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This is boring. Lets talk about why someone would want to pretend to themselves it was another way in their head. Why google only "it was a gubment conspiracy"? My best guess is that life bored them. Being the detective put on suspension with 5 o'clock shadow cracking the case by successfully avoiding the landmines that is "science".


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This is boring. Lets talk about why someone would want to pretend to themselves it was another way in their head. Why google only "it was a gubment conspiracy"? My best guess is that life bored them. Being the detective put on suspension with 5 o'clock shadow cracking the case by successfully avoiding the landmines that is "science".

Some people like to use their brains and question things that don't make sense. They prefer to not let others do the thinking for them. I see you aren't one of them.

Laughing at dead people? Classy.


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******, How many youtube videos do you watch from the side that you don't agree with ?

I don't waste my time with explanations from the government.

And questioning/researching one of the most important events in American history isn't boring, but I can see how mouth breathers like you think it is.


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Some people like to use their brains and question things that don't make sense.

And what your posting and linking makes sense Jon? Do you really believe the government caused one of the worse commuter train accidents in history to silence one man who had a connection to 911 because he was the general that scrambled the fighter jets? Really? That the local police are "in" on the cover-up when when someone commits suicide right before her criminal trial? Maybe these mysterious deaths referred to in the video aren't so mysterious; maybe the family didn't want to details released? The whole thing is listing people that had a connection to 911 that died. Thousands of people were affected that day and I'd imagine quite a few people have passed but that's not nefarious.


In the Rotation
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I don't waste my time with explanations from the government.

And questioning/researching one of the most important events in American history isn't boring, but I can see how mouth breathers like you think it is.

i still want to "get" the connection to our government hiring people to do suicide missions in the plane from extreme islamists who hate us for no other reason so our government can have even more power on us.

why would *they* cooperate? why would *they* kill themselves for our gain and their own loss?

the logic at the core makes no sense. so question that please and let me know your answer.


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They were suckered into the job. They were given unlimited bank accounts. They took trips to Vegas, hired prostitutes, and drank heavily. It was a big party for them until they died and got their supposed 72 virgins. Why wouldn't they do it?

The government not only got their excuse for invading Afghanistan and Iraq, but also the excuse for the Patriot Act.


In the Rotation
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They were suckered into the job. They were given unlimited bank accounts. They took trips to Vegas, hired prostitutes, and drank heavily. It was a big party for them until they died and got their supposed 72 virgins. Why wouldn't they do it?

The government not only got their excuse for invading Afghanistan and Iraq, but also the excuse for the Patriot Act.

fine. so we somehow out thought an entire group of global terrorists to hit us, make it look like they did it, for us, so we can have more power over us and come after them "legally" and systematically take them down. you're willing to believe one far fetched notion just so you can keep another alive.

even if i stretch armstrong my way to this, why have they stayed quiet about it and not sold out bush?

it seems you're willing to believe far more ludicrous things simply to think our gov is the bad guy here. but again, go ahead and explain to me how come, after "sold them out and used them" they've not returned the favor.

on second thought, nevermind.


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Radical Islamists aren't the most intelligent people. Bin Laden also refused to take responsibility for 9/11.

The whole plan was actually brilliant.
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In the Rotation
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Radical Islamists aren't the most intelligent people. Bin Laden also refused to take responsibility for 9/11.

that's a pretty convenient viewpoint you got there. there's "evidence" on both sides, now people just pick and choose to support what they want to believe.

the entire islamic terrorist movement got used and doesn't say a word.
paint them as "stupid"

there's a lot of things i hate about our government and the divide we seem to want to put between ourselves. but i can't think for a minute this was our government acting against us. if they wanted the patriot act, they do it.

they're now coming after guns and hell, a man with an umbrella is a target.

you act as if they (our government) needs a reason to do what they do. yet let's play along and say we set WC7 to blow up.

all the people who willingly did that - where are they? they dying 1 by 1?

and none of these drunk vegas partying islamists said a thing to anyone about what was going on? i mean, they're dumbasses, right? yet they seem to be tight lipped dumbasses.


how convenient.

logically this simply can't work. since evidence is manufactured on both sides, i fall back to logic and overall human error.

you'd have to have a thousand people remain quiet for this to work.

i defy you to do something around town with 10 people and keep it quiet.


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Who's to say where the funds were coming from? Most of the hijackers were Saudis. We probably gave the Saudis money to give them. The hijackers thought everything was legit. This took a lot of planning to do, but think of the JFK Assassination as well. How many people have spoken out about it?


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It takes a major event for Americans to give up their rights or agree to a new foreign policy. We all got sucked on 9/11 as Parcells would say.
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