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  1. cml750

    The Disease of Leftism

    I want to move to Missouri to vote for this woman! For some reason it is not embedding. Click the link.
  2. cml750

    The Disease of Leftism

  3. cml750

    The Disease of Leftism

  4. cml750

    The Disease of Leftism

  5. cml750

    The never-ending POTUS Election thread....

    dbair, the cabal that is calling the shots is full aware that if Trump wins it is over for them. I see no way they let him win. He is so popular now cancelling the election may very well the only way they can keep him out but I do not underestimate their propensity to commit fraud when the media...
  6. cml750

    The never-ending POTUS Election thread....

    It is either that or they will find a way to cancel the election. They will push us into war, orchestrate a ton of domestic terrorism, or release an actual deadly virus (unlike Covid) or they may do all three.
  7. cml750

    The never-ending POTUS Election thread....

    She will win but it will be 100% fraud that puts her in. They will put her in even f they have to give her 300 million fake votes.
  8. cml750

    The Disease of Leftism

  9. cml750

    The Disease of Leftism

  10. cml750

    Like Fun, Only Different...

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