The stuff that's coming out now about stuff he published earlier (racist/anti-semitic stuff) is really going to hurt him. Even if those weren't his writings/thoughts, they've got his name on them. The closer they look into this guy as his support swells and his opponents turn more attention to him, things are just going to get worse and worse for him imo.
His economic ideas (the things that most people "like" about him because they are simplistic, easy to understand and seem to make common sense which is useless in world economics - but most voters aren't smart enough to realize that) are insane but relatively harmless. No idea he has would ever actually get past congress i.e. abolishing the fed, moving back to a gold standards, etc.
The issues that could create problems like I mentioned earlier are his military ideas. They sound good to me, because they are simplistic and common-sensey. I'd love giving up the empire, closing down our foreign bases and bringing all the troops home. And as commander in chief I imagine he could pull alot of that off. But, how would that impact the world scene? I'd love someone to interview some generals and get their feedback on that.
His economic ideas (the things that most people "like" about him because they are simplistic, easy to understand and seem to make common sense which is useless in world economics - but most voters aren't smart enough to realize that) are insane but relatively harmless. No idea he has would ever actually get past congress i.e. abolishing the fed, moving back to a gold standards, etc.
The issues that could create problems like I mentioned earlier are his military ideas. They sound good to me, because they are simplistic and common-sensey. I'd love giving up the empire, closing down our foreign bases and bringing all the troops home. And as commander in chief I imagine he could pull alot of that off. But, how would that impact the world scene? I'd love someone to interview some generals and get their feedback on that.