I implore you FFS please check this out so you know what you're voting for before you try to vote this ****** into office.
I think I'm voting against Obama more than for Romney.
Doubling the deficit is exactly what Obama has done despite pledging to have it cut in half by now.
Why should we believe anything else that liar has to say?
You keep repeating the same wrong shit, which shows your lack of education on the topics and your willingness to believe whatever you're told by Republicans regardless of how many times it's debunked. Obama hasn't doubled the deficit. Not even remotely true. I mean hell, you can't even defend Romney anymore, the only rebuttals to his lies you can come up with are "hurr-durr he's not Obama" followed by you repeating more lies about Obama.
If your approach to the election is to care this little about reality it's a shame you have a vote.
Nearly doubled...how's that? He sure as heck didn't cut it in half like he said.
The debt isn't the same thing as the deficit, genius.
The debt isn't the same thing as the deficit, genius.
No, the national debt is what they've been saying has nearly doubled, which is true.
Your God, Jon Stewart, didn't even know that.