
Super Moderator
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I just don't and can't understand these people. What in the world are they doing? And for a country that is not part of NATO and millions of citizens have fled rather than fight. This is a real quandary and can get ugly real quick. And they must also know that Trump won't go along with this so maybe that's their plan? To ostracize the US and build more anti-American sentiment in Europe so Trump can be blamed for any "peace" agreement where Russia keeps part of Ukraine? I don't know....this is just crazy.


Defense Wins Championships
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This short video really encapsulates the International moves that President Trump is making, vs. the spin that the MSM is bellyaching about.



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Actually you're forgetting the "reset button" incident back when the Dems thought nasty cold and mean Dubya was wrong about our great friend and ally Russia and mean to Big Daddy Vladdy. This was during the World Apology Tour of Obama's first term.

The Russians dared laugh at Hitlery pretty much jeering her out of the room. Then later saying it was alarming to them that the US Secretary of State presented them with a button very much resembling a Soviet missile launch button. This was the moment the Dem Party flipped on Russia pretty much stealing the GOP position on Russia while pretending it was their policy the whole time. And the RNC and GOP heads and elected officials, simply let them get away with it.

This is what you saw during the 2016 presidential race. It just got adjusted from "Russia is evil can't be trusted" to, "Russia is evil and Trump is colluding with them."

Dem hate for Putin and Russia was and is real but it's based ONLY on them laughing Hitlery out of the room on camera. And nothing else.

For all their elitism, Democrats are really dumb about everything.


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The question that is never asked or addressed by all these "oh my gosh we have to help poor Ukraine because Russia is a threat to the world and will take over everything" fucktards is this.

If Russia is so big and bad, and they are a threat to all of Europe and the rest of the world, how come in 3+ yrs they still haven't been able to gain anything v tiny little Ukraine, let alone wipe them off the face of the map as we were told?

Russia's own troops don't want to fight this. Russia had to go barter with North Korea to get more troops to help them. Russia's economy is shit.

Yeah yeah yeah..."but Russia has nukes!!!!!!!!!!". And they'll never use them.

This seems to me to be a classic example of something that if ignored, would go away completely.

Russia does not want all of Ukraine. They just want certain parts.

Also, When is the last time anyone actually won a war outright? Korea was a draw. Vietnam was a draw until the US stopped fighting. Iraq was an endless battle as was Afghanistan, for both Russia and the US.

It turns out all of our modern weaponry has allowed even small armies to fight big armies to a standstill because big powers won't use all the military might they have at their disposal.

The fact is, a $20 missile can take down a $35 million aircraft r destroy a very expensive tank. Winning a war takes extraordinary planning and execution and you have to win in the first few days or the enemy can resort to asymmetrical warfare to fight a stalemate.


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Russia does not want all of Ukraine. They just want certain parts.

Also, When is the last time anyone actually won a war outright? Korea was a draw. Vietnam was a draw until the US stopped fighting. Iraq was an endless battle as was Afghanistan, for both Russia and the US.

It turns out all of our modern weaponry has allowed even small armies to fight big armies to a standstill because big powers won't use all the military might they have at their disposal.

The fact is, a $20 missile can take down a $35 million aircraft r destroy a very expensive tank. Winning a war takes extraordinary planning and execution and you have to win in the first few days or the enemy can resort to asymmetrical warfare to fight a stalemate.
Vietnam was different because our leadership made no real effort to win it. It was almost as if it was a draw on purpose.

We destroyed the middle east easily and our ending situation with Afghanistan was nothing like the Soviets. We wiped them out and then incompetent Obama and Biden leadership allowed the bad people to retake the country.

Russia's war with Ukraine proved they are not a world class super power any longer. They have nukes but they'll never use them and I even wonder how much of their nuke capability is even truly functional anymore. If we had gone to war with Ukraine they would have been wiped off the face of the earth in 3 months or less. Russia has done nothing in 3 yrs.


Pro Bowler
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Russia does not want all of Ukraine. They just want certain parts.

Also, When is the last time anyone actually won a war outright? Korea was a draw. Vietnam was a draw until the US stopped fighting. Iraq was an endless battle as was Afghanistan, for both Russia and the US.

It turns out all of our modern weaponry has allowed even small armies to fight big armies to a standstill because big powers won't use all the military might they have at their disposal.

The fact is, a $20 missile can take down a $35 million aircraft r destroy a very expensive tank. Winning a war takes extraordinary planning and execution and you have to win in the first few days or the enemy can resort to asymmetrical warfare to fight a stalemate.

and you have to be committed to winning by any means necessary and expect unconditional surrender, has the US done that since Germany and Japan?

Maybe in Iraq 2.0 but certainly not 1.0

Seems we're always fighting with one hand behind our back by choice!


Defense Wins Championships
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Russia does not want all of Ukraine. They just want certain parts.

But the EU is Hellbent on saying and thinking that if you give Putin the land he needs for access to a warm water port, that Putin will then keep marching and take over ALL of the EU.

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