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No... Bringing up the illogical argument about Dez torching us when we let him walk to show the same argument is being used now, by the same guy but now with Garrett, is topical. Posting Dez tweets that have nothing to do with the thread, is not.

U two guys enjoy ur little pissing contest. Its a little small puddle tho so I can see why u wouldnt want it any bigger.


Pro Bowler
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I didn't imply anything, other than all owners and GMs know Garrett sucks as a coach. This does NOT mean they're not so stupid they wouldn't hire him anyway.

Ask me after he is FIRED. The firing has to come first. Until then there's no room to speculate, for intelligent people anyway.

I asked you if another team would hire Garrett after he got fired from the Cowboys

It wasn’t hypothetical question, it wasn’t a timed question, it didn’t have any stipulations on it. Garrett will be fired at some point. When that happens....

It’s a simple yes or no question

Or you can continue to avoid the simple question.

You either agree with me that another team will hire Garrett as a coach when the Cowboys fire him (whenever that may be) or you don’t agree with me

Which is it?
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High Plains Drifter
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Which is it?
You can keep making the same post over and over or you can just accept my answer, which is - I don't have an opinion on it yet.

Are owners and GMs of annually bad teams stupid? Yes. Stupid enough to hire Garrett as HC? Remains to be seen..

Just like the firing that hasn't happened yet. Get back to me on this, when it does.


Pro Bowler
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You can keep making the same post over and over or you can just accept my answer, which is - I don't have an opinion on it yet.

Are owners and GMs of annually bad teams stupid? Yes. Stupid enough to hire Garrett as HC? Remains to be seen..

Just like the firing that hasn't happened yet. Get back to me on this, when it does.

Forget moving the goal posts

Just removed them altogether Dooms, that’s a new one. LOL

I asked you for your opinion. At this time. With the facts as we know them right now. Which is exactly what I used to form my opinion that you decided to argue with.

I was replying to cmd, and you chimed in one this subject. Yet you have no opinion?

You thought strongly enough to argue against my opinion.

Yet you can’t offer your own opinion on the very subject you are arguing?

Got it


High Plains Drifter
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to form my opinion that you decided to argue with.
argue against my opinion.
I didn't argue with it or against it. I merely pointed out it's the same flawed illogic you were using with Dez.

You can't seem to grasp the concept that dumb owners and dumb GMs are dumb, maybe even dumb enough to sign Ginger as HC. But there's NO way for me to form an opinion on it, until Garrett is FIRED.

Let's say they simply do not offer him another contract. They don't fire him per se, just let him test the market. Will someone sign him as a HC? I still don't know.

You can't seem to get that through your head. I have no opinion on it yet.

You have two guys here so far who do. They both say straight-up, no way anyone hires Ginger as a HC. I'm not one of those.
I asked you for your opinion.
I didn't give you one, because I don't have one.


Pro Bowler
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I didn't argue with it or against it. I merely pointed out it's the same flawed illogic you were using with Dez.

you mean the logic where I said someone would sign Dez and you said no team would?

Then the Saints signed Dez

That same logic?

Got it


High Plains Drifter
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you mean the logic where I said someone would sign Dez and you said no team would?
No... Again you try to dodge the original statement. Which was:

You saying, "Another team will sign Dez immediately and he will beast out especially against us where he will smoke us in a playoff game!"

Or some such shit.

You claimed Dez sucked, but expressed fear he would "beast out" with another team. And come back to haunt us.

NOW you're claiming Garrett sucks, but he will somehow teach an annually bad team to "fight scratch claw" to 8-8.

He's either a bad coach or he's not. Make up your mind.

By the way, you forgot how you got quiet as a little titmouse, after Dez wasn't signed for over a year after you predicted some team would pick him up immediately and he would smoke us.

I know - drunk posting is incapable of being embarrassed. Until tomorrow that is.

Your debate is with the two guys here who have said straight up, Ginger won't get a HC job in the NFL. I'm not one of those two guys.


Pro Bowler
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I claimed Dez sucked AND that he would be signed by another team

You claimed no other team would sign him. Period.

He was signed by the Saints

Now I assert that Garrett sucks, AND that he will still be hired to coach another team

Others (but not Dooms, because he can’t form an opinion until after Garrett gets fired) claim that no other team will hire Garrett

We shall see how it all plays out in the future


High Plains Drifter
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You claimed no other team would sign him. Period.
That's actually incorrect. You're confused, again. Here is what I said, and kept saying:
If a team loses a key guy to injury in camp I could see it as a desperation hole-filler. Dez has lost most of any upside he had, for reasons not the least of which is his trick knee. There's just not a huge market for a mostly washed-up head case diva WR, especially with most of the FA signing money all dried up at this point.

I would not be surprised either way, what would surprise me and even shock the hell out of me is if someone signed him for more than a few million on a one-year deal. Veteran's minimum would be more like it.

Let's not pretend he brings something to the table most teams don't already have or can get without all the baggage. He's simply not all that special and wasn't when we gave him that nonsensical long term contract without even letting him test the market.
here is what you said, before history made you fall silent as the iceberg the Titanic hit:
Some team will pay him his $16 mils this year. Or more!


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There are plenty of basement level teams that would absolutely LOVE to go 8-8 each year

He will coach again in the NFL
Book it!

Yeah but most basement level teams have little to no talent. That isn't the case here.

You put this shitty coach on a shitty roster and you get 1-15 or 2-14 every year.


Super Moderator
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I claimed Dez sucked AND that he would be signed by another team

You claimed no other team would sign him. Period.

He was signed by the Saints

Now I assert that Garrett sucks, AND that he will still be hired to coach another team

Others (but not Dooms, because he can’t form an opinion until after Garrett gets fired) claim that no other team will hire Garrett

We shall see how it all plays out in the future

Let me jump in the fray Homer. A player getting picked up is not the same thing as a failed HC getting hired to run a team. A lot of desperate teams will take a shot at signing Ryan Leaf, or Antonio Brown, or Dez Bryant. Speaking of Dez, if he would have kept his mouth shut, he probably would have gotten picked up. I believe that point was made back then although I'm not going to go back and rehash it because I really don't care. But Dez is stupid and couldn't stay off of Twitter. That had as much to do with a team not wanting him as anything else.

In any event, I'll take you up on your assumption. Garrett will not get hired to be a head coach of an NFL team. He may get hired by a college program like Delaware, Millersville, or Hillbilly University, but he's not going to a top end football school with a historical storied past.

Garrett might get hired as a QB coach but that's about it. And then you'd have to ask yourself if he'd want that job. He'd have to start from the bottom again and work his way up which he never did to start his coaching career. That won't appeal to Garrett. He's had it all handed to him every step of the way, from his Daddy in New Jersey to Jerry in Dallas.

And then there's the chance that Jerry might keep him in Dallas in some capacity. That would, no doubt, appeal to the Red Dolt. I mean, who else is going to entertain Charlotte during the draft? And Jerry knows that Garrett's safe.....he won't give Charlotte a reach around during commercial breaks, he'll keep his dick in his pants and he'll yes Jerry to death.


Pro Bowler
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And then there's the chance that Jerry might keep him in Dallas in some capacity.

thats my prediction, I dont think we'll ever see him coach again and that's not because I believe he couldn't get hired somewhere


Super Moderator
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i'm not even reading the posts in this thread, im just scrolling by all the blue and white dallas cowboys logos


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As a die hard Pygmies fan, I would not want him as our HC, maybe he'd be better as an OC but as a HC, no gracias. I think we're giving Shurmer till the end of 20', if the team isn't at least 8-8 or better, he's gone.


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I don't have an opinion yet. Get back to me when he is FIRED.

Pretty simple, even for you.

If he makes it to the end of the season (big if) we don't even have to really fire him. He just wont get a new contract.

But he's definitely gone.
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