I think Trump has no chance of winning this fight to remain as president. None. But I think you would have to be intellectually blind to not see that massive fraud was involved in this election. Trump's legal team has already provided tons of evidence of possible fraud. But that is not the same as proof, which is harder to find and takes more time. For example, a trucker testified yesterday that he delivered a trailer of boxes of ballots across state lines. That is a real problem if true. The trucker provided detailed testimony of his experience but that is not enough to prove anything - yet.
Other witnesses have provided testimony of seemingly suspicious activities during counting and recounting.
All of this needs to be investigated to determine if it was in fact part of a larger fraud scheme. Again, this takes time - and the courts must approve the investigations and order the states to comply with the Trump legal team's requests for data and other evidence.
In the end, the courts will determine if any votes are tossed out and if so, how many. Then their will be recounts omitting the bad votes. Maybe this changes the result in Georgia, and possibly Arizona, but changing the result in Pennsylvania and/or Michigan is going to take more.
The SCOTUS already told us in 2000 they are not going to throw out good ballots in a chase for bad ones. Georgia, for example, destroyed envelopes that would show which ballots came in late, or without signatures or with bad signatures. Then they mixed all the ballots together. No judge is going to toss all Georgia votes because some might be illegal. Perhaps they should to send a message for the future, but they are not going to do it.
The best Trump can do with all these court battles is to reveal the corruption and possibly piss of enough people to make sure we do not see this again in 2022 or 2024. But unfortunately, the winners are okay with any corruption that benefits them.