updated: 11:01 PM, June 1, 2012 Posted: 3:18 AM, June 1, 2012 One of DC Comics oldest heroes is super-coming out. The original Green Lantern - a DC Comics mainstay for the past 70 years - will be revealed to be...
  11. dbair1967

    DC comics superhero will soon "come out"

    Just what the world needed That said, Aquaman always did strike me as light in the loafers, and Wonderwoman being a carpet muncher wouldnt be all that shocking. A 'prominent' DC comics character will soon be gay 12 hrs ago Your favorite DC Comics character might be gay. In an interview at...
  12. dbair1967

    Teacher tells student "you could be arrested for talking bad about Obama"

    Yes folks, this is why alot of public education is garbage. This teacher should be fired ASAP. If you go to the link you can listen to hr youtube posting. Last Monday, a high school...
  13. dbair1967

    Government in action

    Ice-cream spot hits rocky road Farmer's Great Brook Park stand shut by state over alleged permit violation By Chris Camire, Updated: 05/16/2012 09:56:03 AM EDT A state Environmental Police truck stands by the entrance to Great Brook Farm State Park in...
  14. dbair1967

    President Zero strikes again

    And the biggest joke in US history continues: White House under fire for adding Obama policy plugs to past presidents' bios The Obama White House is drawing ridicule for appending the official online biographies of nearly every president over the last century in order to link President...
  15. dbair1967

    Liberal douchebag Chris Matthews bombs on Jeopardy

    Chris Matthews Bombs on 'Jeopardy!' After Repeatedly Mocking Palin for How She'd Do By Noel Sheppard | May 15, 2012 | 01:07 On at least four occasions, MSNBC's Chris Matthews mocked Sarah Palin for how he felt she'd do if she were ever on the hit television game show Jeopardy!. In a...
  16. dbair1967

    Inmate gets 40% of vote vs Obama

    lol Keith Judd, Texas Inmate, Gets 40 Percent Of Votes Against Obama In West Virginia Democratic Primary By LAWRENCE MESSINA 05/08/12 11:16 PM ET CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Just how unpopular is President Barack Obama in some parts of the country? Enough that a man in prison in Texas is getting...
  17. dbair1967

    Question on interstate movers

    Has anyone here ever relocated to another state and used a moving service? If so, how expensive is it?
  18. dbair1967

    Kindergartner humiliated after being denied bathroom break

    Missouri mom: Kindergartner humiliated after being denied bathroom break By Sevil Omer, A Missouri mother says her 6-year-old daughter was humiliated after she was denied a bathroom break in her kindergarten class and was forced to sit in her diarrhea during a test session at school...
  19. dbair1967

    RIP- Dick Clark

    Died today of a heart attack. Remember a couple of his shows and New Year's Rockin Eve was on the tube every New Year's Eve into the New Year a.m.
  20. dbair1967

    First time porn viewer- sees wife in starring role

    lol First time porno-watcher sees own wife in movie 4 hrs ago ​Adult films aren't known for their award-winning storylines, but they can bring all kinds of plot twists into real life. An Egyptian man who was cruising the X-rated parts of the internet thought he recognized one of the...
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