The question that is never asked or addressed by all these "oh my gosh we have to help poor Ukraine because Russia is a threat to the world and will take over everything" fucktards is this.
If Russia is so big and bad, and they are a threat to all of Europe and the rest of the world, how come in 3+ yrs they still haven't been able to gain anything v tiny little Ukraine, let alone wipe them off the face of the map as we were told?
Russia's own troops don't want to fight this. Russia had to go barter with North Korea to get more troops to help them. Russia's economy is shit.
Yeah yeah yeah..."but Russia has nukes!!!!!!!!!!". And they'll never use them.
This seems to me to be a classic example of something that if ignored, would go away completely.
Russia does not want all of Ukraine. They just want certain parts.
Also, When is the last time anyone actually won a war outright? Korea was a draw. Vietnam was a draw until the US stopped fighting. Iraq was an endless battle as was Afghanistan, for both Russia and the US.
It turns out all of our modern weaponry has allowed even small armies to fight big armies to a standstill because big powers won't use all the military might they have at their disposal.
The fact is, a $20 missile can take down a $35 million aircraft r destroy a very expensive tank. Winning a war takes extraordinary planning and execution and you have to win in the first few days or the enemy can resort to asymmetrical warfare to fight a stalemate.