You seem triggered. Seems I struck a nerve or touched on the truth. I appreciate your service. Understand though by no means does that make you saint. You can be a vet and be racist.
Good to see you're in tune with the new woke lingo. I'm not a saint. Never claimed to be. And I said it earlier, you can't stamp out racism in a country of 330 million people no more than you can stop the spread of Covid. The difference is that folks like you label everyone with an opposing view a racist, and there in lies the real issue. To you, all conservatives are "racist." That's the context you and others are using today. You don't agree with someone? RACIST!! It's lame and it cheapens the struggle of good men and women who fought for equality.
Police brutality and systematic racism are just buzz words. There are hundreds of thousands of lawmen in the US and some are bad. There are millions of contacts with the citizenry and when one goes bad, you choose to label to whole profession. Of course, if I was robbed by a Mexican and I then labeled all Mexicans as crooks, that would make me racist. But somehow you excuse yourself from your short sighted thinking. It's the hypocrisy of the argument.
As for the term systematic racism, it's a buzz word with no real meaning and no truth. Pretty tough to have systematic racism in America when you vote a black man to two terms in office as President.
Here’s the thing. Racism comes in all shapes and forms. Sometimes it’s very blatant and in your face. Most times it’s subtle though. People try to be sly about it and then claim ignorance. Or they try to spin it to fit their agenda. In the past there was really nothing any one person could do about it. For the most part we just had to take it.
So what can you do about it now? Burn someone's business? Loot Saks 5th Avenue? Yes, we couldn't do anything about it before but now we can set up autonomous zones, loot, pillage and steal.
Now for you specifically, if you don’t want to watch football because the the majority of the NFL players want to protest police brutality then just as you said, go fuck yourself and pound sand. The NFL won’t miss you. I guarantee you though you’ll be watching if the Cowboys go on a roll this season.
It's a strawman argument. Did I say the NFL would miss me? It's my choice. I don't agree with the message and I don't believe police brutality exists as some epidemic level like you and others claim. When your odds are better of getting killed by lightning than by a police officer, that's not an epidemic and that's not systematic racism. Because you can't debate the numbers and the facts, you resort to labels. RACIST!!!
There are at least 250,000 people who die annually in the US due to medical malpractice, medical errors and negligence. I don't see you not going to a doctor. The whole argument is non-sense. Either way, I have no issues. I could give two shits if there are less police officers where I live. It won't affect me as much as it will some other parts of the country. I'll just sit back and watch the ignorance of these ideas and policies decimate communities. It's a far deeper argument and impact but you lack the capacity to discuss it with any civility without resorting to labels. RACIST!!!