I'm not watching tonight, I'm gonna paint Easter eggs with midswats kids Instead
Thought you weren't allowed near kids, since that whole run in with Chris Hansen.
I'm not watching tonight, I'm gonna paint Easter eggs with midswats kids Instead
Yes. Until we're down 14 in the first quarter.
Midswat is turning into Hostile before our very eyes. I've been noticing an increasing amount of "look at me!" posts.
Jk, Midswat
Thought you weren't allowed near kids, since that whole run in with Chris Hansen.
I just really like cookies and lemonade. Mmm. Perfect combo
I just really like cookies and lemonade. Mmm. Perfect combo
I lead an interesting life. I'm not going to apologize for it.
Dez and I share a birthday. We're like twins.
He got the physical skills. I got the fully functioning brain.
Fuck you, Jerry.
Dez and I share a birthday. We're like twins.
He got the physical skills. I got the fully functioning brain.
Strange that Dbair, who I believe lives in Atlanta, was nowhere to be found this week. Has Theebs permanently re-defected to the Zone?
I noticed theebs was a little sensitive around here and this is the wrong place to have thin skin. Besides, it's almost time for the "I believe" threads to pop up at the Zone.
I noticed theebs was a little sensitive around here and this is the wrong place to have thin skin. Besides, it's almost time for the "I believe" threads to pop up at the Zone.