What is happening in CA is going to happen everywhere is we elect liberal Democrats to run our states and cities.
It is happening in NJ as we speak. In a different way, but it is going to lead to the destruction of the state none-the-less. It started back in 1975 when liberal Democrats decided that town planning boards did not have the right to prevent development in their own towns. Liberal organizations sued to forced every town in NJ to proved a certain amount of "affordable" or low-income housing or face consequences like putting towns under the control of the state. At first, towns fought to stop this nonsense on the grounds that it would destroy the small town appeal and hurt property values. The NJ Supreme Court, a liberal court, upheld what is not called the Mt. Laurel ruling, for the township that first fought the law and lost the case. Every small town in NJ was forced to allow the development of low-income housing within their borders. Apartment buildings which completely conflicted with the rest of the towns infrastructure began appearing in town centers and other areas. Many towns continued to fight the ruling or appeal the mandates for how many units were required of them, but eventually they all lost. It didn't end there. The state came back with additional requirements forcing towns to add even more units.
They came back again last year and this time towns got together to fight the state. My town, which was once a small quiet suburban township is required to add another 348 units after building more than 1200 previously. The town which had little to no traffic when I first moved here now has long traffic jams just to traverse the town. We have multiple large apartment complexes mini-malls, and other building all resulting from the initial MT Laurel ruling. There is no space left to develop so the most recent additions have been going up higher, completely out of character from the rest of the town. I have no idea where the next 348 units will be built. We last the latest court fight last week and our town is going to appeal to a higher court. Hopefully we find a court with common sense, but this is so un-American to me.
We had to add traffic lights for the traffic, and add classrooms for the schools. Our town is no longer what it once was. People are moving out at a high rate and immigrants are moving in.
I believe all of this was planned by Democrats who want to turn NJ into a solid blue state forever, and I think they have succeeded, but at what cost? All of this over-development is going to have consequences, just like the mismanagement in CA.