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They aren't non-sequitirs. They are sins, mentioned alongside homosexuality and described in the same manner with the same language. Focusing on one and not the others is a reflection on you. If god's forgiveness is attainable on it at any point (as it is apparently for genocide), then it's not yours or anyone else's business and Christians should stop waging their Pharasaical holy war of words on gays - since apparently, seconds before death a homo could say "yo god, sorry about that homo shit, can I be with you in paradise?". Again, their inability to do so, and their unquenchable obsession with homosexuality, says a ton about them. Jesus broke bread with tax collectors, whores and other sinners - and this guy can't bake a couple ******s a cake? Whose spirit are they really reflecting? Whose are you?

Well we can easily start by realizing there are no special interest groups for those other sins, are there? That's right: No. There are no politicans, businesses and celebrities whining for liar rights or incest equality (yet); so really they are non-sequiturs. No one brags about being a liar, though you do come close; no one is glorifying theivery, beyond entertainment purposes.

Sorry, you can't compare those sins by the very fact that these differences do exist and reflects much more on the sin and the people trying to legitimize it than it can ever reflect on me. God didn't destroy entire societies for merely fibbing.

And you shouldn't comment on my biblical knowledge considering, though you've read, you really have not understood. The Pharisees were guilty of rigid religiosity, concerning rituals and practices, not meteing out 'social justice' for sins of the flesh. The seven woes had nothing to do with the sins of the flesh.

And I put to rest your notion of who Jesus hung out and how that turned out earlier in the thread. You don't even read the entire word of the person you're talking to, you expect to have a chance concerning biblical exegesis? :lol
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I don't believe homosexuality is a choice. Anyone who does believe it's a choice is also saying that if someone works on them long enough, that they can eventually be convinced to be a homosexual. I believe SOME people love to imply that it's a choice purely so that they can tell others that they made the "right" choice.

The thought of what homosexuality entails turns my stomach, but I am not going to force my belief on them that what they are doing disgusts me so therefore I do not like to have their habits shoved down my throat constantly. That includes the government forcing a private business owner to make a cake in celebration of something that goes against my religious beliefs if I in fact felt that way. It only goes to show that those who are preaching tolerance of the lifestyle are actually the most intolerant themselves.

If I went to a cake shop owned by a gay man/woman and they refused to make me a cake because they didn't support heterosexuality, then I would find somewhere else to go. Why would I even think about paying someone to do something they didn't want to do for me? What the fuck is wrong with people that they feel it is their purpose in life to go around imposing their will on anyone and everyone?

People like SP just love to stir shit up. There are a lot more things more important going on today that need attention than worrying about whether a fucking cake gets made. Fucking fucker. Shut up. Hit up the crack pipe.
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Well we can easily start by realizing there are no special interest groups for those other sins, are there?

Because they aren't aggressively being persecuted by cherry-picking Xtians, you twit.


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Neither are fags. Unless you're in Saudi Arabia or some such place, and they're not Christians. Read the news fool, you're a hero for being a homo. You get a reality show, you get a talk show.

Lying isn't going to cover your error.
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oh right I forgot Xtians are treating them all the same - like they are aggressively lobbying so liars and people who eat eagles can't get married, etc.
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So VTA... Are you telling me the only reason you don't fuck men is because you resist temptation for fear of committing a sin, like adultery?


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Stating your opposition isn't lobbying, lobbying is what gets it preferential treatment and a day time talk show and all the perks. That's where homos are now.

Stop blaming Christians for your insecurities. No one gives a shit who gets married, just as long as they keep it out of the church. It only gets ugly when the intolerant fags lobby a person out of a job (this qualifies as persecution genius) for simply stating they don't agree with the lifestyle.


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So VTA... Are you telling me the only reason you don't fuck men is because you resist temptation for fear of committing a sin, like adultery?

:lol No. I don't fuck men because I find us gross and have too much sense to play with a shit hole...
I resist cheating on my wife because I care enough about the repercussions.
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Oh yeah butt holes are nasty. But it's safe to assume you've been tempted to suck a dick though, right?


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The amendment failed. Why?

No one gives a shit who gets married, just as long as they keep it out of the church.

Not exactly persecution big guy.
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The amendment failed. Why?

Not exactly persecution big guy.

I see that your argument has shifted from "Christians aren't persecuting anyone" to "Christians suck at persecuting people now".

Well yeah - we've all kind of grown up and left your hateful shit behind. Doesn't mean you've stopped trying.


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I see that your argument has shifted from "Christians aren't persecuting anyone" to "Christians suck at persecuting people now".

Well yeah - we've all kind of grown up and left your hateful shit behind. Doesn't mean you've stopped trying.



Not persecution:

I don't agree with gays getting married.

Like I said, stop blaming Christians for your insecurity.
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Hell no.
Are you revealing something about yourself?

Not at all. You're claiming that homosexuality is a choice. As if to say, there are men who choose to be attracted to other men. It's a decision that they make, correct?

Now is a straight man, I bet you've been tempted to commit adultery. You seen some good looking women and had impure thoughts.

I bet throughout your life you've been tempted to steal from time to time.

And I bet there have been times when someone has gotten you so mad youve wanted to kill them.

Those are all sins where you felt natural instincts, urges, temptations, etc to do but you resisted.

Yet you admit to not finding men attractive, and to never having felt any urges or instincts or temptations towards. Yet you can still in good faith argue that homosexuality is a choice?


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:lol Wipe your crocodile tears and pat your queer friend on the back. It's going to get better.
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