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No, but I wasnt aware that he did. What you can be is shot for it, and he was, and he died.
You weren't aware Trayvon died for allegedly battering someone? I wasn't aware you can be shot for battering someone. You got a statute that says that?
A stranger beating you in a alley while you are defenceless, makes a pistol necessary force

What I find crazy is how 40+ year old George was the defenseless one who was getting beaten by a stranger in a dark alley, but 17 year old Trayvon being chased by someone in the dark, who is literally defenseless, can't protect himself physically.

The only way to explain that is you're either hung up on race or his past. Neither of which matter in the eyes of the law.


In the Rotation
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You weren't aware Trayvon died for allegedly battering someone? I wasn't aware you can be shot for battering someone. You got a statute that says that?


What I find crazy is how 40+ year old George

Your cred is officially shot.
Post no more,please as you have shown that you know nothing about this case and are throwing you legalese jargon around in order to gather respect.None gained.
You lost all.
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You weren't aware Trayvon died for allegedly battering someone? I wasn't aware you can be shot for battering someone. You got a statute that says that?


What I find crazy is how 40+ year old George

Your cred is officially shot.
Post no more,please as you have shown that you know nothing about this case and are throwing you legalese jargon around in order to gather respect.None gained.
You lost all.
You notice he is ignoring you. But you can't guess why?
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You are in the wrong here bud.
I'm in the wrong huh? Care to explain how?
If the witnesses the prosecution has presented to you are not a clue,get your diploma,go back to school and get a refund.
There is no case here in the realm of reality.None.
There's a trial going on isn't there? Sounds like a case to me.
The fact that you don't buy Zimm's story doesn't make it a fact,and with Trayvon's history,it is not far fetched that Zimm's story checks out.
Reason...there is a reason the cops interviewed him corroborated facts with witnesses.
I never said it was a fact. And Trayvon's history isn't in evidence.

Zimmerman acted in self defense without intent to kill.
I'm telling you,there is no case is a Kangaroo court.
You clearly don't know shit about the law. Your opinion is worthless.
And please,don't be condescending about the law...I operate under common sense.

Common sense. That's rich.

The law of man has failed many times....ask Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown Simpson.
File this away for the next (and first) time I say the law is infallible. It might be applicable then. Right now, it's not.
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Your cred is officially shot.
Post no more,please as you have shown that you know nothing about this case and are throwing you legalese jargon around in order to gather respect.None gained.
You lost all.
Oh, he's only 30. Sorry, he is such a fat ass he looks much older.

And I know you'd love to try to dismiss my opinion because I made that small mistake... but that's only because you can't function in a real debate. I missed his age. You miss every fucking thing else.

Quick. Tell us again how Georgie didn't intend to kill Trayvon. Maybe this time someone will think you know what you're talking about.

The point still stands. You think if an adult can chase a defenseless teen through a neighborhood in the dark, the teen can do nothing to defend himself... otherwise if he touches the adult, he's liable to get shot. And it's perfectly okay for him to get shot.
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From Wiki...

At the time of the shooting, [Zimmerman] was employed as an insurance underwriter and was in his final semester at Seminole State College for an associate degree in Criminal Justice.[63] In late 2011, he was refused an associate's degree. He had failed at least one class and had not accumulated enough credits to graduate.[64] In one of his interviews with police he stated his goal was to become a judge.[65]

In 2005, Zimmerman was charged with assaulting a police officer and resisting arrest, after shoving an officer while a friend of Zimmerman's was being questioned about underage drinking. The charges were reduced, then dropped when Zimmerman entered a pre-trial diversion program. Also in 2005, Zimmerman's ex-fiance filed a restraining order against him, alleging domestic violence.

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Trayvon's past has nothing to do with this, or it shouldn't. As much as you think it does, his past doesn't mean he deserved to die.

I disagree with this, and I'll explain why (although I probably have in this thread already... somewhere).

To me, this all hinges on who started the physical confrontation.

If Trayvon did - which is my belief - then I think George is innocent of 2nd degree murder.

If George started the physical confrontation, then I think he should hang.

I'm not talking about following him. I'm not talking about ignoring a 911 dispatchers recommendation (because 911 dispatchers do not and are not allowed to give out orders). I'm not talking about if GZ had the right or authority to question TM.

To me, it all hinges on who started the PHYSICAL confrontation.

Now, today the prosecutions witness - the one that made the 911 call from the upstairs bedroom - was testifying that she didn't really see anything, she heard yelling but wasn't from who, she was familiar with Zimmerman but didn't know him directly, and after seeing the photos of the beating he took, she said she couldn't recognize him it was so bad. She also said that in the few times she was around him in neighborhood organized meetings, he came accross very mild-mannered and quiet. Yes, this was a witness the prosecutors presented to strengthen their case somehow.

At this point... the prosecutors introduce the fact that GZ has a restraining order filed against him from a former girlfriend. Obviously this was to indicate that GZ had a violent past.

If the prosecutors is allowed to introduce that... if that is somehow relevent to this case... then the fact that Trayvon assaulted a bus driver, had video of fight club style fights on his cell phone and his youtube channel, had pictures of marijuana and guns on his phone, was suspended from school for having drug paraphanalia and tools commonly used for breaking and entering... all of that is absolutely relevant.

It serves to illustrated Martin himself had a violent past and had an affinity for fighting.

I just can't wrap my head around the fact that Zimmerman, who was trying to coordinate efforts to meet up with the police up until just a minute or two before the incident happened, would start to assault Martin when the cops were moments away.

Especially with the testimony that Precious gave today that Zimmerman was tired and out of breath when Martin asked him why he was following him.

Doesn't pass the smell test. A tired, out of breath Zimmerman, who knows the cops will be there any second, is going to attack a guy who's 5" taller than him.

I mean... I just don't see that happening.


In the Rotation
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Quick. Tell us again how Georgie didn't intend to kill Trayvon.

He dialed 911.
Zimm was 28 at the time of the incident.
It is beyond evident that you are biased and unable to understand facts.
You are just trying to be right by throwing your legalese disregarding of common sense.The truth doesn't matter to you.
It doesn't work that way.
The "star" witness has been nothing but a disaster,I know it and YOU know it,but you are not HONEST enough to admit it because like I said,you are not interested in the truth,you are only interested in gaining legal cred even at the expense of an innocent man.
There are many shoes you have not walked in in this life I see....they find a way to fit you,trust me.


In the Rotation
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I disagree with this, and I'll explain why (although I probably have in this thread already... somewhere).

To me, this all hinges on who started the physical confrontation.

If Trayvon did - which is my belief - then I think George is innocent of 2nd degree murder.

If George started the physical confrontation, then I think he should hang.

I'm not talking about following him. I'm not talking about ignoring a 911 dispatchers recommendation (because 911 dispatchers do not and are not allowed to give out orders). I'm not talking about if GZ had the right or authority to question TM.

To me, it all hinges on who started the PHYSICAL confrontation.

Now, today the prosecutions witness - the one that made the 911 call from the upstairs bedroom - was testifying that she didn't really see anything, she heard yelling but wasn't from who, she was familiar with Zimmerman but didn't know him directly, and after seeing the photos of the beating he took, she said she couldn't recognize him it was so bad. She also said that in the few times she was around him in neighborhood organized meetings, he came accross very mild-mannered and quiet. Yes, this was a witness the prosecutors presented to strengthen their case somehow.

At this point... the prosecutors introduce the fact that GZ has a restraining order filed against him from a former girlfriend. Obviously this was to indicate that GZ had a violent past.

If the prosecutors is allowed to introduce that... if that is somehow relevent to this case... then the fact that Trayvon assaulted a bus driver, had video of fight club style fights on his cell phone and his youtube channel, had pictures of marijuana and guns on his phone, was suspended from school for having drug paraphanalia and tools commonly used for breaking and entering... all of that is absolutely relevant.

It serves to illustrated Martin himself had a violent past and had an affinity for fighting.

I just can't wrap my head around the fact that Zimmerman, who was trying to coordinate efforts to meet up with the police up until just a minute or two before the incident happened, would start to assault Martin when the cops were moments away.

Especially with the testimony that Precious gave today that Zimmerman was tired and out of breath when Martin asked him why he was following him.

Doesn't pass the smell test. A tired, out of breath Zimmerman, who knows the cops will be there any second, is going to attack a guy who's 5" taller than him.

I mean... I just don't see that happening.

Add that to the fact that males are more likely to engage in brawls in their teens rather than their late 20's.
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so i've NEVER to date heard zimmerman went for his gun at this point or even reached into his pocket. the ONLY recorded evidence we have is zimmerman asking what he's doing around here and then pushing.
I just remembered where I heard that. Zimmerman said he reached for his cell phone in his pocket after Martin asked him what his problem was. Zimmerman stated that in his interview with Sean Hannity.

Hannity just played the clip again.

And watching Hannity's show tonight to get some info, I see exactly where MetalHead, JBond, etc. are getting their zeal against Trayvon and for George. Hannity is a shill for George. He sounds exactly like MetalHead. There's NO CASE here, blah blah.

I always find it funny when people act like they KNOW what's gonna happen in a trial. People who have practiced law for decades longer than me would admit they don't know, if they're honest. No one knows.


In the Rotation
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I just remembered where I heard that. Zimmerman said he reached for his cell phone in his pocket after Martin asked him what his problem was. Zimmerman stated that in his interview with Sean Hannity.

Hannity just played the clip again.

And watching Hannity's show tonight to get some info, I see exactly where MetalHead, JBond, etc. are getting their zeal against Trayvon and for George. Hannity is a shill for George. He sounds exactly like MetalHead. There's NO CASE here, blah blah.

I always find it funny when people act like they KNOW what's gonna happen in a trial. People who have practiced law for decades longer than me would admit they don't know, if they're honest. No one knows.

Who do you sound like?


In the Rotation
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Since character seems to be an issue,Who would you rather show up at your door?
Zimmerman or Trayvon?
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