Under no circumstances did I want any of these Covid vaccines, but unfortunately the company I work for decided to make it a condition of employment and I was left with the choice of doing it or leaving for somewhere else, and there's no guarantee some other employer won't do the same.
I got the J&J version a month ago and the first couple days were the typical BS most have, I had a bad headache and a slight fever. That went away, but was replaced with a still ongoing run of fatigue/tiredness that I hadn't had in forever, I workout 4-5 days a week in the gym and have seen a noticeable decrease in strength and loss of muscle, and for weeks I had some weird stomach distress that I had never had before. I'm sure this would all be censored by social media as "misleading information" even though it's 100% factual.
Its 100% bullshit, the government and employers have absolutely no business forcing people to get this garbage. For the employers that do, I truly hope nothing but the worst for them down the road when they all start getting sued for the incapacitations and/or death these vaccines cause. I read a couple weeks ago about the first documented case of an employer mandating everyone take it or face termination, and an otherwise perfectly healthy early 40's woman (and single parent) died within a week or two after getting stuck.
There's no reason to be doing this. The vaccines clearly are not effective and they clearly are not safe. Masks don't work, lockdowns don't work. I am 100% convinced had we done absolutely NOTHING as a country we'd be no worse off than we are today and IMO, more likely would be BETTER off. None of this shit has anything to do with a "world health emergency" and has everything to do with money, power and control.