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I don't think your article disputes the chart at all.
That's because you choose to write it off because of your left wing view of this, no facts that anyone presents to you will ever convince you otherwise.
I don't think your article disputes the chart at all.
And this is why arming people and having them guard schools or other places won't work. These people don't care if they die. The majority make sure that that they do. I have said it before that if your best laid plans are to prepare for how to react to a certain situation (i.e. having armed security would reduce the death toll..derpity, derp) rather than how to prevent said situation in the first place, then your best laid plans are fucked to begin with. Not to mention, guess which asshole becomes target #1 on the list? So the shooter walks up behind Barney Fife and executes his ass, then what
I agree.
But I'd settle for the goal of reducing gun availability to people who are mentally unstable.
Is this a compromise that cannot be reached?
Great idea! I bet a wall would do the trick!
Now there's a shocker.I do watch FoxNews. I do firmly believe they cover "news" more fairly than most other media outlets. I also like FOX and the Fox Business Channel because they have a nice roster of intelligent, hot women. I like Sean Hannity for entertainment value. Drudge does an outstanding job of gathering real news from a variety of sources, so does Breitbart. Maybe you should do your self a favor and start reading some of what they put up.
I don't particularly care if you think I'm full of shit... same as I laught at you for calling me a liberal. You're like a robot on political topics. Anyone who doesn't agree with you is a lefty. I've never gotten the impression you actually think about the shit people say.Yeah ok, its the same as me as saying you are full of shit and get all your "talking points" and "opinions" straight from Debra Wasserman Shultz or some other extreme leftist idiot.
Proof of what? What the shooters are thinking? How do you expect me to prove that? How about you prove that they are thinking about it?You'd have to offer some proof of this instead of doing what Obama does and just crowing it over and over and expecting people to believe it just because you say it. Further, most gun crimes are not mass shootings, what happens to those people? They don't all turn the gun on themselves do they?
I'm not just talking about terrorism here. This is a broader topic. Actually, if we eradicated all mass shooting incidents othet than terroristic incidents, then I'd consider that a huge win.How do I know? Watch the fucking TV man. Terrorists do this stuff all over the place. Paris, France has some of the strictest gun control laws on earth, how'd that work out for them this year?
I was being intentionally obtuse to show you the flaws in your logic. You thought I was being serious?Now you are being retarded.
Because you don't think about them for more than a few seconds. I bring up biometric or fingerprint identification on weapons that only allow for the owner to use the firearm, and you immediately fell back to your old reliable "won't eliminate what's going on." You're like a fucking broken record.If someone comes up with gun control solutions that make sense and will actually impact some of what's going wrong, I'm happy to listen to it. So far I haven't seen any proposal that will eliminate ANY of what's going on.
I'm sure there is already a procedure in the background check to go through mental health issues.... but the mental health industry is also an imperfect system. Clean up the systems and close loopholes in background checks... If they're already there, make sure they work right.The one thing I would agree with is that anyone showing any type of mental health issue should not be allowed to buy guns. I'm not sure how they would implement that, but simply asking someone in a questionnaire "are you crazy" is not sufficient. There used to be a system in the life insurance industry where carrier's could check someone past medical history/large claims from medical/past insurance med exam etc etc to verify for accuracy, not sure if that is still used today or not but maybe that or something like that is possible.
Now the shooter has an extra gun and more ammo... Sounds great.And this is why arming people and having them guard schools or other places won't work. These people don't care if they die. The majority make sure that that they do. I have said it before that if your best laid plans are to prepare for how to react to a certain situation (i.e. having armed security would reduce the death toll..derpity, derp) rather than how to prevent said situation in the first place, then your best laid plans are fucked to begin with. Not to mention, guess which asshole becomes target #1 on the list? So the shooter walks up behind Barney Fife and executes his ass, then what
I can understand your argument but it's flawed. These folks may or may not care about dying but they certainly care enough to attack "soft" targets, ie: those targets that are not well defended. The attacks that have been successful are those attacks where law enforcement or armed citizens were not present. The initial target of the Paris attacks was the subway but the presence of armed law enforcement led them to the theater.
In addition, deterrence alone will not work. The threat of prison does not deter someone intent on committing a crime. I don't consider deterrence a factor in these situations. I simply want the ability to defend myself and my family when the need arises. That's my right and the right of any American.
And what I also find kind of funny is that we want to do away with Gitmo, water boarding, phone data collection, etc that may give us the actual intel to prevent these types of acts yet the current government is quick to want to take away a constitutional right from it's citizens. This whole argument is grounded in it's hypocrisy.
Sure, but maybe because that's because law enforcement cannot possibly be in every singe place at any given moment. Which target would have more "real" security, and not just random people wearing shirts that say "security"? The subway or a theater? Subway, hands down.
There's nothing that says any of these things work. How long can someone even remain captive before they are so far out of the loop that the information they provide becomes pointless? Not to mention, these small cells operate nearly independently of any large scale planning. Those who know are those who take part.
As far as phone data collection goes, I can't even begin to reconcile how people who are so supportive of constitutional rights when it comes to gun ownership would also be nearly indifferent to their right to privacy. I guess if it doesn't effect them it doesn't matter. They own guns so there can't be any discussion about how to curb gun violence through legislation, but they also aren't planning a terrorist attack so go ahead and piss on a different one of my constitutional rights if it helps catch "bad guys".
I don't think my view is all that "left wing." I haven't called for confiscation of firearms. I think common sense background checks would be a good start, and technological advances that would prevent anyone but the gun owner (who passes the background check) from operating the gun is something to consider.That's because you choose to write it off because of your left wing view of this, no facts that anyone presents to you will ever convince you otherwise.
How about the strategy(ies) used in other advanced countries around the world? They appear to have worked to a degree beyond anything we've tried.I'm not so headstrong that I won't listen to possible solutions. My problem is that these people with a political agenda can't answer why the crime rate in Chicago and other cities is so high even though they have strict laws. They just avoid the arguments that go against their position because their position is based on political leaning and not facts. When someone can show me a strategy where some form of gun control has worked, I'm willing to listen.
How about the strategy(ies) used in other advanced countries around the world? They appear to have worked to a degree beyond anything we've tried.
And I've said this before in this thread, but I'll say it again. I don't think looking at one city's (or a few) gun crime control attempts is going to give you an idea of what nation-wide attempts would do. If the laws aren't uniform within a city, or across state lines, then you're not going to see much effect. All those laws do is encourage those who want to own firearms to find another place where they can get them legally.
Oh no... a general statement! How dare I speak in generalities?!?!?!This is a general statement and I bet you don't know what the gun control laws are of those "countries" you are referring to unless it's an attempt to justify banning firearms. That won't happen unless someone wants to change the 2nd Amendment.
Why wouldn't we want to entertain other ideas? I'm for finding and implementing something that works. In order to do that, discussion of other ideas should be something we all want. Unless you're just okay with what this society has become?In addition, what if those countries allow the easier use/approval of electronic intercepts. Maybe that also plays a role in thwarting these types of crimes. In other words, there may be other variables at work as well which we may not want to entertain here.
How many times do I have to say I'm not for a gun ban before you stop saying I'm for a gun ban?Well, of course this would be your position since the results of strict gun laws have been abysmal. Why would you agree with a position when it completely ruins your argument? Can't say I blame you. But I also find it funny that you want to look at what works in other countries but not anything that has worked here because it doesn't go far enough to ban guns which is really the ultimate goal in your argument.
Oh no... a general statement! How dare I speak in generalities?!?!?!
I've never advocated for an all-out ban. But of course, you can read my mind through the innernets. Or maybe you just fall prey to the tired old fall back of anyone for common sense restrictions on gun ownership JES WANS ALL TEH GUNZ!!!
Why wouldn't we want to entertain other ideas? I'm for finding and implementing something that works. In order to do that, discussion of other ideas should be something we all want. Unless you're just okay with what this society has become?
I don't think my view is all that "left wing." I haven't called for confiscation of firearms. I think common sense background checks would be a good start, and technological advances that would prevent anyone but the gun owner (who passes the background check) from operating the gun is something to consider.
Do you disagree? What in particular about my view is so offensive to you? Is it just that I don't agree with your view or the "stats" pointed out by your FoxNews article?
I mentioned strategy or strategies... And I have mentioned multiple strategies throughout this thread. I don't know that there's any one strategy that is guaranteed to work, because I'm not clairevoyant... Every county is different, and certain things may not work here that work in other countries. But certain things might work. I think they need to be discussed openly, and not dismissed by gun nuts because any new restrictions are inherently evil. And I don't have to know which strategy will work in order to be in favor of change.You're the one who mentioned a "strategy" that is used by other advanced countries and then claim they have been working but you don't mention which one. Not one...as if you haven't a clue about them but just assume that they work. That's a pretty stupid argument to make, especially for you, no matter how much you want to brush it off.
You should read the entire thread. I'm not going to repeat myself and go in circles with you.I don't know what you want because you yourself don't have a clue about what you want. Just some bullshit about what other "advanced" countries do without even a clue what that is. You should try some common sense yourself sometimes.
Again, you're not going to prevent all types of gun violence. Also has been discussed previously in this thread...I'm open to ideas. You just don't have any other than vague generalizations about what other countries do. I've lived and worked in other countries. Maybe you have too, I don't know. I've seen the people victimized atthe hands of crooks who don't follow the law and commit crimes with assault weapons (AK-47's). Just look no further than the gun restrictions in France that didn't work on multiple occasions this year alone. At some point, those examples need to be reconciled before you ignorantly claim that they work elsewhere.
It would require closing the loopholes in the background checks that are currently in place and adding in a mental health component of some sort. Some other countries require you to pass an independent evaluation, rather than a review of mental health records that may or may not exist. You don't have to know exactly how it will work to think it's generally a good idea.What exactly would be a common sense background check though? As I mentioned in another post I do agree having something more extensive in terms of someone's mental health history would be a positive, but I don't know exactly how that would be done. I think its the MIB system I was referring to that life insurance companies used to use to check people's medical histories and previous insurance application results, maybe modifying that somehow would be a start.
I have an iPhone that unlocks with my thumbprint... something like that. Multiple approved users may be an option... as well as maybe an option to have the owner "transfer" the firearm to a family member or something... but it wouldn't do much good if there was just unlimited ability for others to use it. If someone wants their family members to be able to use a firearm, how about they go through the required safety courses, get a license, do background checks and purchase one for them? Seems like that might reduce the number of accidental shootings as well.Not sure I agree about not letting anyone but the deemed owner fire the weapon being a good idea. What happens in cases where fathers or grand fathers want their sons/daughters/grandsons/grand daughters to shoot? Is there a way to have multiple approved users?
You answer my question, and I'll answer yours.Why do you not agree with the info in the article? Is it for the same stupid reason CMD cited?
Sorry man, I'm not going to get into a debate about "other news outlets." If you have something specific you don't agree with from the chart and article I posted, then let's hear that. I'm not talking about CNN or MSNBC or Daily Kos or Huffington...The other news outlets have a much more proven history of misrepresenting facts or just out and out lying, yet those are the ones we are supposed to rely on solely?
I mentioned strategy or strategies... And I have mentioned multiple strategies throughout this thread. I don't know that there's any one strategy that is guaranteed to work, because I'm not clairevoyant... Every county is different, and certain things may not work here that work in other countries. But certain things might work. I think they need to be discussed openly, and not dismissed by gun nuts because any new restrictions are inherently evil. And I don't have to know which strategy will work in order to be in favor of change.
You should read the entire thread. I'm not going to repeat myself and go in circles with you.
If it were made harder to gain access to a semi-automatic weapon, it would absolutely decrease the frequency.
The general topic is about domestic mass shooting incidents... not international terrorists coming in. There are different strategies to combat foreigners bringing weapons across borders that really have nothing to do with the gun control debate here.