but if it's double action, you pull, it fires. you pull, it fires. so yea, it's semi-automatic by definition. i don't think it's really considered "semi-automatic" however, if you let politicians continue to warp standard terminology, double action revolvers could be next to be defined as "semi-automatic". not that much of a stretch.
If a weapon fires when you pull the trigger and then reloads the chamber it's semi-automatic, no?
You gun enthusiasts love splitting hairs.
STFU, you're way out of your league here.
How is that impossible? I had two 40 round magazines for it. That's what I meant. It's not impossible at all.
No it's not, it's a revolver.
ok, the gov bans semi-automatic weapons. would you turn in your revolver now cause it's double action and now "illegal"? and it's not splitting hairs when the gov says they want to ban things that "look" military. in effect, a bolt action rifle is the favorite of snipers so are they now military? it's not that i or anyone wants to split hairs, we just want to keep to same standards that have been around long before you or i got into this world and not have it so vague they can take what they want cause of the "loose" terminology.
you also have zero idea about my background, but hey - all gun buffs must be that way, right? when you had your mini-14, did you go tear up theaters? i mean, you must have. you had a "military" style gun...
Uhhh....It doesn't have as many moving parts as a true semi automatic handgun.
So it's cunts versus yards and ass pirates. Awesome!
40rd magazines are completely different. With all the uneducated liberals feeding people bad information regarding terms, I see how you could make that mistake. My point is that many people have no idea what they are talking about regarding guns including the tards making the new laws. You just happened to come by and made a similar mistake to the congress women's the other day. Hell, you may have an extensive collection of fantastic weapons and are a marksman for all I know, but your statement was wrong.
I still think you are an decent guy. I have no issue with you.
Oh my...
It has a closed bolt system just like my S&W .40 cal. Something has to spin that cylinder.
How is that impossible? I had two 40 round magazines for it. That's what I meant. It's not impossible at all.
Here's a link to where you can get one:
I've been around guns my whole life and have always called them clips instead of magazines. I used to target shoot on the weekends but I got bored and quit going. It gets repetitive and expensive.
Looks like a magazine to me...not a clip.
You said "40 round clip".