I would not fight nodak.Personally, I'd bet on Nodak in a fight with Hostile.
No... We all already know what it would be like. You flip out when a republican says something stupid during a sound bite. Something like this? Something that has actual real live consequences, and cost American lives? Followed by a cover-up? You'd be reacting just as dbair is, if not worse. But since it was a D above it all, you can act all condescending towards him.
Coverup? I think you need to stop watching Fox News and start doing some reading on the intelligence community over the last decade.
I love that they asked Romney about FEMA. (Well, Romney's team. They're still not allowing Romney to talk to the press for fear he'll compromise the image they've spent so long making up for him)
Now that we're in the middle of a disaster he wouldn't cut it.
Looking less and less like a fiscal conservative every day. Tax cuts for all, keep ALL the programs. Spend spend spend baby.
There you go again.... lol
You have been watching it? Where do you think the narrative of 'coverup' and 'impeachment' is coming from?
I see what you are trying to do but my point is valid. You spew the Fox narrative to a T. Your offhand dismissal does not just make it go away.
I haven't said anything about impeachment. But yes, I do watch a variety of news outlets and it is interesting how the majority of the leftist msm is ignoring the Benghazi attack. Thankfully Fox does cover pertinent issues that the rest want to ignore. But know doubt the majority of the msm was all over the abortion comment in the debate made by a senate candidate. That dominated the news cycle for several days while 4 Americans being killed in Libya while CIA and operatives were told to stand down was all but ignored by most news outlets. I know, gotta try and get Obama re-elected. Gotta try and suppress any news that may be damaging to him all the while trying to ding Romney.
They don't ignore it. Go to their websites and its easy to see where the stories are. The recent Fox anonymous source was carried by all the major carriers. It's things like this that make me question your claims of viewing these other sources because all i hear is the typical Fox refrain of coverup/MSM.
dude fuzzy give up the fox news schtick
their ideas are easy enough to destroy without lol u watch fox news dont you retorts - those are just lazy
I said "all but ignored". ABC for instance devoted far more time to the abortion comment than they did the Libya email and led with the abortion comment. CNN had large segments for several days regarding the abortion comment and barely mentioned the Benghazi email and "stand down" command.
Mourdock and the emails came out the same day and they were the top two headlines everywhere. The Mourdock story had legs because he said it and then the next day made a point to not apologize for it and considering the GOP ostracized Akin for about the same comments less than a month ago it was talked about. Mourdock gave it legs.
Contrast that with the emails which gave conflicting information including one that said the firing had stopped. This goes along with the notion that there was a lot of confusing reports coming through and was not conclusive.
The 'stand down' command was an anonymous source. Every carrier reported it and then the CIA spokesperson Jennifer Youngblood's flat out denial. I realize that you want that to have legs but that story didn't have much to start with.
There is no smoking gun. Sorry but while you and Ailes want it painted that Obama got good intelligence but just said fuck it let them die. Well that didn't happen.