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  1. cml750

    The Disease of Leftism

    This is good! This is the way!
  2. cml750

    Like Fun, Only Different...

    Hopefully everyone gets this. If not I will add context.
  3. cml750

    Like Fun, Only Different...

  4. cml750

    The Disease of Leftism

  5. cml750

    The Disease of Leftism

    Very true! Also the 2nd Amendment does limit what type weapons we can have. It simply states rights should not be ingringed to own the very broad category of "arms". We should be able to have whatever we want, fully automatic weapons, bazookas, even our own personal tanks, etc.........
  6. cml750

    The Disease of Leftism

  7. cml750

    Like Fun, Only Different...

  8. cml750

    Like Fun, Only Different...

  9. cml750

    Like Fun, Only Different...

  10. cml750

    The Disease of Leftism

    I am not Catholic (although I am VERY much a washed in the blood Christian )but this meme fits. He is the worst pope ever.
  11. cml750

    The Disease of Leftism

  12. cml750

    Like Fun, Only Different...

    That had to be to meet a code not for actual use. :ROFLMAO:
  13. cml750

    Like Fun, Only Different...

  14. cml750

    The Disease of Leftism

    New York in 1956. This is a far cry from what they do these days lighting up everything in rainbow colors.
  15. cml750

    Like Fun, Only Different...

  16. cml750

    Like Fun, Only Different...

  17. cml750

    The Disease of Leftism

    Maybe that's how they went extinct? :ROFLMAO:
  18. cml750

    The Disease of Leftism

  19. cml750

    The Disease of Leftism

  20. cml750

    Like Fun, Only Different...

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