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For God's sake, man! Of course Michael Cohen is a serial liar and cannot be trusted. But that is not the issue. Everyone is too focused on discrediting Cohen as a witness. The real issue is there is no crime! Even if all the prosecution witnesses were telling the truth, including Cohen, not one witness provided any testimony claiming Trump broke any laws! The prosecution is trying to convince the jury that things Trump did legally, are actually violations of law, when they are not. The judge is allowing this and will probably instruct the jury along the same lines.

Trump's attorneys should have been appealing every decision Judge Merchan made in this case and if the appeals failed, appeal it to a higher court. The NY courts are clearly all corrupt. Merchan was not selected randomly, he was hand picked by the chief judge of the NY district court. The appeals court already proved it is biased when it only lowered Trump's bond in the other NY case to $175 million for a victimless liability case.

Trump has to get these cases out of NY as quickly as possible. The Supreme Court is practically begging Trump to brings these cases before them.


Pro Bowler
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The real issue is there is no crime!

Its absurd!

I got sucked into this bullshit and every day I am scratching my head wondering what the damn crime is and cant believe this made it to court. If the country wasnt so ignorant and/or stupid, they would be terrified by the implications of what is taking place

Vivek broke down the absurdity well imo:



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Trump has to get these cases out of NY as quickly as possible. The Supreme Court is practically begging Trump to brings these cases before them.
There's no question it will end up in the SCOTUS hands at some point.

I honestly think now Trump and his people have seen how all this shit worked into his favor and actually WANT it to continue. His poll numbers go up every day, seemingly hand in hand with the comedy or errors, lies and obvious bias shown daily in these fraud court cases. He's literally in the MSM news 24/7 with it. Now he got that babbling brainless fool Biden to actually go on TV and debate him, and even with the obvious bias from the moderators is going to absolutely destroy Biden on national TV. Everyone knows it, but diaper boy had no choice to do it because he is getting creamed in the polls now.

Mitt Romney is as big a hater of Trump as anyone in the Democrap party, and even he's on the record saying Biden fucked up and should have pardoned Trump the first day any of these bogus charges started coming out. Why? Because Romney is right, all this shitshow did was improve Trump's chances of winning.


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Its absurd!

I got sucked into this bullshit and every day I am scratching my head wondering what the damn crime is and cant believe this made it to court. If the country wasnt so ignorant and/or stupid, they would be terrified by the implications of what is taking place

Vivek broke down the absurdity well imo:

There isnt any. The Demtards (and especially Biden and Garland) fucked up bad. They all know it now.


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Its absurd!

I got sucked into this bullshit and every day I am scratching my head wondering what the damn crime is and cant believe this made it to court. If the country wasnt so ignorant and/or stupid, they would be terrified by the implications of what is taking place

Vivek broke down the absurdity well imo:

It is mind-boggling that this case has gotten this far but it starts with the judge. Why would a judge make a mockery of his court room by allowing a case like this to continue? A former president of the United States is on trial on felony charges. This is a historical event. You would think that the charges would have to be significant and beyond doubt to prosecute such a case. But instead Trump is facing prison for paying off a porn star to silence her allegations of a sexual affair.

A case this weak would be an embarrassment for both the DA and the judge, ordinarily. This is why I believe the DA and judge believe they will get a conviction. The jury is rigged and they know it - because they rigged it. All the ridicule disappears if the jury returns a guilty verdict. This case isn't about fraud or election interference. It is about Trump. Get 12 people who hate Trump and he will be convicted regardless of the crime or the evidence. How hard would that be in NYC? Not hard at all. And remember, the judge excluded any potential jurors that follow Trump on social media. But he never asked any juror if they follow Biden, or any of the prosecution witnesses on Social Media.

I also think the jury foreperson was hand picked. No doubt she is a strong personality, maybe a woman of color. Her job will be to bully the rest of the jurors into the verdict she wants. This is what happened in the Michael Sussman trial. There were jurors who wanted to convict him, but the jury foreperson was overbearing and convinced them to give up their attempt to get a guilty verdict.

Trump will be convicted of a non-crime and he will appeal. But I think Merchan will either sentence him to prison or house arrest and another large fine. Trump will appeal but the NY appellate courts will slow walk his appeal, deny a stay of the sentence until after the election.


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There's no question it will end up in the SCOTUS hands at some point.

I honestly think now Trump and his people have seen how all this shit worked into his favor and actually WANT it to continue. His poll numbers go up every day, seemingly hand in hand with the comedy or errors, lies and obvious bias shown daily in these fraud court cases. He's literally in the MSM news 24/7 with it. Now he got that babbling brainless fool Biden to actually go on TV and debate him, and even with the obvious bias from the moderators is going to absolutely destroy Biden on national TV. Everyone knows it, but diaper boy had no choice to do it because he is getting creamed in the polls now.

Mitt Romney is as big a hater of Trump as anyone in the Democrap party, and even he's on the record saying Biden fucked up and should have pardoned Trump the first day any of these bogus charges started coming out. Why? Because Romney is right, all this shitshow did was improve Trump's chances of winning.

I agree 100%. Trump thinks this sham trial is working in his favor. I think he is playing with fire though. If he is convicted, he will regret not fighting harder against this trial. He waited too long to appeal the gag order. He should have known he would have to go higher than the NY appellate court to win that case.

He has to get these cases to the Supreme Court as quickly as possible. The conservatives have hinted numerous times that they think he is being harassed by Democrats using lawfare. The worst thing that can happen is he never gets these cases before them.


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It is mind-boggling that this case has gotten this far but it starts with the judge. Why would a judge make a mockery of his court room by allowing a case like this to continue? A former president of the United States is on trial on felony charges. This is a historical event. You would think that the charges would have to be significant and beyond doubt to prosecute such a case. But instead Trump is facing prison for paying off a porn star to silence her allegations of a sexual affair.
Why? Because it was part of a fucked up ploy to help ensure Biden wins again, only it backfired.

Watching this garbage is more like some lousy Hollywood sitcom script or something, which makes sense because the Dems probably consulted with Hollywood for this just like they did the bogus J6 crap.


🚀 Scientist
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Why? Because it was part of a fucked up ploy to help ensure Biden wins again, only it backfired.

Watching this garbage is more like some lousy Hollywood sitcom script or something, which makes sense because the Dems probably consulted with Hollywood for this just like they did the bogus J6 crap.
I get why they are doing it, but my question was more about consequences. And I guess the reason why a judge and DA would risk going through such an obvious corrupt trial is because they do not fear consequences. The media, for the most part protects them. The system protects them. Judge Merchan was selected for this trial, not by random draw as is the case with most trials. He was hand picked to hear this case by the chief judge for the NY court. Merchan knows nothing will happen to him no matter what he does in this trial. What it boils down to is the voters. NY liberals are behind the corruption we are seeing. They are encouraging it thinking it will never come back to bite them. But if liberals are anything, they are short-sighted.


🚀 Scientist
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This usual paid propagandists were pushing this lie on social media. It is an act of desperation. Biden has 3 major weaknesses among voters. First is the economy. This is why he lies about inflation being 9% when he took office. The 2nd is the border, which is why we see the Palestine protests taking the focus off the border issues. And 3rd is Biden's mental health. This one is hard to cover up because whenever Biden is in public it is obvious there is an issue. So Democrats have decided to pretend Trump is also suffering from dementia. The difference is they are using edited clips to show it, while unedited clips of Biden show how far he has deteriorated.

When Trump ran against Hillary, Democrats knew how unlikeable Hillary is as a person, so their goal was to make Trump look worse. Of course they use the willing media to accomplish this.


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Libtards heads exploding in 3....2....1.....

Again, Michael Cohen is a scumbag and always has been, but it is not Cohen's integrity we should be worried about. It is the integrity of the judge and DA that will make this case.

Today the judge refused to admit into evidence a letter from an associate of Michael Cohen's attorney at the time of the Stormy Daniels episode. The judge claims the email is "hearsay". But he allowed into evidence a transcript of the Access Hollywood tape, which has nothing to do with this trial, and testimony from Stormy Daniels which also had nothing to do with this trail. He even allowed in testimony that he later admitted could not be substantiated by the prosecution. Basically it was Stormy Daniels gossip.

Today, he denied Trump's attorney's request to provide insight into jury instructions, which is what the judge tells the jury about the crimes and evidence needed to convict. To this point there is still confusion about what the underlying crime is that Trump supposedly tried to cover up by falsifying business records. Judge Merchan said, "less is better" to answer Trump's attorneys. Less is better? In a case where there is confusion about the actual crime being charged?

This case is so fixed it is not funny. If Trump wins this election he needs to find an Attorney General with the guts to go after these dirtbags and put them in prison for denying Trump his rights and for election interference.


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So now its come to light that Biden and the FBI authorized the use of "deadly force" against Trump and his family at the bogus Mar A Lago raid.

And of course it was Biden and Dems that also hired 10's of thousands of IRS goons and also paid to arm them. I guess reviewing tax documents and talking to small business owners is an extreme work environment.

Be afraid of this Communist government. Be very afraid.
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