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Mission accomplished (partly)

I understand the concerns about outdoor rallies> Depending on location they can be very difficult to secure, although what happened July 13 never should have happened. I am surprised Trump agreed to stop the outdoor rallies. This will limit his ability to draw the massive crowds he has drawn in the past - unless he finds huge indoor facilities.


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I understand the concerns about outdoor rallies> Depending on location they can be very difficult to secure, although what happened July 13 never should have happened. I am surprised Trump agreed to stop the outdoor rallies. This will limit his ability to draw the massive crowds he has drawn in the past - unless he finds huge indoor facilities.
I'm sure from their standpoint, it's a concern. Especially if the Iranian threat of assassination is true. I honestly wouldnt be surprised if Ukraine, China & Mexico had similar thoughts. They know they are all fucked if he gets back in office.

That said, this is also a goal of the left, to squelch the Trump enthusiasm machine as much as possible. While we know our corrupt and inept Fed can't protect him enough, he has literally had dozens and dozens (and maybe hundreds) of highly qualified ex-military/ex law enforcement/ex Fed come out and say they'd happily assist with security. I wish he'd take them up on it.


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I agree but they're losing the perception war so they need to get in the trenches and turn that shit around

It does appear more black people will be voting Trump but its not nearly high enough

It will never be high enough Yim. The fact that Trump is getting 20% plus of the black vote is unheard of. Any candidate that got a percentage of the low teens would have won an election in a landslide. Fraud took care of that gap and will take care of future gaps.

The Dems love seeing the minority community being dependent on the governement. They love keeping that voting block as part of the victim class. They will always primarily vote Democrat because that's where their money and support comes from and they will never get out of that vicious cycle.

What these folks don't realize is that their vote is being replaced by the millions of illegals entering the country and they're voting themselves out of a voice. Charlie Kirk said it best, the minority (black) community got poorer when they substituted govermenet for fathers.

I agree we need more blacks in the fold and the conservative message should appeal to most people. It's not radical and it's simple. Boder security, less taxes, less regulation, safer streets (law and order), etc. What's happening now in the Dem party reminds me of the old USSR replacing their leader. There's nothing democratic about it. They're wiping out millions of Biden votes because he can't win and has no pathway to victory. So they want to install someone younger, change the messaging and hope they close the gap to maintain power and control. I don't even think Harris is their prefered candidate. But they're trapped ina corner and the optics of replacing Harris would be bad. But I wouldn't put it past them either depending on what happens in the next few weeks.


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I understand the concerns about outdoor rallies> Depending on location they can be very difficult to secure, although what happened July 13 never should have happened. I am surprised Trump agreed to stop the outdoor rallies. This will limit his ability to draw the massive crowds he has drawn in the past - unless he finds huge indoor facilities.

He had to stop these rallies. Other lunatics will try to take pot shots. I'll even bet you won't see him go into any restaurants or walk int he Bronx or anywhere else where he'll be exposed. He really has no choice and it's just the reality......


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Just because you see utter lies and nonsense spewed on corrupt MSM, doesnt mean they are losing a perception war.

And you realize the majority of black Americans have voted Democrat for decades right? It had nothing to do with Trump and being "racist".

There's only so much people can do to fight this. The fact is this is a movement that has been led by the left for decades. They took over the Education system to start their brainwashing at an early age. They took over MSM to broadcast their propaganda out on a daily basis.

1 of 2 things has to happen. Either people need to quit listening to the left and their propaganda machine, or we need a Civil War.
My point had nothing to do with Trump or MSM lies, as you said, the majority of black Americans have been voting for Democrats for decade (thus why I made the post in the first place ), I was merely making the point that it would benefit Republicans greatly if they were far more diverse not trying to demonize anyone (except Democrats and MSM ) because they’re not

I think they could do more targeting campaigns in inner-city neighborhoods and work to improve their messaging in an effort to crack through the current barriers, preventing them from voting republican, or at least vote against the Democrats. I’m sure a lot of other creative things could be done to improve their perception

another huge obstacle to overcome is the mindset the government owes people stuff and people taking personal responsibility seriously, those two ideas go over like a ton of bricks for politicians


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My point had nothing to do with Trump or MSM lies, as you said, the majority of black Americans have been voting for Democrats for decade (thus why I made the post in the first place ), I was merely making the point that it would benefit Republicans greatly if they were far more diverse not trying to demonize anyone (except Democrats and MSM ) because they’re not

I think they could do more targeting campaigns in inner-city neighborhoods and work to improve their messaging in an effort to crack through the current barriers, preventing them from voting republican, or at least vote against the Democrats. I’m sure a lot of other creative things could be done to improve their perception

another huge obstacle to overcome is the mindset the government owes people stuff and people taking personal responsibility seriously, those two ideas go over like a ton of bricks for politicians
What you say in bold, in fact they are doing actively.


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Not only did they try to remove "Border Czar" from her history, now they removed the "most liberal acting senator" label she got (from a non partisan news service)

Everything about this person and this party is nothing but corrupt fraud. Almost all of them should be in prison.
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Not only did they try to remove "Border Czar" from her history, now they removed the "most liberal acting senator" label she got (from a non partisan news service)

Everything about this person and this party is nothing but corrupt fraud. Almost all of them should be in prison.
"We are at war with EastAsia. We have always been at war with EastAsia." - "1984"


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Biden supposedly spoke from the Oval Office last night to explain why he dropped out of the race. Instead he gave a convince speech about why he should have dropped out of the race because he did so much and was ready to do more! Then he claimed Democracy was at stake, even though his ousters and the anointment of Kamala Harris was as anti-Democratic as it gets. Biden is no hero. He was forced out and one day will will find out exactly how they convinced him to drop out. Reports are Democrats threatened him with the 25th amendment if he did not drop out. A hero, worried about Democracy, would have told them to pound salt and try to get him out. He would have told them, "try it an I will spill the beans on all of you!"

But my question is this, is Biden just allowed to say whatever he wants now without fact checking? He can claim wages are up? He can claim border crossings are down 50% and lower than in 2019 under Trump? No one is going to fact check him? Kamala made the same claims. They are not true. Biden wages, adjusted for inflation and consumer prices are down significantly. Anyone who does the grocery shopping can tell you that. Biden has allowed more illegal aliens into the country that an president in history. And why is no one asking, if you could do this now, why didn't you do it for the last 3.5 years?

The media, which participated in the takedown of Joe Biden, has in one day, returned to the propagandists they are. These are the enemies of the people and never forget that.
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