Another content filled discussion post from Superpunk!
Try saying things that aren't complete fiction next time. "Historical" and "prophetic" justification indeed.

Another content filled discussion post from Superpunk!
Plenty of justification for God? Perhaps. But a Christian God? As in Mary got knocked up by God. I mean, that must have been like copulating with a whale. Then all the symbolic nonsense in the Bible, the controlling rhetoric, etc. Religion has killed more people than anything and it's just a book of fiction. Yet people are still clinging to the opium of the people!
Try saying things that aren't complete fiction next time. "Historical" and "prophetic" justification indeed.
Religion has killed more people than anything and it's just a book of fiction.
That would be Marxism.
ITT: people who don't know the difference between political and religious ideologies.
I'm so thankful we have Bill Maher as our voice of reason.
He'll surely go down in the annals of history as one of the great philosophers of our time...
What we do without him?