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When you get what you ask for, but were too ignorant to understand what you were asking for in the first place

Completely correct Scott. And NY re-elected Deblasio. Now businesses and people suffer in both cities. you think with all this BS that people would vote for sanity but they won't. They're ideologues. I have little sympathy.....


Pro Bowler
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I say let these cities burn themselves to the ground!

That includes my own city of Los Angeles.

This is the shit you wanted. You want to defund the police? You want to support groups that loot and burn local businesses? You want to vote for this liberal bullshit ideology?

You can choke on your own well deserved self imposed suffering

Luckily I can afford to move out of LA. But the majority of idiots crying and screaming for this shit can’t. You deserve to get everything your little ignorant heart desire.

You want to defund the police AND outlaw firearms?

So you will have no one to protect you from violent crime and no means to protect yourself!

Fucking brilliant!

Good luck with that!


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I haven't watched an inning of baseball. Not even so much as a pitch. I won't accidentally go through the guide and accidentally click on a game while I'm channel surfing. I'm avoiding baseball at all costs.

I'll do the same with football. The only news I'll get is from here. I won't watch a snap.


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I really wish baseball, football and basketball would suffer just utter TV rating disasters, like catastrophically low ratings where it was proof that people just said "fuck you" to the leagues and this b/s.

Unfortunately it will probably be wishful thinking at best. But one can hope.


Pro Bowler
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I really wish baseball, football and basketball would suffer just utter TV rating disasters, like catastrophically low ratings where it was proof that people just said "fuck you" to the leagues and this b/s.

Unfortunately it will probably be wishful thinking at best. But one can hope.

It will be exactly the opposite

With sports being put on hold for so long, and ppl jonesing for any entertainment they can get their hands on, AND a shit ton or more ppl home due to COVID the ratings/viewership will probably break records! Look what happened with this years NFL draft. It was the most watched draft in history IIRC and that happened near the start of all this shit.

They will have more viewership than ever before. Plus they will probably pick up new fans or have the casual fan that used to catch a game here or there turn into more of an invested fan who seeks out the games and watches for the entire season. This could be the best thing that could have happened to sports TV ratings in a long time.

I’m already seeing a number of my neighbors who were casual Dodger fans and who might put a game on while they were drinking and bbq’ing on the weekend now turn into die hard fans who are flying the Dodger Blue flag instead of old glory, and playing the game on a giant ass screen out in their back yard and yelling and screaming like they were the biggest Dodger fans in the world. They were never like that before. Ever! Now all of a sudden the Dodgers have become a religion to so many ppl I know when just a year ago they could barely give two shits about the team.
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I haven't watched an inning of baseball. Not even so much as a pitch. I won't accidentally go through the guide and accidentally click on a game while I'm channel surfing. I'm avoiding baseball at all costs.

I'll do the same with football. The only news I'll get is from here. I won't watch a snap.
Professional sports are dead to me now. There is no way they can walk that back. I am sure a lot of college football will push the Marxist agenda too so if I feel the need to watch football, basketball, or baseball I will go watch the hometown high school games.


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I really wish baseball, football and basketball would suffer just utter TV rating disasters, like catastrophically low ratings where it was proof that people just said "fuck you" to the leagues and this b/s.

Unfortunately it will probably be wishful thinking at best. But one can hope.
If anyone feels the need to watch any professional sports game they should do so only via antenna or untraceable internet stream so that they do not show up in any viewership statistics. Satellite and digital cable companies can pull the statistics from the boxes to see who is watching what.


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I'm like Dodger except for my lifelong homerism and allegiance to the Cowboys will probably force me to watch just Dallas games, although that's essentially what I have done the last few seasons anyway. Going forward there wont be any exceptions though, if it aint the Cowboys I won't be watching, listening, reading about it or giving two shits.

And that's why I wish the league would just fail, that way I wouldnt have to feel guilty about not watching the Cowboys.

Wish something like the USFL from the 80's would return, except this league avoids all political b/s. Maybe Trump will be motivated to restart something like this if he doesn't win re-election.


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I'm like Dodger except for my lifelong homerism and allegiance to the Cowboys will probably force me to watch just Dallas games, although that's essentially what I have done the last few seasons anyway. Going forward there wont be any exceptions though, if it aint the Cowboys I won't be watching, listening, reading about it or giving two shits.

And that's why I wish the league would just fail, that way I wouldnt have to feel guilty about not watching the Cowboys.

Wish something like the USFL from the 80's would return, except this league avoids all political b/s. Maybe Trump will be motivated to restart something like this if he doesn't win re-election.
Please watch anonymously so they that you do not show up in any viewership statistics.


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I'm like Dodger except for my lifelong homerism and allegiance to the Cowboys will probably force me to watch just Dallas games, although that's essentially what I have done the last few seasons anyway. Going forward there wont be any exceptions though, if it aint the Cowboys I won't be watching, listening, reading about it or giving two shits.

And that's why I wish the league would just fail, that way I wouldnt have to feel guilty about not watching the Cowboys.

Wish something like the USFL from the 80's would return, except this league avoids all political b/s. Maybe Trump will be motivated to restart something like this if he doesn't win re-election.
You know i was starting to enjoy the AAF before they cancelled it... the rules were a little strange but i was starting to actually like it ...The main reason i had interest was because Vince said there would be zero protesting.


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I may be in the minority but I think the people of Seattle and Portland have a right to burn their own cities down. Why are we not hearing from more Seattle and Portland residents who are sick of the protests and vandalism? The feds should protect federal property until the residents of these cities ask for help. HOWEVER, the Trump admin should make it clear when the mayhem is over there will be no federal funds to rebuild and clean up the cities that did nothing to protect property from rioters. There is no reason that taxpayers in the rest of the country should pay to allow these thugs to carry on their 4 year temper tantrum.


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I may be in the minority but I think the people of Seattle and Portland have a right to burn their own cities down. Why are we not hearing from more Seattle and Portland residents who are sick of the protests and vandalism? The feds should protect federal property until the residents of these cities ask for help. HOWEVER, the Trump admin should make it clear when the mayhem is over there will be no federal funds to rebuild and clean up the cities that did nothing to protect property from rioters. There is no reason that taxpayers in the rest of the country should pay to allow these thugs to carry on their 4 year temper tantrum.

There's a story today that says a bunch of Seattle residents are sick of this and are really pushing back on the defund the police or remove the police idea.

I still think the right thing to do is to head to those areas with the military and just run over the people causing all this mayhem. They are domestic terrorists and should be treated as such. I get the outrage over the George Floyd thing, but what many of those people are doing has nothing to do with George Floyd or anything similar.


Super Moderator
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I may be in the minority but I think the people of Seattle and Portland have a right to burn their own cities down. Why are we not hearing from more Seattle and Portland residents who are sick of the protests and vandalism? The feds should protect federal property until the residents of these cities ask for help. HOWEVER, the Trump admin should make it clear when the mayhem is over there will be no federal funds to rebuild and clean up the cities that did nothing to protect property from rioters. There is no reason that taxpayers in the rest of the country should pay to allow these thugs to carry on their 4 year temper tantrum.

I kind of agree. These people are getting exactly what they voted for so my sympathy level is pretty low. Having said that, these folks speak through their elected representatives so when they vote these leftist dolts into office, that's what they have to deal with. Elections have consequences.


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I kind of agree. These people are getting exactly what they voted for so my sympathy level is pretty low. Having said that, these folks speak through their elected representatives so when they vote these leftist dolts into office, that's what they have to deal with. Elections have consequences.

This is what happens when you have uninformed and honestly, stupid voters.

It's exactly why EVERYONE probably shouldn't have the right to vote. if you can't answer basic questions about how the government or economy work, or if you are fully dependent on welfare programs then these people shouldn't have any ability to decide what happens in elections IMO.


Pro Bowler
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Why are we not hearing from more Seattle and Portland residents who are sick of the protests and vandalism?

I'm sure they're not given much of a voice or are beaten down from having their government literally laugh in their face as they try to get the police, etc to address the drugs, shitting and pissing everywhere, people sleeping in the streets, etc. This video is over a year old, here is the mayor laughing at the crowd as they express their frustrations:

^^thats a long video but with the watch imo


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You know i was starting to enjoy the AAF before they cancelled it... the rules were a little strange but i was starting to actually like it ...The main reason i had interest was because Vince said there would be zero protesting.
The time is perfect for someone to start a new football league. There are hundreds of thousands of disenfranchised NFL fans who have been shit on by the NFL. Any new football league that STANDS on American principles would have an immediate fan-base that the previous alternative ones never had. As long as they keep politics out of it the success would be almost guaranteed. I suspect there would be several patriotic NFL players who would jump ship for the new league as soon as they could. If the NFL falls on its face by shitting on the fans there may eventually even be NFL teams that would leave the NFL for a new league. You know damn good and well Jerry will go where the money is.


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I may be in the minority but I think the people of Seattle and Portland have a right to burn their own cities down. Why are we not hearing from more Seattle and Portland residents who are sick of the protests and vandalism? The feds should protect federal property until the residents of these cities ask for help. HOWEVER, the Trump admin should make it clear when the mayhem is over there will be no federal funds to rebuild and clean up the cities that did nothing to protect property from rioters. There is no reason that taxpayers in the rest of the country should pay to allow these thugs to carry on their 4 year temper tantrum.
I am sure there are quite a few who are against all the batshit craziness who are too afraid to speak out in fear of the riots coming for them or simply being cancelled and fired from their jobs. They are definitely in the minority as we see with election results in those places always going WAY left.
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