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And just so we're clear, these fuckers are flowing over the Mexico border too, not just mexicans.

A lot of these clowns are the same people we'd be allowing citizenship to if we relax our policies and allow a path to citizenship.

They ALL need to GTFO, every single one. Then we can talk about changing our immigration policies. Maybe this time we can go back to a time when it was based off of what you can offer to the United States in way of productivity, and not if you have the ability to get knocked up and drop a baby that goes straight into the social safety net system.


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This guy was born in the US. Not sure how you account for that. There are already enough Muslims in America who have no intent on hurting anyone, but who can also give birth to some idiot kid who goes off the deep end.

The real solution is to wipe out extremism. How you do that is the 6 trillion dollar question.

Didn't really mean the Trump comments be applied to this particular guy, but he is 100% right

Again the "targeting" for intelligence shouldn't be across the board on every single person in the US. There's one particular religion where this stuff crops up or is encouraged. Those people are the ones who should be subjected to higher levels of scrutiny. Fuck PC shit.


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Isnt it ironic that the libtards have no problem with the peaceful loving religion Islam.

Or that people like Hillary swear up and down they are for women's rights or gay rights, but then gladly accepts millions of dollars from governments around the world who are the highest level of human rights violators out there.


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Hoofbite, your point that he was born here is not lost on me.

It's the CULTURE that is the problem. These radicals don't value human life. It's their way or the highway.

It will take many decades to fix this problem if somebody had the balls to step up and do it now. The more people throw up their hands and just dismiss this as something that nothing can be done about, the more it just becomes part of life.


Super Moderator
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This guy was born in the US. Not sure how you account for that. There are already enough Muslims in America who have no intent on hurting anyone, but who can also give birth to some idiot kid who goes off the deep end.

The real solution is to wipe out extremism. How you do that is the 6 trillion dollar question.

The fact that he was born here is meaningless. His parents and his religion do not preach or strive for assimilation. They'd rather practice Sharia Law and preach death to non-believers in their mosques. If anything, this should be a wake up call. Some folks and, yes, some religions, should be looked at hard before we allow them access/entry to our country.


Draft Pick
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The fact that he was born here is meaningless. His parents and his religion do not preach or strive for assimilation. They'd rather practice Sharia Law and preach death to non-believers in their mosques. If anything, this should be a wake up call. Some folks and, yes, some religions, should be looked at hard before we allow them access/entry to our country.

Missed my point entirely.

Looking "hard" at people before allowing entry doesn't change anything if they are natural citizens. They're already here. Closing down borders to certain populations doesn't even begin to address this problem.


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Fuck Hollywood for coming out with tweet after tweet crying about "gun control" again.

First off, nobody except extreme leftwing idiots gives two shits about anything those mindless fuckholes have to say.

Second, banning "an assault type weapon" is not going to stop a bunch of radical fanatics from killing innocent people. If they cant get an AR 15, they'll use some other gun. If that wont work they'll use a bomb. If that cant be used they'll use a knife. If that wont work they'll start a fire.

Time for idiots to understand what the real cause is.


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Yes, it is time. Let me know when you get there.

blah blah blah..."the gun is bad, not the people"

I mean there's only what, like dozens of examples where terrorists used something other than guns to kill people or cause destruction right?

Typical ****** thinking there CMD


Pro Bowler
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blah blah blah..."the gun is bad, not the people"

I mean there's only what, like dozens of examples where terrorists used something other than guns to kill people or cause destruction right?

Typical ****** thinking there CMD

And yet there are several incidents of violence involving guns.

This guy had a history of violence and mental instability, yet he was able to purchase an AR-15?

Of course there are other ways to hurt people. Hell, these assholes turned planes into weapons. Guns, especially powerful ones, are just way too easy to get. Something needs to change, or we can just keep our heads in the sand.

And your mother is a ******.


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And yet there are several incidents of violence involving guns.

This guy had a history of violence and mental instability, yet he was able to purchase an AR-15?


I actually haven't looked at what they said he used, but the media constantly overplays the "assault rifle" term. The "AR 15" type rifle that civilians can buy is not a high powered, automatic assault rifle. I own a S&W version of the AR 15 (M&P 15)and the ammo is a .223 caliber, which is just slightly bigger than what is used in a traditional .22 caliber rifle that most kids can easily handle and shoot effectively.

I do think its fair to question why a person investigated twice in recent years by the FBI for potential terrorist ties is allowed to turn around and buy any type of gun without further scrutiny. (Maybe there was more scrutiny, I'm not sure

That said, it doesn't matter how much you regulate gun ownership, it isn't going to prevent bad people from doing bad things, especially when it comes to people with this guy's Ideology. They will simply find another way to cause the damage they want to do. What potentially would have prevented some people dying in this case (and many others) however is a trained law abiding citizen or citizens being armed themselves.


High Plains Drifter
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the media constantly overplays the "assault rifle" term. The "AR 15" type rifle that civilians can buy is not a high powered, automatic assault rifle. I own a S&W version of the AR 15 (M&P 15)and the ammo is a .223 caliber, which is just slightly bigger than what is used in a traditional .22 caliber rifle that most kids can easily handle and shoot effectively.
But, it's so mean looking! That's the actual gripe since none of them really know anything about it.

I can do more damage with a Marlin .22 long rifle, loaded with hollow points. Either in a room or at 100 yards.
What potentially would have prevented some people dying in this case (and many others) however is a trained law abiding citizen or citizens being armed themselves.
Armed, on duty cop was guarding the door. Lost the shootout he had with the perp.
I do think its fair to question why a person investigated twice in recent years by the FBI for potential terrorist ties is allowed to turn around and buy any type of gun without further scrutiny.
He WAS on the terror watch list, which would have flagged his gun purchases. They are yet to explain why/how or by whose orders, he was inexplicably removed from that list.


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I wonder how many of the dead would be alive if someone in that club was carrying?

The very thing lefties hate was the thing that stopped more people from dying. Not a law, not a regulation, a fucking gun. A guy with a gun showed up and ended the senseless violence.

They don't want to prevent these types of things.

Then they want to take away the ability for folks to stop these types of things.


Pro Bowler
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I don't agree with it, but I understand the "less guns won't change things" crowd.

I do not understand anyone who thinks more guns is a realistic solution.


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But, it's so mean looking! That's the actual gripe since none of them really know anything about it.

I can do more damage with a Marlin .22 long rifle, loaded with hollow points. Either in a room or at 100 yards.

Shhhhhhh...The biased media doesn't want anyone to know that

Armed, on duty cop was guarding the door. Lost the shootout he had with the perp.

I hadn't heard that yet. That obviously can happen but it at least gives more people a chance if someone is armed and trained properly.

He WAS on the terror watch list, which would have flagged his gun purchases. They are yet to explain why/how or by whose orders, he was inexplicably removed from that list.

This is the question nobody in the media will probably ask, because I think there's a good chance we know the answer.


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I don't agree with it, but I understand the "less guns won't change things" crowd.

I do not understand anyone who thinks more guns is a realistic solution.

I don't know that I'm a proponent of MORE guns, but I am a proponent of law abiding people should have the ability to make their own decisions about it and if they do choose to have a weapon, be properly trained on how to use it.


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I wonder how many of the dead would be alive if someone in that club was carrying?

The very thing lefties hate was the thing that stopped more people from dying. Not a law, not a regulation, a fucking gun. A guy with a gun showed up and ended the senseless violence.

They don't want to prevent these types of things.

Then they want to take away the ability for folks to stop these types of things.

That's the part that's just really crazy and why I firmly believe there's something a lot more to why they don't want people to have guns than what they admit to.


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I don't agree with it, but I understand the "less guns won't change things" crowd.

I do not understand anyone who thinks more guns is a realistic solution.

For me it's pretty simple. Pretty much all of these things happen in gun free environments. These type of people go where they think they'll encounter the least resistance to their plans.

It's like candy from a baby to them. All they have to do to inflict the maximum chaos is seek out an easy target.

I don't hear much about Muhammed going into a bar in Texas and trying this shit. The moment he pulls his gun and people realize what it is, he'd have 35 holes in his torso.

More guns, imo, owned by responsible people, makes a community that much safer.

Criminals don't give a shit about gun laws and gun regulation. By definition they don't pay any mind to laws. So essentially enacting more law and regulation, you restrict more law abiding citizens who will follow the laws and enable non law abiding citizens, more commonly known as criminals because they will continue to circumvent the law.
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