
Pro Bowler
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Why do you think all these American companies have migrated from the U.S. to Asia? Why have all the technical experts gone over there?

You can pay Chinese people less than 2 dollars per day to work 18 hours a day putting things together.


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You can pay Chinese people less than 2 dollars per day to work 18 hours a day putting things together.

Or you can come up with one of the highest corporate tax rates in the world and basically force companies hands into something like that.


Pro Bowler
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Or you can come up with one of the highest corporate tax rates in the world and basically force companies hands into something like that.

lol @ u if you think that has anything to do with it. Any tax preparer can get a corporation's tax rate below that of a normal citizen due to all the loopholes that are there to be taken advantage of.

Products are easier to manufacture in countries where you can mistreat the citizenry and pay them pittance so you can turn around and maximize your margins. End of story.
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lol @ u if you think that has anything to do with it. Any tax preparer can get a corporation's tax rate below that of a normal citizen due to all the loopholes that are there to be taken advantage of.

Products are easier to manufacture in countries where you can mistreat the citizenry and pay them pittance so you can turn around and maximize your margins. End of story.
If it's that simple, why is would anything get manufactured here?


Pro Bowler
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If it's that simple, why is would anything get manufactured here?

For many reasons, Comrade Question. Shipping, resources to build what you're trying to build, etc.

Companies go to asia where it is feasible because it's a nation that allows you to abuse it's citizens - or where the standard of living is so low that what would otherwise be viewed as abuse is actually above the norm. Has nothing to do with corporate tax laws, unless we're talking about the ones that allow them to manufacture elsewhere, sell here, and stash the profits rather than be tariff'd to death on them.


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lol @ u if you think that has anything to do with it. Any tax preparer can get a corporation's tax rate below that of a normal citizen due to all the loopholes that are there to be taken advantage of.

Products are easier to manufacture in countries where you can mistreat the citizenry and pay them pittance so you can turn around and maximize your margins. End of story.

Another libtard in fantasy land


In the Rotation
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Yes, you were. And I said to drop the shit.

Stimulus, Son of Stimulus, (and now wants another stimulus) Obamacare, Cap and Trade, Utter lack of job creation/unemployment, awful foreign policy, still absolutely nothing on his behalf to create energy independence and gas prices are out of control etc etc etc

Partially explained above

All of the things you mentioned Bush did the same on a larger scale, so why is Obama the worse EVA.

It seems you can't give a coherent reason for feeling so strongly that Obama is so bad.

But please elaborate on what you think Obama has implemented ith cap and trade or why his foriegn policy is so much worse than any other president.

Or why his stimulus is worse than Bush's.
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In the Rotation
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Here is the real history of cap and trade for the ignorant masses.

Once upon a time, "cap-and-trade" wasn't an object of conservative Republican opprobrium (e.g., as a "big government cap-and-tax scheme that will destroy our economy and end our way of life as we know it"). Actually, once up on a time, "cap-and-trade" was...wait for it...a conservative Republican idea! That's right, let's head to the "way back machine" and briefly review the Political History of Cap and Trade.

John B. Henry was hiking in Maine's Acadia National Park one August in the 1980s when he first heard his friend C. Boyden Gray talk about cleaning up the environment by letting people buy and sell the right to pollute. Gray, a tall, lanky heir to a tobacco fortune, was then working as a lawyer in the Reagan White House, where environmental ideas were only slightly more popular than godless Communism. "I thought he was smoking dope," recalls Henry, a Washington, D.C. entrepreneur. But if the system Gray had in mind now looks like a politically acceptable way to slow climate change-an approach being hotly debated in Congress-you could say that it got its start on the global stage on that hike up Acadia's Cadillac Mountain.

People now call that system "cap-and-trade." But back then the term of art was "emissions trading," though some people called it "morally bankrupt" or even "a license to kill." For a strange alliance of free-market Republicans and renegade environmentalists, it represented a novel approach to cleaning up the world-by working with human nature instead of against it.

Despite powerful resistance, these allies got the system adopted as national law in 1990, to control the power-plant pollutants that cause acid rain. With the help of federal bureaucrats willing to violate the cardinal rule of bureaucracy-by surrendering regulatory power to the marketplace-emissions trading would become one of the most spectacular success stories in the history of the green movement...

In the end, the conservative Republican-inspired "cap-and-trade" system for acid-rain-causing sulfur dioxide was put into place by Republican President George HW Bush, who "not only accepted the cap, he overruled his advisers' recommendation of an eight million-ton cut in annual acid rain emissions in favor of the ten million-ton cut advocated by environmentalists." And it worked incredibly well, "cost[ing] utilities just $3 billion annually, not $25 billion... [and] by cutting acid rain in half, it also generates an estimated $122 billion a year in benefits from avoided death and illness, healthier lakes and forests, and improved visibility on the Eastern Seaboard."


Pro Bowler
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All of the things you mentioned Bush did the same on a larger scale, so why is Obama the worse EVA.

It seems you can't give a coherent reason for feeling so strongly that Obama is so bad.

But please elaborate on what you think Obama has implemented ith cap and trade or why his foriegn policy is so much worse than any other president.

Or why his stimulus is worse than Bush's.

His conservative talking heads told him so. You start throwing around words like commie, fascist, muslim, and....others....and you don't need reason anymore, son. dbair is running on pure emotion at that point.


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All of the things you mentioned Bush did the same on a larger scale, so why is Obama the worse EVA.

It seems you can't give a coherent reason for feeling so strongly that Obama is so bad.

But please elaborate on what you think Obama has implemented ith cap and trade or why his foriegn policy is so much worse than any other president.

Or why his stimulus is worse than Bush's.

He did? Then why has Obama created the biggest deficit ever and spent more than all other Presidents?


In the Rotation
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He did? Then why has Obama created the biggest deficit ever and spent more than all other Presidents?

Do you understand what programs are contributing to deficit and who enacted them?

Let me answer that for you.......... evidentley no.

And you still have not given legit examples of things Obama has done differently than Bush to make him the worse EVA.


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Why do you think all these American companies have migrated from the U.S. to Asia? Why have all the technical experts gone over there?

It has everything to do with labor cost. The average cost to employ an American worker is $36/hr while the average cost to employ a Chinese worker is less than $2/hr. China is going to get the labor intensive manufacturing operations and related operations will follow to Korea, Taiwan, or Japan to reduce shipping costs. The savings in labor and shipping far outweighs the savings in corporate tax.


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Do you understand what programs are contributing to deficit and who enacted them?

Let me answer that for you.......... evidentley no.



ok libtard...blame it on others...just like the typical libtard does...dont own up to your own mistakes or fuck ups, just continue to blame everything on whoever came before no matter how long ago that was or who controlled what in the house/senate when those things were done

its sickening, and its another reason why I hate Obama...
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It has everything to do with labor cost. The average cost to employ an American worker is $36/hr while the average cost to employ a Chinese worker is less than $2/hr. China is going to get the labor intensive manufacturing operations and related operations will follow to Korea, Taiwan, or Japan to reduce shipping costs. The savings in labor and shipping far outweighs the savings in corporate tax.

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