
Super Moderator
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This is why I feel that if Republicans take the midterms in 2022 and then the WH in 2024, they need to make drastic changes. Fuck the old guard. Current leadership needs to go and the new leadership needs to put a stake through the heart of these treasonous criminals and fraudsters (on BOTH sides). And do it without mercy and in accordance with the law.


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I agree with much of your post except the point that it's avoidable. How did you see this coming when you have years and years of precedence regarding the the same issue with no law enforcement involvement? If you thought Trump would get raided for documents that are, arguably, declassified and he probably declassified, then you're a smarter man than me. The system is completely corrupted.

The bottom line is the Republican's can't out think Democrats because they're not wired to think this deviously. Republicans are not as radical in their beliefs as are the's a ideology. When Trump was elected one of his first speeches was basically letting Hillary off the hook, much to the displeasure of the crowd.

Then let this be a learning moment. There is no depth they will not stoop to to stop Trump.

Which leads me to ask, if the Democrats legitimately beat Trump in 2020 by over 6 million votes, then why are they so afraid of him running again? They should be begging Trump to run knowing they can beat him easily. To me, the more they try to stop Trump from running the more clear it becomes that they did not beat him in 2020. But their cheating was exposed to 2024 will be a bigger challenge for them.


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This is why I feel that if Republicans take the midterms in 2022 and then the WH in 2024, they need to make drastic changes. Fuck the old guard. Current leadership needs to go and the new leadership needs to put a stake through the heart of these treasonous criminals and fraudsters (on BOTH sides). And do it without mercy and in accordance with the law.

I agree. But the good news is a lot of establishment Republicans or candidates supported by the old guard lost their primaries. A massive win in November should give them the courage to fight hard and dirty like Democrats.

But what would be better than Pelosi and Schumer taking a back seat to some Trump Republicans?


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I think what is happening to Trump is total BS. But it was also avoidable.
I really don't believe it was avoidable. The Dems would do what they are doing regardless of who was there. They tried to cheat in 2016 and when that didnt work, they doubled down on it and were even more egregious about it to get the result they wanted.

And they didnt just cheat at the top of the ticket, there was massive voter fraud almost everywhere and impacting several levels (including the senate, which was clearly stolen in GA)


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Which leads me to ask, if the Democrats legitimately beat Trump in 2020 by over 6 million votes, then why are they so afraid of him running again? They should be begging Trump to run knowing they can beat him easily. To me, the more they try to stop Trump from running the more clear it becomes that they did not beat him in 2020. But their cheating was exposed to 2024 will be a bigger challenge for them.


Pro Bowler
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The NY AG is investigating Trump for over-valuing his properties when applying for loans and insurance policies!
I'm in real estate and it doesn't matter what I value a property when applying for a loan, the bank will get their own appraiser and that's what will determine the value. As far as insurance goes, there's only so far I can push values and the higher I go, the more it costs me plus there are coinsurance penalties if you dont value it high enough. The insurance companies also have internal checks to determine what the values are to make sure that the coverage makes sense so this is kind of a pointless charade on its face.

Plus its not the governments job to protect lenders (I suppose it is when they guarantee a loan) or insurance agencies, if they screw up values, its on them


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I'm in real estate and it doesn't matter what I value a property when applying for a loan, the bank will get their own appraiser and that's what will determine the value. As far as insurance goes, there's only so far I can push values and the higher I go, the more it costs me plus there are coinsurance penalties if you dont value it high enough. The insurance companies also have internal checks to determine what the values are to make sure that the coverage makes sense so this is kind of a pointless charade on its face.

Plus its not the governments job to protect lenders (I suppose it is when they guarantee a loan) or insurance agencies, if they screw up values, its on them
Of course! Banks and insurance companies pay their own appraisers to value property. It is no different for commercial real estate.


🚀 Scientist
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Never has anyone seen a past president being treated as such. They haven't found squat on Trump in the beginning & they won't at the end. When will the "witch hunt" end?!

Hillary's Emails?
Hunter Biden laptop?

The list goes on. Obama took many files home as well after his presidency.


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Read this:

The short of it is when Bill Clinton left office he took with him audio tapes he made talking about his time in office. Judicial Watch sued to get the national Archives to take possession of the tapes. JW lost the case and the federal judge said the president has the broad authority to declare what are records and what is personal property. She said the disputes over what is or isn't personal property is not a criminal case. She said the court cannot compel Clinton to turn over the tapes. The National Archives never made an issue of it and Clinton got to keep his tapes. Clearly this case applies directly to the Trump situation that took place last week.


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Just read the affidavit the FBI used to justify the raid on Trump's home at Mar-a-Lago. 2 things are very clear from reading the unredacted portions:

1. The FBI agent who wrote the affidavit is clearly a very anti-Trump person. You can tell by what is said and what is not said. The agents makes way to much of classified documents as if he/she has the authority to question the president classification the of the documents. The is one mention of a Breitbart article where Kash Patel claimed the documents were declassified by Trump as if the agent was doubting it. But nowhere does the affidavit indicate that any investigation was initiated to determine if the president had declassified the documents. If none of the documents were classified then why the fuss? Why the emergency? Why the raid? And frankly, why wasn't the same level of seriousness applied to the Clinton emails? The name of FBI agent who wrote the affidavit is redacted. I shouldn't be. The FBI agents writes a document making specific accusations against an ex-president and every person in America has a right to face his accusers. These cowards that's are doing this to Trump always want to hide behind the curtains. My guess is the agent will not pass the test of publicity. 4 minutes after identification the internet will be swarmed with past Twitter comments proving bias.

2. The affidavit indicates the FBI suspected there were other documents Trump had that he had not turned over with the 15 boxes of documents he gave the DOJ willingly. They claim to have informants who tipped them off to the existence of these documents. But there was no mention in the affidavit of ongoing cooperation between the FBI and Trump legal team. The affidavit does not explain why they could not have just asked for what they were looking for? The affidavit completely ignores this question. It does not explain why these suspect documents were not requested back in June when the other 15 boxes of documents were turned over.

IMO, this affidavit just raises more questions about the FBI raid. It needs to be unredacted in its entirety. The game the DOJ is playing here is a dangerous game. We now know that the FBI, according to Mark Zuckerberg himself, pressured big tech to censor the Hunter laptop story. We know the FBI ignored tons of exculpatory evidence in the Trump Russia collusion investigation. We have every reason not to trust them now. 14 whistleblowers have come forward to confirm our suspicions and they are being ignored by the media and congress. If you are looking for a threat to democracy, it is the FBI.


Super Moderator
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Just read the affidavit the FBI used to justify the raid on Trump's home at Mar-a-Lago. 2 things are very clear from reading the unredacted portions:

1. The FBI agent who wrote the affidavit is clearly a very anti-Trump person. You can tell by what is said and what is not said. The agents makes way to much of classified documents as if he/she has the authority to question the president classification the of the documents. The is one mention of a Breitbart article where Kash Patel claimed the documents were declassified by Trump as if the agent was doubting it. But nowhere does the affidavit indicate that any investigation was initiated to determine if the president had declassified the documents. If none of the documents were classified then why the fuss? Why the emergency? Why the raid? And frankly, why wasn't the same level of seriousness applied to the Clinton emails? The name of FBI agent who wrote the affidavit is redacted. I shouldn't be. The FBI agents writes a document making specific accusations against an ex-president and every person in America has a right to face his accusers. These cowards that's are doing this to Trump always want to hide behind the curtains. My guess is the agent will not pass the test of publicity. 4 minutes after identification the internet will be swarmed with past Twitter comments proving bias.

2. The affidavit indicates the FBI suspected there were other documents Trump had that he had not turned over with the 15 boxes of documents he gave the DOJ willingly. They claim to have informants who tipped them off to the existence of these documents. But there was no mention in the affidavit of ongoing cooperation between the FBI and Trump legal team. The affidavit does not explain why they could not have just asked for what they were looking for? The affidavit completely ignores this question. It does not explain why these suspect documents were not requested back in June when the other 15 boxes of documents were turned over.

IMO, this affidavit just raises more questions about the FBI raid. It needs to be unredacted in its entirety. The game the DOJ is playing here is a dangerous game. We now know that the FBI, according to Mark Zuckerberg himself, pressured big tech to censor the Hunter laptop story. We know the FBI ignored tons of exculpatory evidence in the Trump Russia collusion investigation. We have every reason not to trust them now. 14 whistleblowers have come forward to confirm our suspicions and they are being ignored by the media and congress. If you are looking for a threat to democracy, it is the FBI.

I hadn't read your post before I responded with some similar thoughts in another thread. Spot. Fucking. On.

Especially the part of redacting the agents name. I have NEVER heard of such a thing and it's utterly embarrassing and outrageous for a sworn law enforcement officer to do so. My God this thing stinks to high heaven. And I don't think any of the talking heads will even mention the name redaction. It is so inappropriate for an LEO that it's down right shocking.


Practice Squad
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It all boils down that the FBI already knew what documents Trump had, that's just a smoke screen. They were really looking for incriminating evidence on Hunter Biden and the president and of course the missing pages of Ashly Biden's diary. The next raids will probably be at the homes of Trump's sons!!


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I hadn't read your post before I responded with some similar thoughts in another thread. Spot. Fucking. On.

Especially the part of redacting the agents name. I have NEVER heard of such a thing and it's utterly embarrassing and outrageous for a sworn law enforcement officer to do so. My God this thing stinks to high heaven. And I don't think any of the talking heads will even mention the name redaction. It is so inappropriate for an LEO that it's down right shocking.

I saw something , I can;t remember if it was a video on social media or on TV, but some pundit mentioned the agent's name. He said his name was Bratt and he was an Obama donor. I do not know if that is true or not because I did not see the agent's name in the affidavit. But from what I read, I am certain whoever wrote it is a Trump hater.
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