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You got it backwards. If it were something they simply did in the sack, you'd not have a lifestyle revolving around it, parades, press conferences and a general self-induced demographic segregation created for it. How you can claim otherwise I don't know. The people I work with don't relate to me based on how I interact my wife. My family doesn't interact with me on a sexual basis, so generally there is no lifestyle around my sexual preference. And let's not pretend this is some natural consequence that everyone should have simply had a eureka moment over and accepted without pause. What precedent is there to recognize a segment of society based on how they interact sexually? Can anyone get on board the human rights train and start demanding to be recognized for limited personal qualities? Short people, fat people, skinny people and on and on. It's a joke for a deluded generation that's enslaved to it's own genitals and can't find any value in itself beyond sexual relevance. Progressive.
I thought you had kind of come around earlier in the thread when you, I thought, more or less admitted that excluding someone based on sexual preference was discrimination?

Is there anyone in this thread arguing that you should approve of and accept their lifestyle? Homosexuality isn't my thing, but I also don't think they should be denied basic rights and services because of that.

I certainly am not a fan of many/most sects of a Christian lifestyle, but I'd be right there outraged if someone was denied a basic service because they were Christian. Or black. Or Hispanic. Or a woman.

I actually find Christians and homosexuals to be very similar in this regard. Neither group wants to be discriminated against because they belong to one of those groups. Nor should they be. Christians have parades, press conferences and a general self-induced demographic segregation created for it. But you want to deny that to a different group of people?

Are you born Christian? Or is it a belief? Are your born gay? Or is it a belief? Who gives a shit. Be a decent human being and treat others how you want to be treated.


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I thought you had kind of come around earlier in the thread when you, I thought, more or less admitted that excluding someone based on sexual preference was discrimination?

Is there anyone in this thread arguing that you should approve of and accept their lifestyle? Homosexuality isn't my thing, but I also don't think they should be denied basic rights and services because of that.

I certainly am not a fan of many/most sects of a Christian lifestyle, but I'd be right there outraged if someone was denied a basic service because they were Christian. Or black. Or Hispanic. Or a woman.

I actually find Christians and homosexuals to be very similar in this regard. Neither group wants to be discriminated against because they belong to one of those groups. Nor should they be. Christians have parades, press conferences and a general self-induced demographic segregation created for it. But you want to deny that to a different group of people?

Are you born Christian? Or is it a belief? Are your born gay? Or is it a belief? Who gives a shit. Be a decent human being and treat others how you want to be treated.

The problem becomes the faulty definitions of discrimination. Is it discriminatory to say you don't believe in God? We know it's not, so how is it discriminatory to say I don't agree with gay sex, (look at the recent sports figures, TV personalities, etc for the reaction to that)? Because we know a simple expression of disagreement on homosexuality is sold as just that.

And you should note my response isn't in a vacuum and goes beyond the conditions of this thread; it follows the very wrong assertion that it's simply something people do in the bedroom and as if anyone expressing their view on homosexuality isn't engendering ridiculous protests in an attempt to cause someone to lose a job. When is expressing dislike no longer a basic right?


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The problem becomes the faulty definitions of discrimination. Is it discriminatory to say you don't believe in God? We know it's not, so how is it discriminatory to say I don't agree with gay sex, (look at the recent sports figures, TV personalities, etc for the reaction to that)? Because we know a simple expression of disagreement on homosexuality is sold as just that.
If this baker refused to bake me a cake because I don't believe in God, I'm pretty sure it'd be discriminatory.

No one says you have to "agree" with gay sex. Just that you can't deny someone basic rights and services because they are gay. I don't really agree with most religions, but if I owned a bakery (or any business), I wouldn't deny someone service because of that. Just be a decent human being and treat other people how you want to be treated no matter their gender, religion, sexual preference, race, etc.

And you should note my response isn't in a vacuum and goes beyond the conditions of this thread; it follows the very wrong assertion that it's simply something people do in the bedroom and as if anyone expressing their view on homosexuality isn't engendering ridiculous protests in an attempt to cause someone to lose a job. When is expressing dislike no longer a basic right?
I don't see any issue with expressing your dislike. It's a free country. Feel free to express your beliefs on anything and everything. However, if you deny basic rights and services to one particular group, it becomes discriminatory.

The counter argument is to just let it be a free for all and let capitalism sort it out. If a business discriminates, you'd think people would realize that and eventually that business would lose enough sales they'd go under. Except we've proven that doesn't really work. I'm concerned we'd slide right back into "colored" restrooms and forcing people to the back of the bus. From a historical standpoint, that was just a blink of the eye when society deemed that acceptable.

I don't expect everyone to like it. I do limit it to rights and services though. I fully endorse every religion's right to believe whatever they want and worship however they want. Just don't push it on me and don't try to force me to adopt your religion (putting it in schools, governments, etc.). Same goes for homosexuals. Feel free to believe and practice what you want, but don't push it on me.


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In the great state if Mississippi, there are signs in the smaller stores that state "we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone". That means that a heathen fag can't buy shit from that store. It is a good policy.

Bob Sacamano

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If this baker refused to bake me a cake because I don't believe in God, I'm pretty sure it'd be discriminatory.

No one says you have to "agree" with gay sex.

Midswat doesn't just agree with gay sex.


Draft Pick
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In the great state if Mississippi, there are signs in the smaller stores that state "we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone". That means that a heathen fag can't buy shit from that store. It is a good policy.

Those are everywhere.

I would wager if you looked hard enough, they're in every store.

Just cause that's posted doesn't mean shit.

"We can disregard the law because we posted this sign that says so"


Reaction score
Those are everywhere.

I would wager if you looked hard enough, they're in every store.

Just cause that's posted doesn't mean shit.

"We can disregard the law because we posted this sign that says so"

Down here we will toss their fag asses out. It happens quite often.
Reaction score
Those are everywhere.

I would wager if you looked hard enough, they're in every store.

Just cause that's posted doesn't mean shit.

"We can disregard the law because we posted this sign that says so"

Yeah. Signs don't nullify the civil rights act. It just means if you are drunk or obnoxious they can toss you. It's not a carte blanche missive to discriminate.

tl;dr jnday is a fucking ******


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Yeah. Signs don't nullify the civil rights act. It just means if you are drunk or obnoxious they can toss you. It's not a carte blanche missive to discriminate.

tl;dr jnday is a fucking ******

It happens quite often here. Someday it will be took to court, but for now , your ass couldn't buy a lemon doughnut. Signs are up that states no sagging pants too and it is enforced. No shoes, no shirts , no service. One day, a liberal, druggie , fat Jew boy such as yourself, will take this to court, but until that day, we live like we want to. It is our right. He is a business owner, I have seen my father refuse to do jobs for many people if he didn't like them. He is a very respected land surveyor and surveyed for the people that he wanted to. Nobody made him do shit that he didn't want to.
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