I've been beating this drum for years. We can't really hurt Jerry any other way than in swag sales, since he jerry-rigged the stadium to always be "sold out."
People simply have to boycott Dallas Cowboys swag products.
Of course, if that happened Jerry would blame it on the league at large, Goodell's handling of the flag issue and other crises - he won't get the real message regardless.
I'll tell you a way to hurt jeri
every cowboy fan needs to NEVER listen to his or Stephens show, tune out whenever they're interviewed on tv or radio and bludgeon all media sources telling them they no longer want to hear the stream of bullshit that emanates from any of the jones clans festering gob hole.
This ultimately would cause media to cover them less and drop their shows on local radio altogether.
Can you imagine no one ever sticking a mic in Jeris face? It would be delicious to watch
of course this is a pipe dream which won't ever happen because fans cant seem to unite to do a damn thing to punish the jones clan