
Pro Bowler
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Last week 3 cops were poisoned at a Starbucks in New York

Then today one cop here in California purchased a cup of coffee from a Starbucks inside of a Target store. He got about halfway thru the cup and then noticed that there was a used tampon on his cup

When did assaulting the cops become ok?

And when did it become ok for a major corporation to allow and encourage this type of behavior?

It’s time to boycott Starbucks for life


Pro Bowler
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Sorry, I didn’t notice the typo in the first sentence in time to correct it

That should read 3 cops were poisoned

And should read a used tampon “in” his cup


Pro Bowler
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turns out they weren't

Well that’s some good news

Too bad the Lieutenant involved acted like an asshole and created a situation that should have never happened

Hopefully he will be reprimanded for his involvement in the fake story


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Two things i have never talked about in my life are religion and politics. I'm 53 years of age and finally feel the need to talk .

It is unreal what this once great country has become.

If you think for one minute this corona virus and rioting is not a Plandemic then you are freaking libtard loser who needs to go to a communist country where you will be happy.

We have a president who believes in this country and America first and he gets zero support from the media other than Fox News and people on you tube like Bikers for Trump , abl etc...

He loves the military, police , law and order...believes in making America strong bringing jobs back to America workers instead of depending on foreign countries.

Guess what? he gets shit on by CNN and all other Democratic entities for wanting to make this Country great.

The only negative thing i have to say about our President is he can't stay off social media. Social media in my opinion is a major player in the downfall of this country.but my wife said it's the only way he can get his message across without it getting twisted by the fake news. Turns out she's right.

I've never ever talked about politics or religion in my life but things are so fucked up after 53 years of life... i just posted this.


Super Moderator
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Two things i have never talked about in my life are religion and politics. I'm 53 years of age and finally feel the need to talk .

It is unreal what this once great country has become.

If you think for one minute this corona virus and rioting is not a Plandemic then you are freaking libtard loser who needs to go to a communist country where you will be happy.

We have a president who believes in this country and America first and he gets zero support from the media other than Fox News and people on you tube like Bikers for Trump , abl etc...

He loves the military, police , law and order...believes in making America strong bringing jobs back to America workers instead of depending on foreign countries.

Guess what? he gets shit on by CNN and all other Democratic entities for wanting to make this Country great.

The only negative thing i have to say about our President is he can't stay off social media. Social media in my opinion is a major player in the downfall of this country.but my wife said it's the only way he can get his message across without it getting twisted by the fake news. Turns out she's right.

I've never ever talked about politics or religion in my life but things are so fucked up after 53 years of life... i just posted this.

Completely agree Lane. This is a culmination of years of indoctrination in our educational system. Couple that indoctrination with a lack of parenting and this is what you get. My youngest child is starting college this fall and I'm seeing some anti-police messages from the university and I'm wondering what the fuck they're thinking? But that's where we are today and it does nothing to help any minority group or quality of life in the inner cities. Crime is up in most major cities with liberal politicians and that trend will continue, unfortunately.

I also have to laugh at Biden's advisors keeping him locked up in his basement and away from the general public. What type of strategy is this for someone who wants to run for the highest office in the land? There are strange things going on in our country right now and sometimes I just don't know what to make of it. But I do know at some point the silent majority will have had enough. And I don't say the silent majority in terms of color. I say it in terms of people who wake up, go to work, pay their taxes, don't believe in the destruction of other people's property and don't like to be labeled while their tax dollars support the country. There is no more dialogue in our country. It's simply resist, resist, resist, as if the previous election never happened. I can only hope people come to their senses because we can't continue on like this.
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Pro Bowler
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gawd, everyone is such a damn sheep, gawd helps us if we acknowledge this was caused by a BLACK man during a BLM protest

Instead, lets make vague references and talk about the quality and likely high cost of the vehicle


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When you get what you ask for, but were too ignorant to understand what you were asking for in the first place
The entire left coast is fucked up beyond belief. That is what happens when libtards gain complete control of anything and they want complete control of the entire country. How anyone could EVER vote for a democRAT is beyond me. It is not that the Republicans are really that great themselves but the democRATS have fallen of the let side of oblivion and gone all out batshit crazy. Anyone who loves this country needs to do their part come November to send a strong message to the idiot left and their propaganda arm (AKA the mainstream media) that we will not let them destroy the country. It is Trump or bust and we need to get hte Republicans back in control of the House of Representatives.


Pro Bowler
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Check out the Great Hack on Netflix

It was pretty interesting

It’s about Cambridge Analytical and how they helped Trump win the election

He needs another media blitz like he had with his never Hilary media blitz he had in 2015-2016

That is what will win him the election again

He has plenty of ammo with the riots/BLM/ANTIFA/Creepy Joe and a host of other aspects to sway ppl towards him


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Its way past time for our country to shut down the buffoons in Seattle and Portland (and any other place acting similar).

I know a lot of the people that live there have to be backwards thinking people, but even for people that consider themselves as life-long democrats how can they just sit there and allow pure anarchy to rage like that and want to do nothing? For fucks sake people, you are turning your communities into 3rd world countries.

The right thing to do is something the leftwing media would just go ballistic over, but sending in tanks and heavily armed soldiers to clean that shit up once and for all is probably the right thing to do. The military is there to protect our country from enemies foreign AND domestic, and the people doing what we all see on TV on a nightly basis right now are nothing more than domestic terrorists.
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