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Please show me an example of a 3rd party candidate since that time when Perot ran who has had any shot at doing anything. Just one. All you have to do is come up with one.
Define "doing anything."

Ralph Nader in 2000 was perceived as a Gore spoiler as well. Johnson is the best 3rd party candidate there has been since Perot.


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Define "doing anything."

Ralph Nader in 2000 was perceived as a Gore spoiler as well. Johnson is the best 3rd party candidate there has been since Perot.

Ralph Nader was a joke.

And Johnson might be a great candidate, but does he have any realistic shot?

The problem is the Democraps. The brain dead socialist libtards would never abandon that party while many Rep voters would be happy for a 3rd party that was more closely aligned with their values. The Reps are basically the only choice that isnt libtard nonsense. I think the democraps are far more loyal as a voting base than the Reps are. Many Reps voters wold be happy with a better alternative IMO.
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While that may be true, does any level headed person think voting that way will accomplish anything except help Hillary win?
Depends on what you mean by "accomplishing anything"... There's all kinds of things that could happen with a significant population voting 3rd party. Could bring republicans or democrats back to some semblance of sanity. Could start to break up the two-party system. There's already a growing contingent of republican congressmen in the Liberty Caucus, which is the Libertarian sect of the party. Go check out Justin Amash or Thomas Massie. Those guys are very intriguing future possibilities for running for higher offices... and if the republicans start to see that a more libertarian can make waves, then the whole party may begin to move. The Republican party has basically been torn down this election season. Good opportunity to remold it into something more people can latch on to. Or you could just keep losing to Democrats.
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Ralph Nader was a joke.

And Johnson might be a great candidate, but does he have any realistic shot?

The problem is the Democraps. The brain dead socialist libtards would never abandon that party while many Rep voters would be happy for a 3rd party that was more closely aligned with their values. The Reps are basically the only choice that isnt libtard nonsense. I think the democraps are far more loyal as a voting base than the Reps are. Many Reps voters wold be happy with a better alternative IMO.

I don't think Johnson will win if that's what you're asking. But I don't align with either Clinton or Trump, so I'm not voting for them.

There's plenty of problems on both sides. Yes, the Dems have huge issues. But so do the Repubs. 30% of people won't even consider voting for Republicans, and 30% won't consider voting for Democrats. The tribal association with political parties is just insane IMO. It stifles communication and an honest exchange of ideas.


Super Moderator
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I wish the millions of voters who stayed home were educated enough to know there are other options out there. Really, I think if a 3rd party candidate were able to get say 20% of the vote, it would be a sea change in the political climate as we know it. People might then start to take notice, and realize that we have the power to change the way this country is run.

I think a 3rd party would be great under normal circumstances. The problem is that the Dems are ideologues. They're not changing. Quite frankly, Trump may be the closest thing to a candidate outside the "traditional" Republican Party that some Dems could cross the line and vote for but he's an anomoly. A 3rd party would only serve to weaken the Republican candidate and ensure a victory for the Democrats.


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The Republican party has basically been torn down this election season. Good opportunity to remold it into something more people can latch on to.

Lets hope so!

The main reason Im for Trump is because he isnt part of the establishment, at least politically speaking. Ive had people try to tell me he is, but if that were the case we wouldnt have so many Reps worried and bent out of shape over him. His appeal has EVERYTHING to do with the fact that he isnt a career politician.

Personally I would be happy if no incumbent or career politician ever won an election.
The Democraps are a lost cause.


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I don't think Johnson will win if that's what you're asking. But I don't align with either Clinton or Trump, so I'm not voting for them.

There's plenty of problems on both sides. Yes, the Dems have huge issues. But so do the Repubs. 30% of people won't even consider voting for Republicans, and 30% won't consider voting for Democrats. The tribal association with political parties is just insane IMO. It stifles communication and an honest exchange of ideas.

Like Dodger says, the DemoRats are so idealistic they will only go for the libtard garbage. Normal people are left with voting for the Reps by default. So it has remained a 2 party system.
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I think a 3rd party would be great under normal circumstances. The problem is that the Dems are ideologues. They're not changing. Quite frankly, Trump may be the closest thing to a candidate outside the "traditional" Republican Party that some Dems could cross the line and vote for but he's an anomoly. A 3rd party would only serve to weaken the Republican candidate and ensure a victory for the Democrats.
I think Trump's an anomaly too. But the establishment republicans are just as ideological as the establishment democrats are. One good thing about Trump's candidacy IMO is that he's not part of the establishment. But that doesn't mean his ideas are any better than those of the establishment. Actually, he doesn't seem to have really well developed ideas other than build a wall, round up 11 million illegal immigrants, shut off Muslim immigrants, and seeking heavy-handed trade deals.


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other than build a wall, round up 11 million illegal immigrants, shut off Muslim immigrants, and seeking heavy-handed trade deals.

And honestly if that's all he did we'd all be vastly better off

But he's also proposing tax reform that will benefit both individuals and corporations as well as major enhancements to veterans benefits. He's also promoting the full repeal of that awful Obamacare garbage bill and replacing it with free market alternatives.


High Plains Drifter
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Call it what you want Dooms but staying at home is, in fact, a vote for Hilary. Millions of Republicans stayed home the last election and the result was Obama getting re-elected.
The terrible, feckless, weak-livered GOP candidate is what got Obama re-elected. And if millions of Independents and registered republicans stay home and Hitlery gets elected? It's the GOP candidate yet again.

If the fucking candidate cannot convince us to vote for them, that's on them not us. Staying at home isn't a vote. It's a non vote. Millions of bernie supporters plan to sit this one out too, are they voting for Trump?


High Plains Drifter
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So, let me get this "greed" shit straight. You're saying all corporations are "greedy." What makes them greedy? What, after a certain point they should just give their shit away? You want a cap on their earnings? What exactly constitutes "greed" to you?

Or is it that you haven't given it any thought at all.


High Plains Drifter
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I watched Trump's stump speech today and he was cooking, talking about how corrupt and fucked the Veteran's Administration is and how those responsible for the corruption and the fraud will be brought to justice under his administration - he really had me smiling.

But then, he had to lapse into big government tax and spend Trump, talking about how his reform would include any veteran being able to go to any VA hospital (of which he was going to greatly increase the number of,) orrrrr any private or public hospital or doctor of his/her choice, and have the "government pay for all of it."

That all sounds good Mr. Trump but all you're doing is parroting these eggheads you say you're going to prosecute, who have been in charge of the VA, all they've ever said is they needed moar funding! You call them corrupt but their mantra always has been they're underfunded! How are you going to prosecute them when you agree with their excuse? Your answer is moar big government and tons of unfunded new mandates. Where's all this money coming from, s0n?

These are the questions that blow right past the Trumpbots of the world, they don't have a skeptical bone in their bodies and are supporting Trump totally out of emotion, not a shred of logic at all.


High Plains Drifter
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Ive already posted in this thread that a REAL environment of REAL free trade and REAL competition is whats best for consumers and to combat greed.
That starts with LESS government, not more. If Trump would come out and detail how he is going to roll back the last 16 years of onerous punitive regulation by agencies that don't even have elected officials in them such as the EPa for example, he would go a long way towards getting my support.

But instead all he does is talk moar big government, walls paid for by tariffs, punishing companies who move their manufacturing operations overseas, with import tariffs.

Don't you see he is not addressing the main issues driving jobs out of the country? It's the over-regulation, stupid.

He speaks of punishing them, doesn't ever speak of helping them.

Trump calling anyone "greedy" is as ridiculous and laughable as Hillary calling anyone dishonest! He's the fucking walking talking poster boy for "corporate greed" if there ever was one.
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And honestly if that's all he did we'd all be vastly better off
Totally disagree.

But he's also proposing tax reform that will benefit both individuals and corporations as well as major enhancements to veterans benefits.
Bring in less revenue and spend more. Sounds like that will work.

He's also promoting the full repeal of that awful Obamacare garbage bill and replacing it with free market alternatives.
I don't know how you can be certain of what he wants to do with health care. He's also advocated for the government providing health care to everyone, and "the government will pay for it."


High Plains Drifter
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At the base level, it would be anything dealing with possession of drugs.
Certain ones like meth and heroin, are extremely potent and kill people who are the victims of the makers and the dealers. Although I'm with you and I do believe everything should be legal and let Darwin take its course, I am sure you really don't believe meth making and selling is victimless.
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