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Yesterday, Christopher Wray was complaining about some people on GAB and other social media platforms "threatening" FBI agents. I believe he used the example of people posting "lock and load". Of course the media immediately changed the narrative from the politicization of the DOJ to those right wing Trump supporters threatening violence. But this is just another example of left wing double standard.

When George Floyd died while in police custody, Democrats encouraged the riots and looting that ensued because they claimed police injustice. Rioting and violence was a legitimate response to injustice. But when we on the right see legitimate, and real, injustice from our government we are not allowed to say or do anything about it. If we get angry it is outrageous. So George Floyd died while in police custody after he passed a fake $20 bill and was caught. Then he resisted arrest. All of this while on drugs and carrying a record of violent crimes in his past. But Floyd was a victim because police subdued him. Ashlii Babbit, unarmed and protesting in the capitol, was shot at point blank range and killed. She had no police record and served her country honorably for 14 years. The cop who shot her without warning was called a hero by some of our elected representatives. The murdered was quickly investigated and cleared of any wrong-doing. When we see these injustices we are supposed to just sit back and take it.

I don't condone violence but if people get angry at what the FBI is doing to them, then the FBI should pay attention. Unless the FBI wants the pot to boil over.


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I don't condone violence but if people get angry at what the FBI is doing to them, then the FBI should pay attention. Unless the FBI wants the pot to boil over.
Like I said the other day, unfortunately with everything the extreme left/Marxists are doing here, eventually there's going to be a very bloody Civil War/Revolution again. And I think it's going to be sooner rather than later.


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There's a poll out today about motivation to vote after the ridiculous raid on Trump. This is pretty substantial stuff and unless the dems pull another 2020 and lock down the country and force reliance on mail in voting again, then its going to be an epic landslide in November for the Republicans.



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There's a poll out today about motivation to vote after the ridiculous raid on Trump. This is pretty substantial stuff and unless the dems pull another 2020 and lock down the country and force reliance on mail in voting again, then its going to be an epic landslide in November for the Republicans.

Not buying it. When you don't fix 2020, then we'll see much of the same in 2022 and 2024.


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There's a poll out today about motivation to vote after the ridiculous raid on Trump. This is pretty substantial stuff and unless the dems pull another 2020 and lock down the country and force reliance on mail in voting again, then its going to be an epic landslide in November for the Republicans.
Not buying it. When you don't fix 2020, then we'll see much of the same in 2022 and 2024.

You must first lay the groundwork for your fraud so it doesn't seem all that implausible.....



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You must first lay the groundwork for your fraud so it doesn't seem all that implausible.....

I don't believe any of these polls and frankly the voting on the primaries does not support them. But I do believe the Supreme Court decision to reverse Roe v Wade is going to hurt Republicans. Poll after poll shows a good majority of Americans still support abortion and many Democrats are now super fired up because it is the only issue they care about, right or wrong.


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Did anyone listen to Garlands little press statement? Aside from admitting he approved the raid, he didn't reveal any new information. He claimed the DOJ petitioned the court to release the search warrant, and the receipt of items taken from Mar-A-Lago but I thought a judge already ordered the DOJ to release these documents after a newspaper and Judicial Watch petitioned the court to release these documents. Garland could have released then as he spoke. He didn't.

What stuck out to me was Garlands comment about recent statements regarding the integrity of the DOJ and FBI. He said he stood behind them, blah, blah, blah, but I could not tell if he was specifically referring to the MAL raid or the 14 whistleblowers who came forward to report numerous instances of FBI officials burying information about Hunter Biden and his father, while distorting information about Trump in order to start or continue investigations against him. When 14 people come forward, the AG needs to make a strong statement about what he intends to do about the allegations of corruption in his department.

But while claiming he fights for equal application of the law he ignored the central question about the raid on Trump's home. Would his FBI have raided the home of a prominent Democrat? This is the issue. It is the double standard of justice not whether they can obtain a legal warrant to search a home. The answer is no, they did not search Hillary Clinton's home or convene a grand jury in her email case. They did not get a search warrant and raid the home of Sandy Berger when he took classified documents. The have not raided Hunter Biden's home or show any interest in Biden's numerous violations of the law including engaging in sexual acts with a minor.


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Everybody should have known the second that Barrack Hussein Obama tried to put this guy on the SCOTUS that he was a 100% libtard cronie.

And they tried to paint this guy as a completely unbiased moderate.


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Now they are claiming they were looking for top secret nuclear documents that Trump had a Mar-A-Lago.

Notice how the article is written. First, remember the FBI claimed they had specific information about the documents they were looking for and where they were located. But this article is written as a suggestion that nuclear documents are the kind of materials they would be looking for when looking for classified documents. This is clearly a leak to make it seem like the search warrant was a really important and urgent matter. It is a typical FBI misdirection.

First, Trump as president is allowed access to nuclear secrets, as all presidents are.

But if they were looking for such documents and it was so urgent, then why not just ask for them? By all accounts Trump's lawyers were handling the requests from the FBI and Trump's lawyers were cooperating. In fact, Trump agreed to turn over 15 boxes of documents back in February. Why didn't the FBI ask for the nuclear secrets then? Why wait 18 months then launch a raid because of urgency?

Furthermore, according to Trump's lawyers the FBI already went through all the documents in Trump's possession months ago. If there were nuclear secrets among those documents wouldn't they have taken them?

Remember too, the original premise of the search warrant was it was related to NARA, the national archives. Would nuclear secrets really be stored in the national archives?

Trump is calling the article a hoax. I tend to agree. Two more unnamed sources fed this story to the Washington Post and we have seen stories like this turn out to be false so many times before.

The thing is, the warrants and itemization of materials taken will be released eventually and the truth will be exposed - unless the FBI does what I expect and redacts large portions of the documents to leave suspicion for the media to speculate.

And while all of this goes on, we are forgetting that Barack Obama took thousands and thousands of documents to Chicago for his "library" that is yet to be constructed. No one seems to care what is in all those documents.

The media is the enemy of the people. The take this garbage being fed to them by the deep state and just print it without questioning anything. Now there are people on Twitter literally calling for Trump's execution.


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I'm not a huge fan of Dan Bongino, but this is an excellent interview with a former FBI agent who is currently an attorney. The interview lasts 20 plus minutes but it's very good and gives some insight into how these investigations progress and how they're executed.

The FBI has been taken over by people who never made a case in the field. Who have reached the pinnacle of their respective careers through making the right moves and politicking. And once that happens, these ranking scrubs promote people just like them which then floods the management ranks with completely incapable and unqualified scrubs. But this is not unique to the FBI. This has happened in all of government, especially law enforcement agencies. Their decisions are political in nature because that's all they know and it's what got them to the their positions. These dolts lack all enforcement common sense that they plan and approve a raid (yes, it's a raid) on a former president's residence. And the former president is also the leading opposition figure. No one at the FBI could bring themselves to follow the breadcrumbs as to how bad this could get. There are no stop gaps in FBI management who can maintain agency integrity. For example, no one in FBI management could intervene when the left was targeting parents as domestic terrorists. Who thought this was a good idea to investigate parents who attend school board meetings? And 100% guarateed that these parents are now populated in FBI data bases. Who thought it was a good idea to raid the former President's home while giving Hillary, Hunter and others a hard pass? The FBI is completely done. I've worked with them and they are/were completely over rated and thrive off a reputation. They must be gutted, their whole management structure fired and completely re-imagined as an enforcement agency. They, along with the DoJ have been completely compromised and weaponized.



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I'm not a huge fan of Dan Bongino, but this is an excellent interview with a former FBI agent who is currently an attorney. The interview lasts 20 plus minutes but it's very good and gives some insight into how these investigations progress and how they're executed.

The FBI has been taken over by people who never made a case in the field. Who have reached the pinnacle of their respective careers through making the right moves and politicking. And once that happens, these ranking scrubs promote people just like them which then floods the management ranks with completely incapable and unqualified scrubs. But this is not unique to the FBI. This has happened in all of government, especially law enforcement agencies. Their decisions are political in nature because that's all they know and it's what got them to the their positions. These dolts lack all enforcement common sense that they plan and approve a raid (yes, it's a raid) on a former president's residence. And the former president is also the leading opposition figure. No one at the FBI could bring themselves to follow the breadcrumbs as to how bad this could get. There are no stop gaps in FBI management who can maintain agency integrity. For example, no one in FBI management could intervene when the left was targeting parents as domestic terrorists. Who thought this was a good idea to investigate parents who attend school board meetings? And 100% guarateed that these parents are now populated in FBI data bases. Who thought it was a good idea to raid the former President's home while giving Hillary, Hunter and others a hard pass? The FBI is completely done. I've worked with them and they are/were completely over rated and thrive off a reputation. They must be gutted, their whole management structure fired and completely re-imagined as an enforcement agency. They, along with the DoJ have been completely compromised and weaponized.

I saw this on Truth Social. I, too, am not a big fan of Bongino. He can be a little over the top and a self-promoter. But with the recent revelation that the FBI took Attorney-Client, and Executive privileged information in the raid, 5 boxes of it, and they informed Trump they would resist the appointment of someone to go through it independently to carve out what is privileged, I think we can be certain now that this raid had nothing to do with classified documents. I mean we kind of knew that. If the documents are Top Secret, they would not have allowed 30 FBI agents to thumb through it.

I think the FBI is working with the Jan 6 committee looking for something incriminating against Trump - or damaging so the Jan 6 committee can find a way to reveal it in one of their prime time events.


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I think we can be certain now that this raid had nothing to do with classified documents. I mean we kind of knew that. If the documents are Top Secret, they would not have allowed 30 FBI agents to thumb through it.

I think the FBI is working with the Jan 6 committee looking for something incriminating against Trump - or damaging so the Jan 6 committee can find a way to reveal it in one of their prime time events.

It was obvious to me from the start when news of the raid first broke out. It's completely reprehensible behavior. The DoJ and FBI absolutely must be gutted in it's current form.

And let me tell you what else is happening here. The raid to seize classified material is just a cover story. They used this warrant as a means to "legally" enter Trump's home in hopes they find some other evidence relating to January 6th. This was really a January 6th warrant under the guise of recovering Presidential materials for the National Archives.


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Trump's ratings have gone UP since the illegal Marxist "raid"

His lead over DeSantis (who is incredibly popular) grew by over 10 pts since the news of this bogus FBI garbage.


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I am going too take a slightly contrarian position here for a second. Of course I believe the raid on Mar-A-Lago was political. So was the empaneling of a grand jury. Do people realize the FBI did not empanel a grand jury during Hillary's email investigation? Not ever, despite the destruction of evidence. Apparently some guy at the National Archives, a Obama/Clinton supporters and Trump hater, initiated this entire investigation.

But here is my point, if you are Trump, or any Republican at this point, don't you know that if you break wind they are going to try to indict you on some kind of air pollution statute? Don't you know the head of the Biden EPA will investigate and get the FBI involved? It is unfair, and it is unconstitutional, but it is also reality. Judges are as corrupt as the FBI and they are not going to stop the witch hunts. So knowing these corrupt tyrants will do anything to stop you, including cheat during an election, why allow yourself to get caught in their games? Why not just give them all the documents back in February and end the possibility of what is going on now? There are hills to fight for and I don't think this is one of them. Why give them the opportunity to come at you? Democrats are applying laws to Trump that have not been applied to any president or person before.

The NY AG is investigating Trump for over-valuing his properties when applying for loans and insurance policies! Like no real estate developer ever did that before! Does anyone remember Larry Silverstein claiming WTC was worth double the insurance company valuations? But no one is stopping it. And no one will even though everyone knows the investigation is politically motivated.

Republicans have to realize that the Democrats are not going to play fair. They are at war. There is a double standard. That, we all know. So knowing this, Republicans have to be squeaky clean, like it or not, until they take over the government again. Then, they can try to clean up the corruption. (Which they will not do because Republicans will play by the rules instead of creating the proverbial bloodbath that is needed.)

I think what is happening to Trump is total BS. But it was also avoidable.


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Trump's ratings have gone UP since the illegal Marxist "raid"

His lead over DeSantis (who is incredibly popular) grew by over 10 pts since the news of this bogus FBI garbage.

DeSantis was never really close with Trump. That's just a media driven narrative, and I like DeSantis. Trump/DeSantis would be a solid ticket if Trump runs. But if DeSantis runs against Trump, it'll be political suicide.


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I am going too take a slightly contrarian position here for a second. Of course I believe the raid on Mar-A-Lago was political. So was the empaneling of a grand jury. Do people realize the FBI did not empanel a grand jury during Hillary's email investigation? Not ever, despite the destruction of evidence. Apparently some guy at the National Archives, a Obama/Clinton supporters and Trump hater, initiated this entire investigation.

But here is my point, if you are Trump, or any Republican at this point, don't you know that if you break wind they are going to try to indict you on some kind of air pollution statute? Don't you know the head of the Biden EPA will investigate and get the FBI involved? It is unfair, and it is unconstitutional, but it is also reality. Judges are as corrupt as the FBI and they are not going to stop the witch hunts. So knowing these corrupt tyrants will do anything to stop you, including cheat during an election, why allow yourself to get caught in their games? Why not just give them all the documents back in February and end the possibility of what is going on now? There are hills to fight for and I don't think this is one of them. Why give them the opportunity to come at you? Democrats are applying laws to Trump that have not been applied to any president or person before.

The NY AG is investigating Trump for over-valuing his properties when applying for loans and insurance policies! Like no real estate developer ever did that before! Does anyone remember Larry Silverstein claiming WTC was worth double the insurance company valuations? But no one is stopping it. And no one will even though everyone knows the investigation is politically motivated.

Republicans have to realize that the Democrats are not going to play fair. They are at war. There is a double standard. That, we all know. So knowing this, Republicans have to be squeaky clean, like it or not, until they take over the government again. Then, they can try to clean up the corruption. (Which they will not do because Republicans will play by the rules instead of creating the proverbial bloodbath that is needed.)

I think what is happening to Trump is total BS. But it was also avoidable.

I agree with much of your post except the point that it's avoidable. How did you see this coming when you have years and years of precedence regarding the the same issue with no law enforcement involvement? If you thought Trump would get raided for documents that are, arguably, declassified and he probably declassified, then you're a smarter man than me. The system is completely corrupted.

The bottom line is the Republican's can't out think Democrats because they're not wired to think this deviously. Republicans are not as radical in their beliefs as are the's a ideology. When Trump was elected one of his first speeches was basically letting Hillary off the hook, much to the displeasure of the crowd.
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