
In the Rotation
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those companies boycotting Georgia or NC yet do business with foreign countries that have done much worse. Wonder why the media does not point this out?


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So now Cirque de Solei is canceling shows in NC over this.

All the while they are going forward with planned shows in Dubai, where gay people are put to death, and have had shows in that region for years.


Quality Starter
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Anyone watch the Thunder/Mavericks game last night? Adam Silver, the NBA commissioner, was there and ESPN's Heather Cox interviewed him. During the game, during live play -- not even halftime or during a time out -- she had to shoehorn in a question about not playing the upcoming all star game in Charlotte because of this law. Seriously? ESPN and the big media are so desperate to play social justice warrior that they have to pressure the commish during the first game of a playoff series?

Fortunately he said they have many months to think about it but he didn't think that would accomplish anything except punishing the NBA team hosting the event for something they had nothing to do with.


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What's more important, State rights and the will of the voting block or a fucking basketball game? Football or a bunch of pretentious circus clowns? All of these douche bas should show up to empty arenas. Cancel your cable subscription and starve out asshole ESPN as well. I really hope people begin to understand that they ca shut this shit down a lot quicker than they'd imagined. Just don't buy.


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I hate ESPN with a passion. I try not to watch anything on their station if at all possible anymore.

Not just because its a left wing nut fucking job network that trys to dictate its political beliefs on everyone, but basically because their coverage of just about everything sux ass.
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First gender-neutral restroom opens at Los Angeles school

By Dan Whitcomb

April 15, 2016

A gender neutral bathroom is seen at the University of California, Irvine

A gender-neutral bathroom is seen at the University of California, Irvine in Irvine, California September 30, 2014. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson

By Dan Whitcomb

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A Los Angeles high school on Friday opened the first gender-neutral restroom in the nation's second-largest school district, and likely the state, in a move geared toward accommodating transgender students.

Santee Education Complex converted a second-floor girls' restroom after the campus Gay Straight Alliance gathered some 700 signatures on a petition calling for the change during a heated national debate over transgender rights.

North Carolina's governor in March signed into law a measure barring transgender people from using bathrooms consistent with their gender identity, touching off widespread criticism from corporate, entertainment and sports leaders.

"Our students who advocated for the gender-neutral restrooms are the real heroes this valuable experience allowed them to develop leadership skills that will prepare them for college and career," Santee Principal Martin Gomez said in a statement.

Elise Hill, a spokeswoman for the Partnership for Los Angeles Schools, which runs Santee, said that it was believed to be the first gender-neutral school restroom in a public school in the state and among only a few nationwide.

Los Angeles Unified School District is the second largest U.S. public school district, with more than 1,000 schools and educational centers, plus 53 affiliated charter schools.

So-called "bathroom bills" like the one passed in North Carolina have fueled debate about privacy, religious freedom and equal rights and drawn stern reactions from major corporations and entertainers who call them discriminatory.

North Carolina Republican Governor Pat McCrory earlier this week tweaked his the law with an executive order, adding protections against discrimination for state employees based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

Companies such as PayPal Holdings and Deutsche Bank have halted plans to add jobs in the state after McCrory and top Republican lawmakers said they would not repeal the measure.

Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards, a Democrat, on Wednesday signed an anti-discrimination order protecting the rights of gay and transgender state employees and employees of state contractors.


I can't believe this is a real life thing. Holy fuck this country is retarded.
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Adding gender neutral bathrooms to gender specific bathrooms is really the answer to all this mass hysteria. Just add another bathroom that's for either gender. That's what everyone has at home, small offices, etc. Women can go in the women's if they feel unsafe, men can go in the mens, and trans can go in the neutral. Also allows moms to take their little boys in there, dads to take their little girls in, etc.

But it should be up to each specific location how they want to handle it.


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Political correctness will be the death of this nation.

I love the definition of PC formed by a Texas A&M student that won a contest.

“Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a piece of turd by the clean end.”

Truth is most transsexuals have probably been using the the bathroom of the gender they identify with for years. I seriously doubt anyone knows when they use the restroom. The problem is they are not happy with a don't ask don't tell type of situation. They want to shove it down everyone's throats (pun not intended) and force it on us. That is what this is about. What they seem to fail to realize is that if there is a law allowing anyone who identifies with a gender to use that restroom then perverts can use a law like this to sneak a peak in the ladies room just by saying they are a woman on any given day. It would allow people to use the opposite sex locker rooms at will. Gender neutral restrooms would solve the issue if they just wanted a place to use the bathroom but the real issue is wanting to force everyone else to accept them.
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This is the state of America in 2016: Where it's considered "discrimination" to require men to use the mens room, and women to use the womens room.

Un. Fucking. Believable.

And now you know the real meaning of Nero fiddling while Rome burned. When society reaches this kind of idiocracy it deserves to be burned down by barbarians.
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I apologize for my lefty views but doesn't Paypal have the right to not do business in a state with laws they do not believe in are are opposed to?

I get your guys take if Paypal is suing and demanding North Carolina change the law. They are simply deciding to not have their business located in that state.

Why is it so important to you lefties that men get to shower and pee with women? The vast majority of society is against this because we know what the long term consequences will be. There will be a guaranteed increase in sexual assaults directly because of this insanity. And second of all we know your game. The left likes to make others that are not leftist as miserable as possible via legislation. That is it. Pure and simple this is to punish people who disagree with this kind of crap. You guys actually get off on this as you do making people violate their religious beliefs. The reason you don't force Muslims to eat pork is because they would kill you for it so you pick on people you know that it is safe to do so. I fucking loathe leftist pricks for just that reason. You simply cannot leave people the fuck alone.
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Why is it so important to you lefties that men get to shower and pee with women? The vast majority of society is against this because we know what the long term consequences will be. There will be a guaranteed increase in sexual assaults directly because of this insanity. And second of all we know your game. The left likes to make others that are not leftist as miserable as possible via legislation. That is it. Pure and simple this is to punish people who disagree with this kind of crap. You guys actually get off on this as you do making people violate their religious beliefs. The reason you don't force Muslims to eat pork is because they would kill you for it so you pick on people you know that it is safe to do so. I fucking loathe leftist pricks for just that reason. You simply cannot leave people the fuck alone.
That's a pretty big leap from, "businesses can operate where they want" to, "men get to shower and pee with women."

Also FYI, the "leftists" aren't the ones legislating on this issue.
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