Next PETA will take offense to the Eagles, Falcons, Rams, Jaguars, Dolphins, Panthers, Seahawks, Ravens, Bengals, Colts, Broncos, Cardinals, Bears, Lions, and Buffalo the city and team will need it's name changed. As well as why not sue the estate of Buffalo Bill, can't have that name forever ya know?
And while we are at it. I think the Cowboys, Forty Niners, Patriots, Texans, Titans, Giants, and of course the Saints are hitting a little to close to a non term of endearment. Let's change their names to be more in line with what folks wouldn't get the wrong idea.
Seriously, the world is going to shit around us and this... THIS is has got to be done to avenge what the white man did to the Indians that did it to another tribe before them and the Mexicans did afterwards. Well, the Spanish, French, and English of course. I mean shit. Why have names at all. Every fucking word is offensive to somebody. Let's assign everyone a random number when they born as well as companies. Web addresses should all be ip as well.
Why use terms like cup? There are folks in the world that have to just use their hands. And also there are folks that can't use their hands so lets cut off everyone's hands. And feet while we are at it.
Fucking sissified Country on the verge of turning into half whits and cry babies.
Fucking grow up already.