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Yesterday, France reported 854 deaths from COVID-19 in 1 day. That is the equivalent of more than 4200 in one day in the US. The pandemic is getting worse and any who says they have a plan to stop it is a liar. Be prepared for more lock downs.

Yep. The guy that allowed 60 million Americans to be infected by H1N1 is supposed to stop the Corona Virus. Yeah....OK.

Don't get me wrong, I don't blame the Corpse for the spread of H1N1, no more than I blamed Trump for Covid. Virus gonna virus.


Pro Bowler
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It’s going to be interesting to watch as the narrative on COVID starts to change now that all the votes have been cast. Especially since it looks like Biden has the better odds of winning the election at this point.


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It’s going to be interesting to watch as the narrative on COVID starts to change now that all the votes have been cast. Especially since it looks like Biden has the better odds of winning the election at this point.

It's going to be hard to ignore what is coming. The media will simply blame it on Trump as they have been doing. My point, well articulated by Dodger12 is there is no stopping this virus once it begins to spread, not in a free country where people have the freedom, ability or necessity to travel around.


Super Moderator
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It's going to be hard to ignore what is coming. The media will simply blame it on Trump as they have been doing. My point, well articulated by Dodger12 is there is no stopping this virus once it begins to spread, not in a free country where people have the freedom, ability or necessity to travel around.

Spot on Creeper. You can see it coming a mile away. We're in this mess because Trump didn't do a good job and allowed the virus to spread. The country is in a dark place right now for those that can look at what is happening with an objective eye.


Pro Bowler
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I agree

But they are going to have to change the narrative that it’s the presidents fault once Biden is in office.

Right now no matter what happens it’s all Trumps fault for what he isn’t doing, has done, hasn’t don’t, isn’t willing to do and so on and so on.


The numbers are going to keep climbing and it’s going to keep getting worse even after Biden takes office

So they will have to come up with another narrative that keeps the office of the President off the hook for any increases in infection rates and especially deaths

Sure they can keep blaming Trump for a short period of time after Mr Magoo takes office. But who and what will the Dems blame for the COVID numbers continuously increasing 6 months or a year after Mr Magoo has been in charge


High Plains Drifter
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The numbers are going to keep climbing and it’s going to keep getting worse even after Biden takes office

So they will have to come up with another narrative that keeps the office of the President off the hook... But who and what will the Dems blame for the COVID numbers continuously increasing 6 months or a year after Mr Magoo has been in charge
"Inherited man-made disaster." Worked for eight years last time the D had the WH.

Al Uminium

Big Al comin' at ya!
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Where are you seeing Al do anything like that? Quote his posts where he has promoted anyone.
I dont never have never will. I'm an original Libertarian, neither of the main parties or their candidates appeal to me in any way. They're both the same, making federal govt bigger and more intrusive is their aim.

Never understood though why the D's hate Trump, he's one of them from birth and his policies thus far have been more of the same big govt answers to everything. Big spending, bigger deficits. They seldom ever have such a friend in the white house. I see him as little different from Bill Clinton both in the white house and in his personal womanizing ways. I have no problem with the womanizing but really hate the big govt policies. However I try to be fair and it's fair to say that as far as the middle east is concerned, Trump has done more to advance peace there than any other president could have ever dreamed possible.


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It’s going to be interesting to watch as the narrative on COVID starts to change now that all the votes have been cast. Especially since it looks like Biden has the better odds of winning the election at this point.

It should be dawning on many level headed people now what the Covid "crisis" here was really all about.


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It should be dawning on many level headed people now what the Covid "crisis" here was really all about.

Those who understand how the Chinese think knew a long time ago why this virus came here last February. What's amazing is how no one is asking how China managed to release this virus in Wuhan province and contain it their despite being the most populated country in the world and opening the area back up many months ago. China has had practically no cases since the initial outbreak was contained, and no second wave. COVID-19 was never a biological weapon, because its fatality is too low and it effects the wrong people most. With 40% - 45% of infected people showing no symptoms and the young surviving at a rate of almost 100% it makes a terrible biological weapon. But if the plan was to create fear and panic, along with chaos, during an election year, it worked like a charm.


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This reporting by the NY Times and other left wing media is typical of the lies by omission we have suffered since this pandemic arose. Maggie Haberman is connected to the DNC. Emails from the DNC leak in 2016 showed that. Democrats used her to run stories that were favorable to them or harmful to Republicans but the stories were provided to Haberman by the DNC as part of the Democratic party campaign.

The second wave we are beginning now is exactly what the Trump administration predicted months ago. It was both expected and expected to be worse than the initial wave. But this is not a US problem alone which the Times omits. As I have been posting on this site for weeks, Europe is more than two months into a second wave that is far worse than anything we have seen in the US so far. France had 60,000 new cases yesterday. That is the equivalent of 300,000 cases in the US. Last week Belgium reported 24,000 cases in one day. That is the equivalent of 680,000 cases in the US. The only countries that have been successful in curbing outbreaks have been those willing to close their borders completely and quarantine by force those who test positive and those they may have come into contact with. If you want to see Trump open up quarantine facilities and have yourself or your loved ones forced into one of these facilities for 2 to 3 weeks, raise your hand.

Trump's response to this virus was always to flatten the curve. That strategy was devised by his scientists, Fauci and Birx. It is a wise strategy because you cannot stop the virus unless you are willing to take Draconian measures. Democrats claiming otherwise are lying in an election year knowing no one can prove of disprove their promises. Trump is also trying to balance the response to save the economy from a cataclysmic decline. We have already seen businesses close forever including some very popular chain restaurants. Those bankruptcies will put hundreds of thousands of people out of work. Even WHO said lock downs should be a last resort.

It is also of note that this article again brings up the subject of masks and how those who were infected at the White House do not wear them. And again, it has to be noted that masks do not protect you from the virus. No experts are making that claim. Studies show that 75% to 85% of newly infected patients wore masks regularly. Furthermore, everyone who enters the White House is tested regularly. If you are not infected, you cannot spread the virus.

Finally, while the NY Times enjoys bashing Trump like this, they are ignoring that Kamala Harris had an outbreak within her staff too. There are people who have to work, have to travel and have to live a normal life. In addition to healthcare workers and grocery store clerks, there are people in government who must do their jobs and potentially expose themselves to the virus. We should be wishing everyone who contracts this virus well, rather than blaming them for their own misfortune. I say this because very soon, within a few weeks, the US will be experiencing the wave of new infections we have seen in Europe and a lot of people are going to get sick, maybe even Maggie Haberman. IF Maggie contracts the virus, should we blame her?


High Plains Drifter
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Those who understand how the Chinese think
I don't presume to understand how they think but I DO know how they plan, and they don't play the short game. They play the LONG game.

This isn't about anything as short term as influencing an election - they don't care who is in office here. It makes no difference to them in the long game or the big picture. They are playing for ALL the marbles and not just economically either. This is about Eugenics. This is about knocking the population of the planet down by about half over the next 20 years. This is about killing off the elderly, the sick, the slovenly, the "defective," the over indulgers and the wasters. This is about getting it to where they can militarily succeed where all others before have failed.

No this virus wasn't created in a lab but it was weaponized in one. We humans have lived with this virus for at least the last 10,000 years with no problems. Because it until now was never able to infect humans. And look how tailored it is. How convenient it is. How targeted it is. It's not coincidence and it's not accident - it's engineering.

The goal is for it to mutate and continue to slaughter despite best efforts to control it or eradicate it. It's not for anything so insignificant as a US presidential election. They don't invest this kind of skin in a penny ante game such as that.


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I don't presume to understand how they think but I DO know how they plan, and they don't play the short game. They play the LONG game.

This isn't about anything as short term as influencing an election - they don't care who is in office here. It makes no difference to them in the long game or the big picture. They are playing for ALL the marbles and not just economically either. This is about Eugenics. This is about knocking the population of the planet down by about half over the next 20 years. This is about killing off the elderly, the sick, the slovenly, the "defective," the over indulgers and the wasters. This is about getting it to where they can militarily succeed where all others before have failed.

No this virus wasn't created in a lab but it was weaponized in one. We humans have lived with this virus for at least the last 10,000 years with no problems. Because it until now was never able to infect humans. And look how tailored it is. How convenient it is. How targeted it is. It's not coincidence and it's not accident - it's engineering.

The goal is for it to mutate and continue to slaughter despite best efforts to control it or eradicate it. It's not for anything so insignificant as a US presidential election. They don't invest this kind of skin in a penny ante game such as that.

I agree they play the long game. That is how all Asians tend to think. But I disagree that they don't care who wins the presidency here. We already know the Chinese have been trying to influence the election this year. US intelligence confirmed that. But the Chinese are not going to play any games like Russia. They would not waste time on a few facebook ads or Twitter bots. The Chinese would make big bold moves, so bold people would find them hard to believe.

Before I retired I worked in the Cyber Security field. I received some fairly high level security briefings. The Russians and Chinese both hack - a lot, but for different reasons. Russian hackers are more likely to steal credit card numbers to sell like a legal commodity. The Chinese are more into espionage, government and private. They will steal software designs from Microsoft and they would steal designs for a missile or submarine. I have no doubt the Chinese would try to infiltrate our elections if they could and influence our politicians if that was possible. Remember, they had a spy in Diane Feinstein's office for 20 years. Trust me, they would spend a lot of energy making sure Feinstein does not lose an election to keep their spy productive. Biden has a weak position on China and I have no doubt they would prefer him over Trump who has disrupted their economy, fought against their espionage and turned against Chinese companies selling tech equipment to US manufacturers. Trump has also gotten our allies to turn down Chinese tech too. We'll have to wait and see what Biden does, but if he weakens our position on tariffs and Chinese tech, we should all be concerned.


High Plains Drifter
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But I disagree that they don't care who wins the presidency here.
The long game is a series of short term moves. But philosophically no, they don't really care who is the POTUS. They know it's half dozen of one, six of the other. Trump was "tough on China" but really they don't care. They don't care if their people starve or are out there eating the bark off trees. Because there is no value for human life, in their culture or mindset. This is going back many 1000s of years.

Like any communist regime, all that matters is if the political elite, eat. And eat well. That and the long game of spreading communism throughout the world. The Komerex Zha.


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France reported 86,000 cases in one day yesterday. That's the US equivalent of 430,000 cases. In the meantime, US cases have exceeded 100,000 for 4 consecutive days. Serious/critical cases are rising rapidly as well. Fortunately, deaths remain flat, but exceed 1000 per day.

With the partying in the streets, including Chuck Schumer (without a mask), this is going to get ugly here fast. The reality is, we have had only about 10 million infections over 11 months. This is just a small percentage compared to where we would be if we had done nothing. But as many people cautioned, lock downs only delay the inevitable. What we are seeing in Europe, which is several times worse than the initial wave, is coming to the US. There is no task force Joe Biden can appoint to stop it. After saying he would not trust a Trump admin vaccine, he and Kamala will be begging for one before long. Take care, my friends. Load up on vitamin C and D. Social distance and wash your hands!


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Those who understand how the Chinese think knew a long time ago why this virus came here last February. What's amazing is how no one is asking how China managed to release this virus in Wuhan province and contain it their despite being the most populated country in the world and opening the area back up many months ago. China has had practically no cases since the initial outbreak was contained, and no second wave. COVID-19 was never a biological weapon, because its fatality is too low and it effects the wrong people most. With 40% - 45% of infected people showing no symptoms and the young surviving at a rate of almost 100% it makes a terrible biological weapon. But if the plan was to create fear and panic, along with chaos, during an election year, it worked like a charm.

I don't think it's a Biological Weapon in a sense most think of, but I do think it was released with that intent. The Chinese (and Russians) both know that all out war means millions of deaths and potentially a world cataclysm with nuclear weapons, it would also put them both in very bad graces with many other countries across the globe. But both China and Russia want the USA to fail and succumb to their will. I think the true purpose of Covid was to create economic and social chaos, and it's clearly been successful doing that.

I also don't think I agree with Dooms on the Chinese don't care who the Pres is here. I think they clearly would be much happier with a Biden White House than another 4 yrs of Trump. They (and the Russians, Ukraine, N Korea and Iran) all know they have tons of shit on Biden and he would essentially be a puppet for them.
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