All GMs and owners know Garrett sucks as a coach.
You want to have it both ways. You want to say Garrett sucks but at the same time you seem to think he's a good enough coach to get a longtime cellar dweller to 8-8 on a regular basis.
You can't have your carrot cake and eat it too. You're using the same failed argument you had on Dez. And yeah, Dez eventually got signed but your stated fear was he would come back to haunt us and torch us. You were saying he sucked but feared someone would sign him and we would rue the day.
Stop it. It's circular illogic.
I said Dez would get signed
You said he wouldn’t
He did get signed. It’s that simple
Did he deserve to get signed? Should he have been signed? Did it work out for the team that signed him?
And no
And none of that matters
The fact remains that he WAS signed just like I said he would be
My argument wasn’t should he have been signed. My argument was that someone WOULD sign him
Which is the same exact point I’m making with Garrett
Does he deserve to be signed?
Should he be singed by another team?
No and no
But will Garrett be signed by another team even when Dooms believes he won’t?
Yes he will!
Just like Dez was
Some team will be desperate enough to employ him, just like they did with Dez.
Did it work out for the Saints?
Hell no
Will it work out for whatever team signs Garrett?
Hell no
But will Garrett coach for another team?
Yes he will